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The Effect of Drug Abuse on the Youth in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State Nigeria

The Effect of Drug Abuse on the Youth in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State Nigeria

The Effect of Drug Abuse on the Youth in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State Nigeria


Objectives of the Study

Based on the research problems and question the following are the specific objectives of the study:-

  • To find out the social effect of drug abuse on the family
  • To examine the economic impact of drug abuse on the family
  • To investigate the psychological or emotional effect of drug abuse on the family
  • To find out the physical or health consequences of drug abuse on the family
  • To proffer solution as a guideline against drug abuse




A critical examination of some existing literatures related to the issue of “Drug Abuse” and its treatment would be carried out. Also this chapter intends to use some sociological theories to explain the causes of drug abuse in the defined community Kabong Jose south local government area.


The production of drug predicts the coming of the European to our country Nigeria.

In his inaugural lecture delivered at the university of Jos, Ejikeme (2010) clearly pointed out that, the availability and use of relatively cheap but highly potent drug in some parts of Nigeria play critical role in mental health and lead to some social unpleasant consequences in both rural and urban population in the country especially in an era of global economic melt down characterized by high rate of poverty, unemployment, inflation, social disorganization and criminal behavior. The sale of other local harmful chemical substances that are associated criminal violence is prohibited by law in some state in the country, supply and demand is a hindrance to systematic, empirical research on it chemical properties and degree of toxicity.

Mohammed (1996), noted that the production of drug has increased in Nigeria, with the case of importation of some such as cocaine, barnodiazapine. Its different branding has also improved in that some of the drugs are no longer just tablet like the case may be but in the case are substances and thus leading to an increase in the rate of consumption and drug abuse in our society.

He further explained that this problem of drug abuse in our societies especially our local communities have cut across race, ethnic group, sex and gender with devastating consequences. While Mohammed in his work “crime prevention and control in Nigeria (1981) seems to have proposed various way in which drug abuse can be controlled, the work is silent on whether the general public is aware that they can benefits from the preferred solution either by the drug abuse or the relative of substance. In other word, while drug abuse has  been rightly identified and discussed as a social ill problem, the issue of empowering the general public to acquire the knowledge that they could be controlled was not covered.

The problem and effects of the illicit drug abuse was strongly solicited by the Gbong Gwon Jos His Royal Highness Da Victor Pam DG (RTD) as he could not control his emotion and so he solicit the church congregation to assist in support to fight against the menace caused by the consumption of the illicit drug.

The governor of the state Da Jonah Jang (2007) May 29 in his media broadcast cried out on the menace of drug abuse he “mentioned clearly that the law will soon catch up with anyone found selling or consuming this prohibited drug, though it was implemented at the early stage of his administration but not properly work then later died down.





Research methodology is an indispensable part of the study. It describes the procedure to be followed in conducting the research, for the purpose of this study, the methodology chapter consist of the following content, research design, population size, sample and sampling techniques, research instruments method of data collection and method of data analysis respectively.

This defines the format which the researcher will use for the purpose of this research finding on the topic the “effects of drug abuse on the youth” resident of Kabong in Jos south Local Government Area of Plateau state. The research design chosen is the social survey which is defined by block and champion (1976) as a specification for procedures for gathering information about a large number of people collecting information from few to represent all. In this research design, the key areas to be considered are the population size, sampling and primary data collection procedure which the researcher will employ in other to justify the choice of this particular research design


The populations for this study are the residents of Kabong community of Jos South Local Government Area which includes Ojuku street Busabuji, Alheri, Tudun wada Angwa Rukuba and Gadabiu. These six locations form part of the study area.

However, it was not possible to cover the whole population during the data collection process. Therefore the research had to select a sample from each of these districts. Based on the research topic it became necessary to concentrate on those within the study area. During the interview, the researcher did not only interview the masses, but also interviewed some religious leaders within the districts the Islam, Christianity and traditional rulers the (Mai Angwas).




In this chapter, the presentation analysis and interpretation of data from the field is carried out using simple percentage, this implies that the data gotten from respondents will be presented in tabular forms while at the same time interpreting their implication in the light of the research objectives. Out of the 201 questionnaires sample, only 160 were dully completed and retrieved from respondents. It is these 160 questionnaires that were retrieved that would be use here.


Below is a presentation in table of data collected from fieldwork. The tables show the frequency distribution of respondents and percentage distributed for each frequency distribution.




This chapter reviewed the overall research finding with the aim of drawing conclusion. The chapter is divided into three (3) parts. Part one deals with summary of the work carried out by the researcher. Part two deals with the conclusions draw and the three gives recommendation on how to deal with the problem. The result of the finding including drug abuse is on the  increase in Jos south local government .

It was discovered that drug abuse is highly abuse in the area of interest.

The result of the findings suggested that youth of productive age 21-35 years are at risk for the adverse consequences of drug abuse, stress tension and idleness were suggested as special cause of alarming involvement of youth in drug abuse.

Looking at the relative high frequency of their patronage , there is no doubt to say that most of the earring youth and individual involve into “drug abuse”,. In this light it was suggested that the causes of drug abuse include social learning factor which involve peer group pressure, stress at home, school or work and also parental influence.

