Stress Among Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff; Cause and Management
Chapter One
Objective of the Study
General Objective
To determine how employee performance Clinical And Non-Clinical Staff in NNH is influenced by work-related stress.
Specific Objective
- To determine how overwork stress affects employee performance Clinical And Non-Clinical Staff in NNH
- To establish how time stress affects employee performance Clinical And Non-Clinical Staff in NNH
- To find out how role ambiguity stress affects employee performance Clinical And Non-Clinical Staff is NNH.
- To examine how workplace conflict stress affects employee performance Clinical And Non Clinical Staff in NNH.
The chapter entails theoretical review, review of empirical studies, summary and gaps.
Theoretical Review
Transactional theories of work-related stress
This study was guided by the transactional theory of work related stress which was described by Max Weber in 1947 who argue that transactional theory is very important in context to achieve the maximum results in a specific time. Clear instructions and reward and punishment are the basic valuable characteristics of this theory that makes significance. The major aim of the transactional leadership is making employees perform in order to get a better compensation. These types of leaders improves the employee motivation through offering rewards that are conditional. The focus of the theory lies on emphasizing control, organization and planning that is short term. In addition Weber (1947) show that transactional leadership entails a way in which employees are motivated and directed basically through satisfying their own demands. These leaders gain power by exercising authority and responsibility bestowed on them and the employees are meant to obey their leader’s instructions.
Theory of transactional argues that work stress results from transaction between a person and work environment which threatens their welfare (Lazarus, 1986). According to Sarros and Santora (2017) any aspect within the work environment can yield stress to the employees if not dealt with. However individual stress can result from several factors such as: personality, pervious experiences, situational demands, coping skill and time lapse. According to this theory stress within the workplace linked with a certain situations within a workplace. The theory also argues that stress can be caused by conflicts between different groups of people in an organization. The theory also argues that any form of stress be it work related or not will lead to low productivity and output. The theory also attaches stress to psychological and physiological changes. According to this theory coping with the workplace stress affects employee performance in the short run and if not dealt with it may lead to exit of the affected employee.
The theory shows the direct link between workplace stress and employee performance which is important in answering the first research question of this study. The theory explains the factors that can affect employee demands and capabilities and one of them is any current stress state already experienced.
Relational theory
Relational theory as advocated by Nuttin, Lorion and Dumas (1984) and noted that stress is regarded as a social concept, rather than a specific type of external stimulus or a specific example of physiological, behavioral, or emotional responses. Rather, stress is examined as a connection between people and their health. Stress is described as an interaction with a situation that a person considers to be important for their well-being and in which the demands exceed or charge available adjusting resources. The emphasis of these concepts is on two procedures that serve as focal mediators within the individual situation exchange: Examining and adapting intellectually This theory is based on the possibility that passionate processes, such as tension, are dependent on sincere hopes that people express in regards to the criticality and outcome of a specific encounter.
The theory likewise contends that this pressure occupies individuals from their primary objective since they take a lot of time tending to the issues identified with pressure. For the most part this will affect the individual’s efficiency. This concept is important because it clarifies the unique differences in the quality, strength, and duration of an inspired feeling in circumstances that are objectively equal for different people. Inspirational auras, goals, beliefs, and summed up hopes are the most important influences on the person level. Consistency, controllability, and the occurrence of a potentially distressing event are important situational parameters. This theory was important to the study because it is a powerful motivating tool that aids workers in displaying creative work behavior at each level of idea development, idea promotion, and idea realization.
The chapter describes study’ design, population, method of sampling, data collection methods, reliability and validity tests, processing and analysis techniques that were used.
Research Design
Kothari (2005) emphasized that the choice of research design adopted in any research depends on the relevance of the proposed design to the nature and purpose as well as the economy of the research. The relationship between the dependent and independent variables was established using an explanatory study design. The approach also revealed the strength of the relationships between the variables under investigation. (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003). Several previous studies on employee stress have used explanatory research design yielding satisfactory results (Kokonya et al, 2014; Ndambuki, 2013)
Target Population
The population was made up of all the components that met the study’s inclusion criteria. The study targeted nurses working at Nigeria National hospital which according to the Report on health workforce mapping at NNH in the year 2019 were the majority. According to the Report on health workforce mapping at NNH in June 2019 the nurses were 2453 in total.
The chapter entails the final results of field data and it’s discussed in the following sections;
This section includes a summary of results, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for further research.
