Public Administration Project Topics

The Determinants of Employee Performance in the University of Bamenda

The Determinants of Employee Performance in the University of Bamenda

The Determinants of Employee Performance in the University of Bamenda

Chapter One

Objectives of the study

Main objective

  1. To examine determinants of work performance of the employees using University of Bamenda as a case

Specific objectives

  1. To examine how working environment affect employees’ work performance
  2. To examine how training affect employees’ work performance.
  3. To examine how compensation/remuneration structures affect work performance of employees
  4. To examine how human relations affect employees’ work performance.




Armstrong (2010) highlighted several job-related elements that are linked to the impact on employees’ performance at work, including job requirements based on work prerequisites, workplace conditions, managerial behavior, structural programs, and organizational commitment.

In addition, Abraham Maslow, through his theory of needs progression, provided insights into various aspects related to human needs across different categories, supporting human requirements globally. These needs are directly connected to employees’ needs in the workplace, covering areas such as health and safety, financial and familial concerns, social interactions, esteem, fulfillment, knowledge, and aesthetics. It’s worth noting that the significance of non-work aspects is often minimized, as the focus tends to be on factors affecting work performance rather than the broader concept of overall quality of life (Maslow, 1943).

Theoretical literature

Armstrong, (2010) featured on various specialists’ job related elements that are identified with how employees’ performance busy working can be affected towards an improved or a declined presentation to be specific; job requirement dependent on work prerequisites; job requirement dependent on workplace; job requirement dependent on administrative conduct; job requirement dependent on auxiliary projects and authoritative duty.

Notwithstanding, Abraham Maslow in his theory of needs progression theory, explained on various viewpoints identified with human needs in relations to various necessities classification supporting human requirement at various halves of the globe, which can be straightforwardly identified with the works’ needs at workplace; covering wellbeing and security, monetary and family, social, regard, completion, information and style. In spite of the fact that the importance of non-work angles is make light of as consideration is centered around factors influencing work execution as opposed to the more extensive idea of personal satisfaction (Maslow, 1943).

The physiological needs.

These incorporate the necessities we have for oxygen, water, protein, salt, sugar, calcium, and different minerals and nutrients. They additionally incorporate the job to keep up a pH balance (getting too acidic or base will execute you) and temperature (98.6 or close to it). Additionally, there should be dynamic, to rest, to rest, to dispose of squanders (C0 2, sweat, pee, and defecation), to maintain a strategic distance from torment, and to engage in sexual relations. Maslow accepted, and research bolsters him, that these are in reality singular needs, and that an absence of, state, nutrient C, will prompt a ve1y explicit yearn for things which have in the past given that nutrient C for example squeezed orange

The safety and security needs.

At the point when the physiological needs are generally dealt with. This second layer of necessities becomes possibly the most important factor. You will turn out to be progressively keen on discovering safe conditions, security, and assurance. You may build up a requirement for structure, for request, a few cutoff points. Taking a gander at it contrarily, one gets concerned, not with jobs like craving and thirst, however with your feelings of trepidation and tensions. This arrangement of necessities show themselves as our desires to have a home in a sheltered neighborhood, a little professional stability and a savings, a decent retirement plan and a touch of protection, etc. (Maslow, 1943)

The love and belonging needs.

At the point when physiological needs and wellbeing jobs are, all around dealt with, a third layer begins to appear. One starts to feel the requirement for companions, a darling, youngsters; tender connections all in all, even a feeling of network. Taken a gander at contrarily, you become expanding defenseless to forlornness and social nerves. In one’s everyday life, individuals display these necessities in our wants to Mary, have a family, and be a piece of a network. An individual from a congregation, a sibling in the organization, a piece of a pack or a bowling club. It is likewise a piece of what we search for in a profession (Maslow, 1943).





This chapter presents the research methodology adopted in the study, the rationale behind the choice, selection of respondents to inform the study, data collection techniques and data analysis methods as well as test for validity and reliability of research instruments.

Research approach

Research approach is the way of doing research. It is known as a research design that consists of the plans and procedures for carrying out research that ranges from the choice of broad assumption to details method of data collection and data analysis (Creswell J., 2014).

Basing on the research problem, quantitative approach associated with post positivism view was adopted in this study. The emphasis is to hold a deterministic relationship in which cause determines the effects. The researcher interest is to drive enough knowledge so as to understand the best indicators of an outcome (Ritchie, 2013)

Quantitative research was also preferred due to the use of a large representative sample as the aim of the researcher is to generalize findings from the sample. The strength of quantitative is aimed to facilitate a quick collection of the data from the large sample of a population. Also, availability of time, personal experience and the enjoyment of convenience of a researcher with quantitative method and tools had also contributed to the selection of an approach in question.

