Statistical Analysis on the Effects of Training and Management of Manpower in an Organization for Effective Performance Using PHCN
Chapter One
The aims and objectives of the study are as follows;
- To determine the training and development needs of employees in organization with particular reference to power holding company of Nigeria
- To ascertain the category of employees who have benefited and how often they benefit from training and development of manpower programme.
- To find out the effect of training and development exercise on the employees of power holding company of Nigeria in particular.
- To see the methods they employ and which methods is the most suitable in power holding company of Nigeria (P.H.C.N)
- To identify the problems encountered by the management in carrying out these methods
- To assess the performance of employees who have trained and developed.
Employee Training
Training is the learning process that is the indispensable part of human resource development. According to Abbas Z. (2014) training as an essential element to an employee for the development of the companies because some of the employees have lack of knowledge skills and competencies and failed to accomplish task on timely basis. Besides, Training is a learning activity directed towards the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills for the purpose of an occupation or task. The focus of training is the job or task for example, the need to have efficiency and safety in the operation of particular machines or equipment, or the need for an effective sales force to mention but a few (Cole, 2002). According to Saleem et al. (2011) training is an organized increase from the know-how skills and sensations needed for staff members to execute efficiently in the offered process, as well as, to operate in underling situation. Furthermore, training also increases the abilities of employee‟s very effective way by motivating them and converting them in to well organize and well-mannered, that ultimately affects the performance of organization. However, Laing (2009) training is defined as an indicator to enhance superior skills, knowledge, capabilities and outlook of the employees that results in effective performance of the workers. Moreover, he adds one more thing, that is, training extends the production of the organization. In line with this is the believe that training is important mean to improve the employees‟ productivity which ultimately affects the organization performance and effectiveness (Singh and Mohanty, 2012). According to Nunvi (2006), training programs are directed towards maintaining and improving current job performance while development seeks to improve skills for future jobs. Besides Armstrong (1996), emphasized that training should be developed and practiced within the organization by appreciating learning of theories and approaches, if training is to be well understood. Training is a type of activity which is planned, systematic and it results in enhanced level of skill, knowledge and competency that are necessary to perform work effectively Gordon (1992). On the other hand, development is a broad ongoing multi-faceted set of activities (training activities among them) aimed at bringing someone or an organization up to another threshold of performance, often to perform some job or a new role in the future (McNamara, 2008). While Singh and Mohanty (2012) explained in their research that training is an important tool for the purpose of enhancing the workforce performance and it‟ll ultimately increase the worth of an organization but organization ought to be balance amongst training worth and training disbursement. Besides, Chris (2011) employee training is essential for the organization to develop the performance of the employees and the organization should evaluate the training program as per the objectives and missions. In the same way, training enhancement of skills pertaining to a particular job while development has its scope stretched across the growth and personal development of the employees Obisi (2011). Moreover, Cambell (1971) has given his views as training improves the skill level of technical staff during a short period of time for a specific objective while development allows the managers to learn and grow during a long term learning period having wide-ranging objective. Also, Armstrong M. (2009) has differentiated training from development by putting his concept into words that development is meant to acquire new knowledge and skills that help to progress into some future job requirements while training helps in gaining those competencies that enable the employees to better perform in their present jobs. Further researchers added that technological developments, atomization, mechanization, changing environment and organizational change have gradually led some employers to the realization that success relies on the skills and abilities of their employees, and this means considerable and continuous investment in training and development Khan et al. (2011).Training the act of increasing the knowledge, skills, abilities of an employee for doing a specific job .It an is an organized increase from the know-how skills and sensations needed for staff members to execute efficiently in the offered process, as well as, to operate in underling situation Saleem et al. (2011). Moreover, Laing (2009) assumed that training as an indicator to enhance superior skills, knowledge, capabilities and outlook of the employees that results in effective performance of the workers. However, Singh and Mohanty (2012) believe that training is important mean to improve the employees productivity which ultimately affects the organization performance and effectiveness. On the other hand Training must be talked in such a way that it covers the employee‟s performance-development needs and is in accordance with their job descriptions.
In this chapter, we described the research procedure for this study. A research methodology is a research process adopted or employed to systematically and scientifically present the results of a study to the research audience viz. a vis, the study beneficiaries.
