Marketing Project Topics

The Effect of Good Public Relations and Organized Promotions on the Achievement of Marketing Objective; Case Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc

The Effect of Good Public Relations and Organized Promotions on the Achievement of Marketing Objective; Case Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc

The Effect of Good Public Relations and Organized Promotions on the Achievement of Marketing Objective; Case Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc

Chapter One


The researcher intends to carry out detailed  research work that will:

  1. Discover the extent to which good public relations, and organized promotional strategy and marketing techniques have affected the achievement of Nigeria Brewery Plc
  2. How effective and rewarding promotional strategies and tools have enhanced the organization’s operational performance.
  3. Evaluate the public relations and promotional strategies adopted by the firm to market its products and services.
  4. Whether these promotional public relations have any positive impact on the sales volume of Nigeria Breweries Plc and affect Nigeria Limited and
  5. The effects of the external environment on these strategies (which has hindered or promoted its activities).



          Control id inevitable for the progress of any organization.  This is because of subordinates personality may influence judgement of performance mently, but people have difficulty in explaining objective control of their service especially if the standards and measurements are kept up- to-date through review.

This chapter aims at highlighting the role of effective control in achieving companies belong objectives.  This business sector  in it’s marketing effects makes good use of the national tools to create a conductive atmosphere for it’s operation using mainly instruments. Personal and non personal selling, sales force, public, it has because of on that researcher wish to carry  out a research of this kind to  investigate on the marketing objectives of firms using the Nigeria Brewery Plc/its case study.

Going, in this chapter the researcher discussed the related issues under the subordinate of what is public Relation, major classification in public relation, tools of relation, the meaning of promotion, functions of promotions, and marketing of the review of other authors were reviewed in this chapter with particular emphasis on the basis is study.


According to the American Association of public Relation practitioner, public Relation is doing the right thing and letting people know about it, applying the golden rule in our every day activities while not letting ones light shine unnoticed under the basket.  In other words one should talk about his good deeds to others only when it is justified.

Another interesting definition of public relation is that by the British Institute of Public Relation which say that public relation is a deliberate planned and sustained effect to establish and maintain mutual understanding.  It requires an appreciation of opportunities and problems of an organization.  It also requires that the organization be receptive to needs of its environment (customers).

According to the above definition, public relation practice is the out and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizations leader’s implementing a planned programme of action which will serve both the organization and public interest.

Philip Lesly, president and founder of the Philip lesly company chicago, defined public Relation as “helping an organization and its client or customers to accommodate each other a sceince that  deals with people opinion and the relationship of an  organization with the peoples it involves.  More comprehensive definition of public Relation according to numbers (1980) is that.

It is a communication function that evaluates public attitudes identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or organization with public interest and executed a programme of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.

This own perception, Appleby (1981) defined public Relation as “a truthful and candid measure taken by an individual or an organization to maintain the good image of it organization and to keep a cordial relationship with it’s environment.





This chapter shows all the research tools and procedures adopted by the researcher carrying out this study.  The research design methods used in the study are essentially descriptive and analytical.  In the descriptive method, emphasis is on the case study approval, so as to facilitate an in-depth analysis of the  various aspects of marketing strategies, measure and to tools, and their effect on marketing and sales objectives of companies.  This chapter is treated under the following subjecting.

The Population:

This study population  comprised all those  who design  and adopts marketing strategies as a promotional tools in the marketing companies or industries.  The researcher intended to sample to all the staff of marketing Department of Nigeria Breweries Plc. Through the Federation, but due to financial and time restraint, only the promotion and marketing Department staff of the company in 9th Mile Enugu state were sample as population for the study.  All the public Relation offices in marketing and advertising Department of the company and staff of most media business in the state were also sampled.



          As was indicated in the last chapter, 100 questionnaires were administered on the repo0ndents drawn from within and outside Nigeria Breweries Plc

However, out of this number only 86 respondents returned their completed questionnaires.  The returned questionnaires revealed that out of this number, public relation and marketing Department of the company accounted for 71% of the total respondents while the remaining 29% came from other department and outside the company (such as media house)



          In this study the researcher had in mind to investigate the effect of good public Relation and effectively organized promotions on the achievement of marketing objective of Nigeria Breweries Plc.  This chapter deals with findings made in the study as presented in the last chapter.

The first research question on the study was aimed at disclosed the extent effective control of good public relations advertising and organized or adequate promotional strategies has contributed to the achievement of organization goals and marketing objectives.

According to the investigations made, respect of the above questions majority as the respondents agreed that much efforts and commitment has been made by Nigeria Breweries Plc to sponsor promotions advertisement and maintain very good rapour (public relations) both within and outside the company and this effort has greatly enhanced the marketing objectives of the company since the past (4) four years.

The therefore believe that the public relations advertisement adequate promotion are indispensable to the achievement of the companies.  Sales and marketing objectives.  This further depicts that good public relations advertisings and efficient occupy relatively important positions in the activities of all marketing firms.

