Electrical Engineering Project Topics

The Construction of an Automatic Voltage Inverter and a Battery Charger

The Construction of an Automatic Voltage Inverter and a Battery Charger

The Construction of an Automatic Voltage Inverter and a Battery Charger

Chapter One 


This project is designed to improve on the existing system by not only having in place those thing is some of existing one like automatic trip off when battery voltage drops fully charge, cut off when the battery has reached its peak voltage. The use of MASFET, as rectifier is to charge the battery (in built charger).




This chapter has to do with the principle of operation of this electronic power generator called Automatic voltage inverter, as the name implies, it uses a DC power supply from a buttery cell coupled with electronic device and circuitry to generate AC voltage which is used to power domestic house and the like.  This project can be used for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes as the case demands.  This achieved by increasing the power rating of both battery and other component used in construction of the Automatic voltage inverter.

The combination of electronic component like MOSTEFS. Transistors, capacitors, resistors, linear and local IC along side the transformer (step up) give rose to a complete inverter unit.


As technology continues to develop to invention of a device known as “INVERTER” came into existence.  These devices help to convert D.C power supply to an A.C. power supply.  Most of the inverters are low power rating without a charger and cannot monitor the discharging of the battery.

This project, which is the construction of 1000 watts automatic voltage inverter which is high power rating inverter.  This inverter contains a charger and a low battery cut off circuit, which control the discharging of the battery.

The principle behind this project is that the supply from battery is connected to those two diodes in parallel to protect the circuit from the reversion of polarity of the regulator that regulate the voltage to 12v precisely.

When a 12v supply is connected to the oscillator, which is CD 4047, I will produce a symmetric square wave, which is equal to a sinusoidal wave depending on the configuration of the ICs.

This ICs is configured in the astable mode which means when one phase is high, the other phase will be low in order to fire the gate of the MOSFET.  The drain of the MOSFET is connected to the step up transform and the center tap of the transformer is connected to the positive terminal of the battery.

Due to mutual inductance of electromagnetic induction, the secondary winding of the step up transformer will now produce 220V A.C depending on the wining of the transformer.


Capacitor is a device that store electric charge and energy.  A simple capacitor can be made from two strips of metal foil sand witched with two thin layer of insulation.  In other words, a capacitor consists of two parallel plates separated by dielectric.

A capacitor with (C) farads with (V) volts across its terminal has a Q coulombs of store electrical charges on none plate and Q on the other.

To a first approximation, capacitors are device that might be considered simply as frequency dependent resistor.  They allow you to make frequency – dependent, voltage dividers.





So far we have discuss the principle of operation and circuit application of this project.  In this chapter we will look at the design and conduction of the project, steps taking in chosen components and circuitry, laying out etc.  All these steps put together give rise to the working circuitry of the inverter.  This unit is made of input stage, regulatory unit, oscillatory unit, phase splitter unit, driver unit, transformation and finally the output stage.

Also, looking at the logical circuit responsible for low battery cut-off and fully charge battery cut-off is also a unique future of this project.




In this chapter we will be looking at how best this project was constructed, tested and certified ok for public use.  The ability and challenges encountered, also the need for intellect and professionalism is our watch world in this chapter.  Assembling of component, bread boarding before transfer units pro-type board (Vero board) for permanent soldering, taking factors like resisitance of material, temperature co-efficient, condition for use, number of turns of transformers to give the desired voltage at the input and output, transformer test and condition are also some of the work piece in this chapter.



The automatic voltage inverter which is the result of this project is capable of producing 220v supply from an input voltage of 12v which is a direct current source of power supply.

The voltmeter helps to display in analogue format the output voltage.  The red-green led indicates the operation of the relays when fully charged and if the supply battery is low for safety reasons the indicators must come on to ensure that the control circuit is not malfunctioning else, the output voltage on the voltmeter has to be read to ensure that the required result is produced.

Automatic voltage inverter generator of a DC voltage supply is essential for the production of A.C voltage when there is PHCN failure.


Where possible voltage comparator with high slow rate should be engaged for fast switching of the relay whose result can make the switching action almost instantaneous with changes in the input voltage thereby going along way to protect the life span of the battery.

Also, for a more drivable circuit arrangement of the working diagram should be produced on a printed circuit board (PCB) as this will enhance mass production of the circuit cards.  Furthermore, precision resistors with little or no tolerance can be used in place of the variable resistor so that required frequency can be produced.

More so, in relays do have make break contact, which tends to wear out with time thus rendering them ineffective.  In this regard use of traces (thyristors) can be adopted with suitable irrigating circuits and good heat dissipation mechanism.

In conclusion, the principle of self is charging when the inverter is switch on for continuous running.  Self cycling as in trickle charge so that even when there is no external power supply to charge the battery it can also charge itself as long as the automatic voltage inverter is running.


  • Bedford, B.D.; Hoft, R.G. et al (1964). Principle of inverter circuit.  New York.  John Wiley and sons Inc. ISBN 0-471-06134-4
  • Donnelly E.L. (1985) “Electrical installation theory and practice”3rd edition pages 40 – 50, 70 – 80
  • Essentials of electronics Frank D. Petruzzella Pgs 150 – 162, 512 – 525
  • Hughes E. (1977) Electrical technology seventy Edition, 1995, Pgs 275 – 310, 506 – 510
  • John Bird Electrical circuit theory and technology second Edition 2001 Pgs 30 – 80, 100 – 150
  • Louis Nashelsky circuit theory publisher practice Hall international Inc.  Fifth Edition
  • Onohaebi S.O. Basic electronics publisher Multi International services second edition
  • Robbert Boylestad electrical device and circuit theory pgs 54 –69, 480 – 530, fifth Edition
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