Research designs are perceived to be an overall strategy adopted by the researcher whereby different components of the study are integrated in a logical manner to effectively address a research problem. In this study, the researcher employed the survey research design. This is due to the nature of the study whereby the opinion and views of people are sampled. According to Singleton & Straits, (2009), Survey research can use quantitative research strategies (e.g., using questionnaires with numerically rated items), qualitative research strategies (e.g., using open-ended questions), or both strategies (i.e., mixed methods). As it is often used to describe and explore human behaviour, surveys are therefore frequently used in social and psychological research.
According to Udoyen (2019), a study population is a group of elements or individuals as the case may be, who share similar characteristics. These similar features can include location, gender, age, sex or specific interest. The emphasis on study population is that it constitutes of individuals or elements that are homogeneous in description.
This study was carried to examine the statistical analysis on the effects of training and management of manpower in an organization for effective performance. PHCN Owerri forms the population of the study.
This chapter presents the analysis of data derived through the questionnaire and key informant interview administered on the respondents in the study area. The analysis and interpretation were derived from the findings of the study. The data analysis depicts the simple frequency and percentage of the respondents as well as interpretation of the information gathered. A total of eighty (80) questionnaires were administered to respondents of which only seventy-seven (77) were returned and validated. This was due to irregular, incomplete and inappropriate responses to some questionnaire. For this study a total of 77 was validated for the analysis.
It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain statistical analysis on the effects of training and management of manpower in an organization for effective performance. Using PHCN Owerri as a case study. In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of the effects of training and management of manpower in an organization for effective performance.
This study was on statistical analysis on the effects of training and management of manpower in an organization for effective performance. Using PHCN Owerri as a case study. five objectives were raised which included; To determine the training and development needs of employees in organization with particular reference to power holding company of Nigeria, to ascertain the category of employees who have benefited and how often they benefit from training and development of manpower programme, to find out the effect of training and development exercise on the employees of power holding company of Nigeria in particular, to see the methods they employ and which methods is the most suitable in power holding company of Nigeria (P.H.C.N), to identify the problems encountered by the management in carrying out these methods and to assess the performance of employees who have trained and developed. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from PHCN Owerri. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).
Human resources (personnel) in any organization remain the most invaluable asset for growth and development, hence training and retraining is essential components of manpower development. Training and personnel development is a mixture of activities aimed at improving the performance of personnel in organizations for the attainment of continuous improvement in productivity. Training and human development assists employees to learn how to use the resources in an approve way that allows organization to meet its desired output. Staff are required to perform varied competences in their profession that will make then saleable in the labor market. It is the possession of these skills needed by the labour market that will enable them contribute maximally to service organizations and national development of the Nigerian nation. However, for the organization and government to make training and personnel development to become effective in the service cycle, they have to tackle the challenges of introducing new orientations on training contents, training evaluation, attitudes to training and training utilization
The essence of training and development in service organization cannot be over emphasized. It has been observed that training is very important in every aspect of an organization. It enhances the efficiency of staff, increases output and motivates employees for better performance. It has been discovered that training and human development are not isolated from human resources. Even in the advanced countries and in most computerized organization, training and development cannot be overlooked because; human are the ones to operate this equipment. From the findings, the following recommendations were made: Organization is seen to be effective and efficient if there is demonstrable increase in productivity, therefore, any training and personnel development must be based on proper analysis of its contribution to the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization. Staff should be expose to regular professional training areas such as foundation, career or development, preservice and off-the-job-pupilage training as to enhance their productivity in the organization. It is also necessary for the staff to be exposed to seminars, conferences and workshops to enable them keep abreast with the challenges posed by modern business offices. The development programmes of managers should be done on yearly or regular basis; hence training involves systematic, professional and development of skills, 80 knowledge and attitude necessary for performing specific schedule of duties. There should be free flow of information to enable all the staff aware of the training and development programme available both internally and externally. There should be effective utilization of integration of resources, physical and human will to yield high output or performance. Also, on-the-job and in-house methods of training should be used extensively by organizations and government, especially in the training of junior staff as they tend to be cheaper and more effective. PHCN should also introduce reward system for outstanding performance so as to motivateemployees to always put in their best during each training period. This will assist them in identifying those staff that has special skills and talents. PHCN should expose all their staff to training at least once in every year. This will make the employees to meet up with the changes in their services and work processes as may be driven by the competitive environment. Instead of downsizing those employees with years of experience and recruiting new ones, service organization should rather invest in (committed to) training and development of their experienced staff. This will help them to reduce the cost of frequent recruitment and selection.
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