Statistics Project Topics

Statistical Analysis of Reading Habits and Academic Performance of Students (a Case Study of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri)

Statistical Analysis of Reading Habits and Academic Performance of Students (a Case Study of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri)

Statistical Analysis of Reading Habits and Academic Performance of Students (a Case Study of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri)v



The aims and objectives of this study include

  1. To study the relationship between sex of students in regards to reading and their performance
  2. To identify factors that affect comprehension and rate to reading of students.
  3. To determine students attitude towards reading.
  4. To study if there is any relationship between reading habitsand academic performance of polytechnic students.



This is need for me to review other peoples work in order to learn from their mistakes and to make ones work authentic.

This section focuses on the literature review and the role of reading habits and its academic achievement as a frame work of their work.


Reading according to oxford learners dictionary is on action of a person who read or a way in which words is interpreted or understood.

Meanwhile, reading is to look at and understand and meaning of written or printed words or symbol.

However, reading is not more looking at printed words but it is the ability to synthesize graphic symbols into words structure and ability to analyze them in order to solve problem. On the process of reading leed1973 says reading is a matter of scoreling for the taught that was in the mind of these which now lies in the meaning of the words which are before the reader.

Staiga also said reading as the essential cognitive process during which the reader not only comprehends the ideas presented in a text but also interprets and evaluate them.

In order to read well or improve in reading. It is necessary to improve in a number of areas related to the specific act of reading. Perhaps, this is why it is logical to accept the definition of reading process as comprising all the higher mental abilities of perceptualisation process and interpreting information suggestion by the written or printed words.


Since reading comprises both linguistic and psycholinguistic processes. It therefore becomes very necessary to discuss.

Some linguistic and psycholinguistic models of reading. A writer by name Friest 1974 postulated that leaning to read involved three stages.

The first stage is the transfer stage which means that the child learns to substitute his or her reparative of language.

The second stage is when comprehension becomes automatic after which when the visual causes have been mastered.





Due to the nature and scope study, the data for the research was collected from primary sources. These data were based on the questions in the questionnaire; prepared and administered to the polytechnic students of Nekede Owerri. The data were obtained from individuals students.


Sampling is the process of generating data which simply consists of selecting units or observations from a given population. Selection of units from population is done in a fashionable manner which eliminates biasness. Therefore in order to have a sample that is actually the true representation of the population, selection has to be carried out in a random manner, whereby each unit of the population has equal chance to be selected.

However, the sample of students which were used were being selected by a simple random sampling method in this case I collected proportion of makes and females in the constitution.



The analysis done here is base on the data collected from primary source as indicated earlier chapter three.

The data were obtained as stated in the table below




This study attempted to find out the statistical analysis of reading habit and academic performance of students.

The findings of the study reveal the following

  1. It was found that the students encountered certain problems in reading which leads for their inability to comprehend easily.
  2. Using chi-square test, I discovered that the performances of the students are being affected by their reading habits for the school choosen for the study.
  3. With the use of chi-square test of independence I discovered that students are independent of their sex.


The following conclusions are drawn based on the analysis of data and findings:

That the performances of students are not influenced by their reading habit for the school chosen for the study.

Also as revealed by the chi-square test of independence between the sex of students and their performance. I conclude that the reading habits do not depend on the sex of the students.

Furthermore, to have a good comprehension skills student must develop right attitude towards reading with appropriate varying rate of speed depending on the purpose and the difficulty of the passage given.

A good reader uses different pattern of reading and studying. Each pattern involves the use of varying skill and attitudes the pattern used depend on the type of complexity of written material the purpose of reading and the readers own language development and familiarity with kinds of ideas expressed if the students are able to acquire all the aforementioned  skills and improve their reading habits. it is believed that there will be a greater improvement in their academic performances.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations aimed at improving the reading comprehension ability of the students are made.

The reading environment is not conducive for effective reading. The over-congestion of students in the lecture rooms and library is a matter that requires urgent attention by those in authority. An insufficient seat in the library is a matter that requires urgent attention by those in authority. An insufficient seat in the lecture rooms is another pressing problem that needs to be addressed. For reading to be effective there should be the provision of conducive environment and adequate facilities to foster improvement. The present condition where students are cayed into small lecture rooms and which encourages noise making instead of reading their books is not encouraging.

Modern and current books should be equipped in the libraries and necessary facilities should be provided for students to use.

This would help to widen the knowledge of the student.


Further research should focus in ways and means to improve the poor reading culture of Nigeria students.


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