The general aim of this research was assessing how employee performance was affected by work-related stress. The study specifically examined the influence of workplace conflict stress, overwork stress, time stress and role ambiguity on employee performance. Employees of NNH formed the study population. The study relied on primary data obtained by use of questionnaires. Data was descriptively analysed and presentation of findings is as follows
The study assessed how employee performance in NNH was affected by workplace conflict stress and found that workplace conflict stress had a positive significant relationship with employee performance. A good relationship linking the supervisors and the employee was found, sometimes they quarrel with their co-workers due to work related issues and that in the event of a disagreement at work, their coworkers are supportive.
The study sought to determine how performance Clinical And Non Clinical Staff is affected by overwork stress in NNH and established that overwork stress was linked to performance positively and significantly. Employees work with people who make too many demands, they feel overloaded due to amount of work that is assigned and that in their department, there is a problem with understaffing, and they have to work outside of my usual working hours to finish my work.
The study sought to evaluate how performance Clinical And Non Clinical Staff is affected by time stress in NNH and revealed that time stress related to performance positively and significantly. Employees feel stressed due to unrealistic deadlines, they do not have sufficient time to complete my work and that they find themselves doing many things at the same time which affects my overall performance and that they are able to meet the deadline set by my supervisors.
The aimed at determining how employee performance in NNH is affected by role ambiguity and found that role ambiguity had a positive significant relationship with employee performance. Employees are very comfortable in my current status/ place of work, job transfers in their organization rarely takes place, the management gives adequate information on what the employee should do and that the hospital offers training and development opportunities, upon exit of an employee the organization does replacement promptly, they understand their job responsibilities, they work under incompatible policies and guidelines.
On work conflict stress, the study concluded that workplace conflict had psychological as well as the physiological effects on both workers and managers, impacting their health and job efficiency, and it is a leading cause of absenteeism and low employee turnover. Too much stress is always detrimental and employees and organization both suffer from its ill effects.
On overwork stress, the study concluded that overwork stress employees’ sleep quality and amount are likely to be affected by their work environment. Working long hours, meeting strict deadlines, and meeting ever-increasing demands are all contributing factors. that makes an employee remain worried, drained, and overwhelmed. When an employee is overworked exceeds its ability to cope and starts affecting their mental and physical health, as well as their work satisfaction.
On time stress, the study concluded that employee time management improves their efficiency and helps them to meet their desired goals with less commitment and more successful methods. Time stress, on the other hand, causes missed deadlines and appointments, procrastination and a lack of attention, a lack of discipline, sluggish workflow, poor work quality, and a bad professional image.
On role ambiguity, the study concluded that employees with position ambiguity are unsure of which actions are acceptable and which are not. They should, on the other hand, wonder if they are not engaging in acceptable work behaviors. Both of these conditions are distressing to the majority of workers. Furthermore, as leaders offer opportunities for employee engagement and develop a formalized work climate, workers are less likely to feel ambiguous about their roles. In a nutshell, position uncertainty is a sign of bad management.
On work conflict stress, the study recommended that Managers must understand and realize that the value they add to the company is in their dealings with people in order to cope with stress more effectively. They must also raise their self-awareness of the factors that contribute and the shapes of conduct that contribute to the initial state of emotional exhaustion. Workplace stress has significant consequences for workers’ well-being and, eventually, for the company’s bottom line. As a result, it is suggested that organizational managers collaborate to exchange perspectives and discuss improvements that reduce excessive tension and move everyone closer to their objectives.
On overwork stress, the study recommended that the organization should help protect workers from the negative effects of job stress, organizations should develop a strong support system at work. Management should pay attention to them and support them when they need it. The company can increase employee social contact; providing a broad network of supportive friendships through social activities will help employees alleviate stress.
On time stress, the study recommended that the tasks should be given a certain amount of time to complete in order for workers to complete them on time and effectively control their workload. Because of the correct use of time and prioritization of tasks it should deliver work of a specific standard and quality; an employee can easily increase the quality of his or her work. Prioritization assists employees by putting vital activities at the top of the priority list, they are able to dedicate their whole attention and focus to them. As a result, the consistency of the job has improved.
On work role ambiguity, the study recommended that the employees should be assisted in clarifying their roles, and then conditions should be created in which those responsibilities can be carried out efficiently. Build job conditions for their subordinates that are free of position uncertainty according to this standard. When position uncertainty does occur, they should try to reduce it as much as possible. Management should also be concerned with their subordinates’ personal well-being. They are more likely to work toward eliminating job uncertainty and other stressors if they express concern for their employees’ well-being.
Suggestion for Further Studies
The study determined the impact of work-related stress on employee performance with a specific focus on how workplace conflict stress, overwork stress, time stress and role ambiguity influences employee performance. Therefore, it is suggested that another study could be done focusing on different measurement of work related stress on employee performance in NNH.
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