Education Project Topics

The Challenges and Statistical Implication of Computer Based Testing(Jamb) on Nigerian Students; the Need to Implement Computer Assisted Learning

The Challenges and Statistical Implication of Computer Based Testing(Jamb) on Nigerian Students; the Need to Implement Computer Assisted Learning

The Challenges and Statistical Implication of Computer Based Testing(Jamb) on Nigerian Students; the Need to Implement Computer Assisted Learning



With the use of a new technology in town, the CBT, the researcher went on to fine the challenges this system is facing and its implication a statistical evaluation of its effect on the Nigerian students. Other objectives of this study are:

  1. To evaluate the statistical performance analysis of the students with the use of this CBT among them.
  2. To ascertain the operational effectiveness of the system.
  3. Introduce a means of training our students on before the actual use of the CBT system CAL – Computer Assisted Learning.




Although the primary uses of microcomputers in education are instructional and administrative, the expansion of computer technology has created many possibilities for computer applications in the area of testing and assessment. McBride (2005) anticipated large-scale applications of computerized testing as computers decreased in cost and became more available. Many important issues have to be considered when administering tests by computers. Among these are the equivalence of scores obtained in computerized testing compared with conventional paper-and-pencil tests, and the impact of computerization on the test-taker. This chapter discusses these issues as well as the current applications of the computer in testing, advantages and disadvantages of computerized testing, and the effects of administering tests via the computer.


In carrying out this study the researcher was not restricted to computer science texts only. Rather, the topic of this research study revolves around some area in educational sciences like Basic Education and Home science of which texts in the discipline are consulted and lot more.

It also involves experts opinion, newspapers, commentaries and some journals on related field is also consulted in order to cover all necessary segments that make up the topic of the study.


Current Applications of the Computer in Testing

The computer is currently being used in many areas of testing and assessment. In addition to the already established uses of computers for test scoring, calculation of final grades and test score reporting, computers can also be used for the determination of test quality, test item banking and test assembly, as well as for test administration.


Assessing test quality generally involves both item and test analysis. Classical statistics used to summarize item quality are based on difficulty and discrimination indices; these are calculated more easily and quickly with the use of the computer than by traditional hand methods. Items which have been inadvertently miss-keyed, have intrinsic ambiguity, or have structural flaws such as grammatical or contextual clues that make it easy to pick out the correct answer, can be identified and culled out. These items are characterized by being either too easy or too difficult, and tend to have low or negative discrimination. Test analysis can also provide an overall index of reliability or internal consistency, that is, a measure of how consistently the examinees performed across items or subtests of items. Christine (2011)





This chapter is concerned with the various procedures and methods involved in the collection and analysis of data, therefore information is supplied on the research design, population, sample and sampling techniques, instruments, validity and reliability of the instruments and procedures for data collection and analysis.


According to Durojaiye (1994), research design or approach is describe as the plan structure, strategy and layout of investigation conceived in order to obtain solution to the questions or assumptions. Therefore descriptive survey is most desirable for this study because it focus on students’ perception and it was designed to determine the nature of situation “The impact of computer based text on secondary school students in Lagos State” as it exist as at the period of investigation.


Research population, according to Awolola (2001), indicates the delimitations of group to which the information is meant to be applicable. Also Adaralegbe (1990), Daramola (1991) and Adan (1991), refer to population as the boundary that stipulate who shall be involved in a research. In order to make a reliable investigation, the targeted population used was all teachers in some select secondary schools in Agege Local Government Area of Lagos State.


The sample of this investigation consist of 100 correspondents selected from five schools in the local education district mention above. The sample schools were drawn from the entire local district using the simple random sampling technique which appear most effective to select groups of respondents with respect to the two gender (i.e. male and female) without biases. Hence, a total of twenty (20) respondents from each schools were randomly selected for one sample of this study. The sample schools include: 1. Lagooz College, Orile Agege, Lagos State. 2. A&T Schools, Tabon –Tabon, Agege Lagos. 3. Fitjoy Secondary School, Agege Lagos 4. Cleverland Schools, Agege, Lagos 5. Lagos Baptist Secondary School, Agege Lagos.