Research method

Survey research method was applied in the study to enable data to be gathered from a large sample of individuals drawn from the population. The intention of the researcher was to explain the cause and effect relationship of the study variable and generalize the finding that is to be drawn from the large sample of the population to be studded (Creswell J., 2014). The researcher’s interest to collect a wide range of information using closed-ended questionnaire is also a contributor to the selection of the survey research method.

The researcher’s intention on the survey research is also due to the need to learn about a large population by surveying the sample population. This is what is known as a normative or descriptive survey. Thus survey was conducted using closed-ended questionnaires to enable data to be easily collected from a large sample of a population.

Sample of the study and sampling techniques

 Target population

The target population of the study included the Tertiary Institutions workers specifically utilizing the case of University of Bamenda employees.




This chapter presents the findings obtained from the field with regard to respondents’ assertions on the extent to which they think, their employer have exercised duty of compliance in fulfilling the aspects in demand, as far as the determinants of employees work performance are concerned. Hence, the findings as far as examination of determinants of employees’ work performance are concerned. In the light of how they can as well be influenced by inter-relationship between political regimes and institutional administrative systems. Are presented as follows by beginning with case study’s description and respondents’ demographic profile data presentation.




This chapter provides the summary of the findings on different categories that were addressing the research’s objectives. It also briefly provides the conclusion on such summaries given as well as policy implications to address challenges and deficiencies observed. The summary and conclusions are provided in the preceding paragraphs.


Summary on employees’ response regarding provision and non-provision rate of different forms of employment benefits

The researcher attempted to identify the rate at which the respondents acknowledged on the basis of acceptance or non-acceptance rate on the question of whether they receive or not different employment benefits. Nine (9) different employment benefits categories were identified and results showed that. Out of the nine (9) benefits categories, five (5) benefits categories received high negative rates, which means a non-acceptance rate namely; housing benefits which received a negative rate of 77% accounting to 107 respondents; special duties/overtime allowances rated by 52% accounting to 72 respondents; performance recognition allowances/programs rated by 87% accounting to 123 respondents; supportive office working environment and facilities rated by 64% accounting to 89 respondents and lastly office meals provision rated by 95% accounting to 132 respondents. These results entails that these are the benefits categories that the employees think and acknowledge that they are not adequately and reliably benefited with hence imply that in order for the employer to have an assured improvement work performance.

Conclusion and policy implications

The study has found that an examination of the four (4) factors selected by the researcher as determinants of employees’ work performance at work, were not satisfactorily rated by the respondents in the view of being in the positive side of implementation compliance. This was of the implication that, majority of the employees were of that, their employer did not sufficiently fulfill their duty bound obligations to making sure that their employees’ are benefiting fairly from different employment benefits categories that were put to test. It was also seen that there is a great deal of effects in account to the inter-relationship between the political regimes nature that are in existence from time to time to the institutional administrative systems.

It was observed that to a large extent decisions on how employees benefits are to be safeguarded and addressed are highly dependent on the nature, policies in place of the political regimes in existence. Therefore, there is a need of constructing polices and labor laws in the light of making restructuring on them in the way that different political regimes will implement their political objectives and agendas but in a manner that it will acknowledge the institutional administrative and managerial principles in the sense that foundations will be set to hold into the belief that it crucial to have a common platform of agreement that any antagonism between the two leadership hemispheres will not lead to any success far bring about an esteemed performance at work and services provision among public servants will remain a time to time myth.

Therefore, as a policy wise recommendation there should be creation of policies that holds the government as the key employer of the workers groups in question should also acknowledge that, Performance of any organization lies in the hands of its employees and in the organization ability to fully utilize their experience, talent and energy. Identifying and utilizing people natural motivations and drive represents as one of the greatest potential opportunities for organizations goal achievements. It creates conducive environment where personal and professional goals work together.

Suggestion on areas for further study

This study confined itself at examining a number of four determinants of and influence employees work performance in Tertiary Institutions, specifically; working environments, training, compensation benefits and political regimes and institutional administrative systems inter-relationship. It suggests that further studies should be directed at exploring other factors such as ‘employees’ education level’ in relation to employees’ capacity of work performance.

Also since the study only considered a case of Tertiary Institution workers, it suggests that other studies should be carried to explore the views of workers belonging to the private sector concerning the factors that can influence their working performance. Also cross-sectional studies should be carried out so as to compare the results between the two distinct cases and come up with proper possible functional recommendations for the benefits of both employers and employees in both public and private sectors.


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