Teacher Quality and Gender as Predictors of Primary School Pupils Performance
Objectives of the Study
This study is set to achieve the following objectives:
- Determine the effect of teachers‟ qualification on the primary school pupils performance.
- Investigate the effect of teacher‟s years of teaching experience on the primary school pupils performance.
- Establish the impact of teacher‟s knowledge of subject matter on the primary school pupils performance.
- Find out whether teachers Gender affect the pupils Academic Achievement in English in selected primary schools.
Definition of Terms
Operational definition of terms is defined as a statement of the procedures or ways in which a researcher is going to measure behaviors or qualities. The operational terms would frequently be used in the research work. Definition of the terms is very important for full understanding of the whole study.
Teacher Quality: Means attributes of teachers that reflect their competence for effectiveness in teaching learning process, for example, their professional qualifications, their experiences and communicative competence.
Relationship: Means influencing one variable over another as a result of treatment.
Pupils’ Academic Achievement: Knowledge and skills of pupils at the end of teaching-learning process.
Professional Teacher: Teacher with teaching certification in Hausa e.g B.AEd/BEd Hausa MEd MA.Ed
Research Questions
The study sought to provide answers to the following research questions:
- What is the effect of teachers‟ qualification on the primary school pupils performance?
- Does teachers‟ year of teaching experience affect the primary school pupils performance?
- What is the impact of teachers‟ knowledge of the subject matter on the performance of pupils ?
- Do teachers Gender affect pupils‟ Academic Achievement ?
Research Hypotheses
The following hypotheses were raised for this research;
HO1: There is no significant relationship among pupils Academic Achievement in English taught by teachers of different qualifications in primary Schools.
HO2: There is no significant relationship among pupils Academic Achievement in English whose teachers have different years of teaching experience .
HO3: There is no significant relationship between pupils Academic Achievement in English whose teachers possess knowledge of the subject matter and those whose teachers do not possess knowledge of the subject matter in English in Primary Schools.
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