Manufacturing Project Topics

The Application of Statistical Quality Control in Plastic Producing Industry (a Case Study of Adaobi Plastic Nig Ltd Aba)

The Application of Statistical Quality Control in Plastic Producing Industry (a Case Study of Adaobi Plastic Nig Ltd Aba)

The Application of Statistical Quality Control in Plastic Producing Industry (a Case Study of Adaobi Plastic Nig Ltd Aba)



  1. To maintain the quality of product and to keep the quality of the product from dropping below the desired level during production.
  2. To offer useful suggestions to the company under study towards the improvement of quality control.



In this chapter it is necessary to review some available literature of related quality control systems so as to make the study to be standard.

According to Magnus E. (2005) in his research titled the importance of statistical quality control in the production process which centered on determining if the quality of paint production process is under control and he later came to conclude that the process is under control.

He went further to recommend that Standard Organization  of Nigeria (SON) should promote the use of statistical quality control in manufacturing industries through workshops to avoid wastage of raw material and to ensure production of quality products for consumers.

Ekanem (1983)  in his study on the essence of statistical quality control in production, aimed at determining the appropriate stage of applying statistical quality control  in production industry, from his findings he came to conclusion that it should be done at production stage through controlling of incoming raw materials in the productivity process to implement design specification.

He also said that statistical quality control should be reviewed as a kit or tool which may influence decision related in the function of specification, production or inspection.

Mayer (1968) in his study on test of uniformity in production process with an objective of determining if the products are within specification limit. Based on his findings he observed that the production process is within the limit and concluded that those products that fall outside the specification limit should be rejected.

He also recommended that the manufacturers and producers of goods and services should confirm that their products are within the specification limit.

According to Benard A. (2007) in his study, the application of statistical quality control in soap production industry, aimed at maintaining the quality of the product to keep the quality of the product from dropping below the desired level during production.

He later found out that both the length and weight of the soap are within the desired limit, he therefore conclude that the process is under control.

McGraw Hill (1963) in his research on quality control process in an industry, saw quality control as a system of  inspecting analysis, applying action on manufacturing process so that by inspecting a small portion of the products currently produced and estimation of the overall quality of the product.

Uzoeshi (1993) in his study on the main objectives of maintaining quality control in an industry.

Based on his findings he observed that their main objectives are:

  1. To reduce waste and excess of material
  2. To safeguard the health of the consumer
  3. To help producers determine the appropriate price for their products since different level of quality required different prices.





The research methodology gives overview of the various methods adopted in order to collect the data for the research. It discusses the method of data collection, area of the study, sample and sampling techniques, problems encountered during data collection and method of data analysis.


The method of data collection used in this survey is secondary method of data collection.

The data were obtained from carefully recorded information on weight of the product produced by the company. In addition the information about the operation of the company were obtained in an orderly manner from the various required departments.


The researcher encountered difficulty in the data collection due to the absence of officer in charge on several occasions of the researcher’s visit.

It was also very difficult based on monetary aspect, as the researcher found it difficult in transporting himself or herself to the company.

Based on all these problems, it leads to the delay of the data collection.



This chapter deals with the analysis and presentation of data collected for proper decision making. It is concerned with the analysis of data on weight of plastics produced. It is from the analysis and presentation that we will be able to determine whether the process is in control or not.




It is apparent that the utmost desire of all producers is to excel in business. This could be obtained through the sales of its products, which is often determined by many factors namely, the:

  • Quality of the product produced
  • Price of the product
  • Financial status of the customer

However, among the numerous factors that affect the producer, the principal one is the quality of the product. We remind that the objective of this work is to carry out a research to determine the importance of the application of statistical quality control. This study has brought into light the quality control techniques of plastic producing industry. It should be noted here that the case under study represent plastic producing industries. It is seen from the study that the major concern of the company is the range control parameter of finished product.  A modified pre control chart was constructed such that the data will fell within limit. At the end of the analysis some useful result were obtained. This included the fact that:

  • Statistical quality control is an effective method of ensuring product acceptability.
  • Statistical quality control basing about greater uniformity of quality product.
  • Statistical quality control brings about greater output. Thus in analyzing growth in any organization, statistical quality control can be viewed as a cornerstone for quality products and economic growth.


It is clear that the objective of this work is to carry out a research to maintain the quality of the product and to keep the quality of the product from dropping below the desired level during production.

Based on the analysis using mean control chart and range control chart, it is observed that the production process is under control since all the weight of the plastics produced fall within the specification limit, so it did not deviate from the set standard.


This study has extensively shown that statistical quality control is an important technique in ensuring quality of products.

Furthermore, based on the analysis carried out it is observed  that the production process is in control and statistical quality control techniques has been discovered to be an efficient means of maintaining product uniformity.


Based on the result of the study, the following recommendations are made:

  • Adaobi Plastic Nig Ltd. should adopt a constant use of statistical quality control techniques to help enhance and improve the quality of its products.
  • That the standard organization of Nigeria (S.O.N) should promote the use of statistical quality control in the manufacturing industries through workshops organization.
  • Production department should keep accurate statistical data concerning their production so as to enable accurate data collection and in assessing any improvement on the quality of subsequent production.


  • Anderson S.W (1996). Statistics for Business and Economics sixties by West Publishing Company Britain
  • Bluman G. Allam (1998). Elementary Statistics in Practices Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data
  • Chukwuma E. Iwuagwu. Statistics for Practical Application (Decision Making) Nation-wide Publishers Ltd 2004
  • Ekanem U.O. Quality Control in Manufacturing Industry. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Lagos 1985
  • Gubta C.B. An Introduction to Statistical Method Jupita Press New Delhi India 1973
  • Layman OTT (1988). An Introduction to Statistics Method and Data Analysis. Michael Payne, Stacy Sawyer Boston.
  • Nwankwo, S.O et al (2006) Decision Statistics for  Business and the Sciences El DEMAK (Publisher)
  • Nwankwo S.C (2007). Basic Statistical and Mathematical Table Vintage Don Nigeria Publishers
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