This chapter embodies the results of the finding. It reveals the analysis of the data collected through the questionnaire. A total one hundred (100) copies of questionnaire were distributed to the teachers of the five (5) randomly selected secondary school in Agege Local Government Educational District in Lagos State. Simple percentage was used in analyzing the personal data, while Chi-square(X2) was being employed in analyzed the data collected based on the questionnaire. All data analysis was done and the entire hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. However, the table representing the distribution of respondents by school, sex, age, etc. show frequency counts and percentage as presented below;


From the above table, 20 teachers were sampled from Lagooz College, 20 teachers were sampled from A&T College, 20 teachers were sampled from Fitjoy Secondary School, 20 teachers were sampled from Cleverland Schools, and 20 teachers were sampled from Lagos Baptist Secondary School. Making a total of 100 teachers sampled in all schools during the survey of the study.




During the course of the research, adequate and relevant data were collected through the use of questionnaire with the assistance of the supervisor in order to carry out the investigation. The copies of the questionnaire were distributed to teachers in five randomly selected secondary schools in Agege Local Government Area of Lagos state, to measure student’s attitude towards the adoption of computer based test in senior secondary schools. The respondents however, supplied the information to the best of their knowledge; this made it possible for the researcher to analyze the data as supplied in chapter four of this project. The research was successfully carried out through the formulated and tested of three hypotheses. It shows that computer based test has the potential of eradicating examination malpractice in Nigeria and also help to boost their learning outcomes. However, computer based test offers chances to redefine how examination is design and conducted in the classroom, bringing teachers and students closed and making use of various technologies that manifest the society. In the hypothesis it shows that computer based test cannot be rejected in this modern age i.e. both teachers and students are to be involved in the use of computer for their educational purposes as well as academic pursuit. Resistance in the use of computer in teaching and learning process may take shape in different forms but it is important to envision computer based exam as a way to enhance, not substitute the traditional paper to pencil method of examining the students.


The finding of this study has shown that Nigeria secondary schools are lagging behind in the level of application of ICT in the teaching- learning process. The ICT facilities are lacking in schools, the capacity for using ICT by both teachers and students is also very low. Despite the perceived benefits in the use of ICT in school, there are a lot of factors inhibiting the successful application of ICT in secondary schools. In order to fit into the new scientific order, it is necessary for Nigerian institutions and individuals alike to develop a society and culture that places a high value on information and communication technology. The following recommendations are therefore made. Experience has shown that examination malpractices have been the bane of

Nigeria’s education system as both parents and teachers assists students in the task of this crime. This ugly state of affairs has continually robbed-off on both the standard and out-come of education in the country leading to a widespread call for a total overhaul and sanitization of the entire educational system. As a result, the call for the adoption of the electronic/computer-based tests is a right step in the right direction. However, the process requires an appreciable level of strategies to enable students/candidates meet the challenges posed by CBT. Nonetheless, no human activity goes without its teething problems but consistency brings about success. Best practice experiences revealed some level of success after initial challenges. However, Nigeria would find the utilization of CBT worthwhile. This will not only reduce malpractices but would ensure prompt or timely release of examination results. It will also ensure that students take their studies seriously and discard the idea of planning for malpractices.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are made: I. Government in partnership with organizations should strive to equip the schools with adequate ICT facilities. II. Government and school authority should reward any teacher and students who tries his/her hands on innovation ideas. III. Needs analysis should be employed whenever teachers are being sent for training so that maximum benefits can be derived from such training programmes. IV. The government should increase funding for the entire educational sector with emphasis on ICT this will help improve the level of ICT facilities in the schools. V. There should also be continuous and periodic training of teachers on computer and ICT skills acquisition. This will help provide them with practical and functional knowledge of the computer, the internet and associated areas of ICT with the hope of integrating it with instructional methods of teaching and learning.


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