Attitude within the culture that favour drug abuse is use such as the customer of social gathering prevalence of stress or with the society that tend to create tension such as social change from traditional ways of life to modern ways of life stimulated by missionaries and colonialism. Urban migration, unemployment, urbanization, ideleness during the dry season, change in family structure and increase in population etc as well as absence of alternative mechanism for release of that tension created by social change have contributed to drug abuse.

It is evidence from the research finding revealed that unemployment, poverty reduces manpower and underemployment is the major consequence of drug abuse of both youth and other has affected all the social institution. This ambiguously shows that drug abuse of people grossly affect development. Also the relationship between drug abuse and development as revealed by the finding indicated a negative relationship.

This is as the number of drug abuse within a society increases, the rate of development will also decrease and vice versa.

Finding indicates that drug abuse parent has non-challant and negative toward their children education, majority of drug user do not pay their children school fees.


In conclusion, the effect of drug abuse does not only exist in Jos south local government area, but it existing has resulted to devastating effect on the health of the individual social structural institution and human capacities. This has seriously affected development.

The positive effect of drug abuse compare to reduces manpower, poverty, bad morals, unemployment, under-employment, accident, economic stagnation and family crisis became inconsequential therefore the adversities of drug abuse of parent youth and children in general should be a great concern to every true citizen in the society.

God’s word from Deuteronomy, “ I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live.


What can we do to beat drug abuse and other alcohol problem? There is no one answer various strategies are needed, parent must recognized that they are a major influence on their children and help to determine their children behavior pattern. If parent live a constantly drug and alcoholic free life style their children are more likely to do the same if one do not start using drug or any alcohol  he/she cannot or will never become addicted to it.

Community pressure on government is needed to ensure that harmful drug remains illegal and their availability is restricted. When a drug is legalized, more people begin using it. It happened in U.S.A when marijuana was declared legal, while certain drug remain illegal, the criminal elements involvement remain too this fact must be faced honestly. There must be educational campaign about life style. Moreover government must be concerned about the welfare of the people that drink alcohol, abuse drugs and their physical emotional, intellectual and social wellbeing, out of love for individual, the government should try to prevent them using harmful drug or try to help them stop using it, even Jesus himself had said” I have come that you might have life, life in all it fullness” (John 10). A full life means fulfilling one’s potential not destroying it by becoming drug or alcoholic dependence.

To prevent and control the current pattern of drug abuse, effort have to be made to reduce the stress and tension that seek psychic release, reduced poverty change the attitudes that encourage the use of “drug abuse” are means of release control availability provide conducive environment for adequate and appropriate socialization and provide alternative means for the release of tension. Since most of the people are youth. Improvement of job opportunities should be made so as to economically empower the youth who are idle and took to drug abuse as their major activity.

The government should create more establishments that will provide employment to the people in general. However change in this regard will certainly reduces stress and tension, therefore the provision of equality education and jobs training opportunities would go a long way in term of reducing problem.

However, looking at the problem of attitude, one would recommend a multi-faced approach. This will required a very strong and bold, leadership in the case. The leadership of Kabong in collaboration with traditional rulers and the government should form a strong body concerning the epidemiology network on “drug abuse” and other related illicit drink to address the health and socio-economic burden caused by the misuse of drugs and other related drinks.

The body can therefore begin by emphasis the positive aspect of drug practice at various outlets and other occasion should be discourage. Rather than glorifying those who lavishly provide it at their occasion. This practice should be frowned open. The attitude factor however may not work independent of availability. While we do not advocate for ban of illicit drug.

The Jos south community should have at their disposal for emotional release, since most people go into outlet due to idleness especially during dry season, therefore effort can be made to reduce the situation.

Finally, it is ambiguous that there is an urgent need to target specific population (the youth and women) for drug abuse education.

Topic of drug abuse and its health and socio-economic implication should be given at all levels. In addition, we also advise the government should not relent from promulgating a law prohibiting use of drug abuse.


  • Barry (1984); identification of drug abuse emergency department for effectiveness of screening of the drug user.
  • Black & Champion (1976) Domestic violence among youth. Incident and prevalence in an emergency department of population JAMA 273 (23): 1763-7.
  • Borris (1974) prevalence survey of abuse and screening for abuse in urgent care patient. Obstetrician/Gynecology 91(4)511
  • Crime prevention control in Nigeria (1981 pg 42-46)
  • Ejikeme (2010), Basic sociology CEDJAP Ltd catholic St. Enugu State
  • Eward & Miller (2001) Adicted drug abuse edited by Peter G. Bourne. A subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jorawich publisher page 22.
  • Federal ministry of health for all Nigeria organization of material and child health service in Nigeria.
  • Goodwin & Gabrielh (1998) text book on drug abuse and family practice 4th edition in Rackel R.E (editor) WB Saunders Company Philadelphia
  • Kaufiman & Dore (1996) sanction and sanctuary perspectives on the use of drug. Boulder, colorado Westview press.
  • Mayor (1982), the diseases concept of drug abuse Hill house press new Helen connectients pg 19
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