On the other hand research question two sort to find out how effective the motivational strategies in Nigeria Breweries Plc have helped to improve their market objectives.

The response on this issue is also positive ignorant or rather ambiguity of the question many people agreed that the motivational factors used in the company has contributed much to boast the moral of the staff of the company to put in their best to their job most of the company customers or clients are not out side of this gesture from time to time the company issue out some gift items and prices motivate them to continue with their selfless services and patronage respective.  Most of the superior officers in invested much resources on public relation promotion and staff welfare.

The general manager of the company admitted that one of the annual priority of the company is to carry along both their staff and customer this he claimed very well and has in no small measure improved the marketing objective of the firm. On the research question (3) three which tried to discover the major factor responsible for high sales volume and achievement of organizational marketing objectives 83.7% of the respondents agreed that the mass media and other adverting agencies plays vital roles in the progress or failure of marketing companies.  This therefore means that for there to be progress and achievement in marketing and sales objectives.  Nigeria Breweries Plc must adopt good avoided promotions aiding the organization in increasing this sales and marketing objectives.  In fact, 72% respondents believed that there is a high relationship or correlation that there is a high relationship or correction between promotion and sales volume.

However 10% of the respondents were not certain as to any relationship between promotions and sales volume.

However 10% of the respondents were not certain as to any relationship between promotions and sales volume.

On research question (4) respondent were asked factor that hinders the actualization of marketing objective of Nigeria Breweries 86% of the respondents agree that competition from other marketing companies hinders the performance of Nigeria Breweries staff in achieving their marketing objective.

Another factor liable to hinder marketing objective is poor public relation and promotional strategy 74% of the respondents attested to his fact.

About 56% of the respondents also agreed that external environment has great impact on the operations of every marketing company.  According to Otigba Frencisa marketing manager of star Nigeria Ltd the environment comprise the policies of the government, attitude of the people concerning the business orientation of the customer, the policies and price stated by media houses for promotional transmissible etc.  All these he said goes a long way to determine these of promotional strategies or mix to be used by companies.

However most of the interviewed respondents were not certain of the influence of environmental factors on the actualization of marketing objective what is more equal to the analysis and evaluation of the data collected for the study and the testing of the hypothesis of the study.  It was ascertained that the null hypothesis which is of the opinion that Good Public relations and adequate promotions have no significant impact on marketing objectives of firms was rejected because statistic showed that it failed within the region of rejection which the alternate hypothesis which is on opposite of the null hypothesis falls within the region of acceptance and is said to be true.



This study analyzed the effect of public Relation and organized promotions on the achievement of sales and marketing objectives using Nigeria Breweries Plc as case study

From the analysis made, it was discovered that:

  1. Public Relations, advertising, promotions and adequate marketing strategist are effective tools for improved marketing objectives.
  2. That Nigeria Breweries Plc acknowledge the positive impact of good public relations and promotions on their staff performance and organizational output.
  3. External Environment has great impact on the operations of every marketing company.
  4. Poor public relations and promotional strategy hinders the achievement of marketing company.
  5. The mass media and order advertising agencies play vital roles in the progress agencies play vital roles in the progress of failure of marketing companies.
  6. That good public relations and adequate promotions have great significant impact on the marketing objectives of firms.


Following the findings made, it became apparent for the researcher to make some recommendations on how best to improve marketing and sales objectives or pout put of a firm.  Equal to this development the researcher deduced some recommendations which comprised.

  1. There is need for a more motivational system of public relation and market promotion to enhance productivity and sales volume of our marketing companies.
  2. The print media should be combined with the electronic media in order to yield better productivity.
  3. A good public relation and promotional strategy must be sustained through research well-managed feed buck, transparent honesty and truthful information. The management of Nigeria Breweries Plc should endeavour to adopt effective promotional strategy and public relations to enhance their market strength.


          This study has however shown that good public relations and adequate promotion have great6 significant impact on the marketing objectives of firms.  this therefore means that there is a positive relationship between promotional efforts and revenue generation sales volume and operational performance.  To this effect this study has shown that promotion and public relations expenditures are not  wasteful as some people may think.  Sequel to this, the management and staff of Nigeria Breweries Plc should make effective use of good public relations and adequate market promotions if they must remain relevant and achieve their market and sales objectives especially in this era of information advanced technology.


This research work has exposed the researcher and those who may come across this work with the knowledge of the effect of good public relations and market promotions on the achievement of sales and market objective.

The knowledge of the findings made in this work and recommendations made will also help products by marketing firms in the country.


Though this study could help Nigeria Breweries Plc and other marketing companies a great deal to improve their sales  and  market volumes, it is however observed that there are still more there is needed to carry out further research on how effective and efficient each of the elements of public relation and promotion element have contributed to the effective marketing of products.

There is also need to study the legal and economic implications of these elements of public relations and promotional strategies on achievement of marketing or sales objectives.


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