Microbiology Project Topics

Soluble Solid and Cyanide Cassava Processing Water Waste Bod and Biological Toxicity of the Aqueous Environment

Soluble Solid and Cyanide Cassava Processing Water Waste Bod and Biological Toxicity of the Aqueous Environment

Soluble Solid and Cyanide Cassava Processing Water Waste Bod and Biological Toxicity of the Aqueous Environment

Chapter One


The objectives of this study are as follows:

  • To examine whether soluble solid and cyanide cassava processing water waste bod is inhibited by cyanide content during its fermentation
  • To determine the inhibition factor KI by using a statistical regression method and graphical
  • To investigate the type of inhibition involved in waste degradation. To determine the rate of degradation of cyanide in cassava



Cassava (manihot escalenta crantz) is an important tropical root crop providing energy to about 500 million people, as a very cheap source of carbohydrate and is the main carbohydrate source in the diet of the teeming population of the third world countries where it is largely grown. Apart from being the supplementary staple food of many Africans, it is also used as livestock feed particularly for monogastrics (Banjoko et al, 2008). Traditional African food products such as garri and fufu are obtained from cassava by series of operations such as grating, dewatering, fermenting and roasting. In these processes, it generates waste which includes wastewater and solid waste. But in this work, wastewater will be considered more due to its significant contribution to the environment. Cassava wastewater causes environmental pollution and aesthetic nuisance.

The major waste is from garri processing product and fufu production. The nutritional importance of cassava and it’s by products is however constrained by a number of factors. According to Iyayi et al (1997), the utilization of most of the agro-industrial by-products is plagued by their high level of structurally non-starch polysaccharide (NSP). These NSP include cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin and lignin. Cassava by-products are also reputedly high in anti- nutrients like hydrogen cyanide (HCN), polyphenels (tannins) and Phyate and low in protein (Akpan and Ikeneboneh, 1995). The fallout of these constraints on the animals includes low digestibility, poor feed intake and reduced animal performance (Alawa, and Amadi, 1990; Adegbola, and Oduozo, 1992). In Nigeria today, 15 million tonnes of cassava are used for processing of garri and fufu, in the processing of cassava fermented products, the roots are normally peeled to get rid of the out coverings, a then brown outer cover and a thicker leathery parencymate inner cover.

The peels are also problematic to the environment, since its disposal to the land and ferments or decays to give out foul odor, polluted odor and are poisonous when inhaled by man or animals when dumped in a large amount near house holds. Therefore, they cause infection and other land problems that may take a long time to notice, rendering the soil unproductive, due to the biological and chemical reactions taking place between the continuously fermenting peels, soil and the surrounding vegetation. If these peels could make up 10% of the wet weight of roots, they constitute an important potential resource if properly harnessed biotechnologically.



From research carried out by Dr Patrick Collard of the Department of Bacteriology, University of Ibadan, the world’s production of cassava as at 1959 was analyzed as shown below, through the analysis, Africa was the highest/greatest producer and consumer of cassava root and food respectively.





The sample used in this study was collected from cassava processing plant where cassava is used in production of fufu and garri. This means that the processing plant was divided into two sections, via fermentation and the grinding department, the grinding department is also in two sub-sections which consist of the grinding and drying in which the wastewater can be collected (Ugwuanyi, 2008).

In detail, the fermentation sections for fufu production, soak or ferment cassava tubers with the peels. Thoroughly washed with clean water for four (4) days, fermentation in a clean container with sufficient water level, then the peels are removed and sifted in water for the removal of the fibres and compressed for the product of fufu and collect the wastewater for the research. Nevertheless the peels can be removed before fermentation also.

In the grinding and drying department, the cassava tubers were peeled and ground with the grinding machines, after which it is dried and waste is produced. This wastewater is discharged into the nearby drains;

This processing plant is not quite large, thereby this manual average production and average wastewater generated per day have not been estimated. Wastewater from cassava mainly contains starch and fibre as impurities. It may contain oil or grease from the lubricated parts of the machine also.




Six samples of the cassava wastewater were put in the measure of 2000ml each in six plastic buckets. The buckets were left open to air since the condition used is aerobic




This research made it possible to analyze the chemical component of cassava wastewater and the effects of cyanide on its degradation.   The wastewater was subjected to laboratory tests and an oxidizing agent was added to ensure effective degradation. The additions of sodium hydroxide oxidizes cyanide content to cyanate. Positively using the statistical regression and the Lineweaver-Burk plot equation, presentations of the plots classifies the different types of inhibition involved, at different grams of oxidization agent added in buckets A2 – A6. Also results show that cyanide reduces with time. Finally, the results show that the inhibition factors vary at different percentage increases of the oxidizer.


This research is very important to sanitary engineers, environmentalists, enzymologists and others whose interests are on investigation of the level of pollution in water bodies and on the environments by toxic chemicals like cyanide. Since cassava is being utilized extensively for industrial purposes, like production of paper, plywood, adhesives, sweeteners, alcohol, and amino acid, the waste obtained from all these measures are more acidic. It is highly proposed that the waste undergo proper treatment before discharge to rivers. Research has made known that low concentration of less than 0.3mg/L of cyanide may result in massive fish kills. Hence

the analytical result of this research is useful and noteworthy for the design of treatment plants. Untreated sewage from cassava industries should not be used for irrigation or in fish ponds. Since it produces chromosomal aberration in some plants and prevents self purification of the receiving water bodies.


  • Adegbola, T.A., Oduozo P.C (1992). “Nutrient Intake, Digestibility and Performance of Fed Varying Levels of Fermented and Unfermented Cassava Peel” Meal. J. anim. Prod. Res. 12(1,) 45-47.
  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), (1988). “Toxicological Profile for Cyanide, Draft for public comment” Prepared for the U.S. Public Health Service by Technical Resources, Inc., under Contract No. 68-03-3268. Revised by Syracuse Research Corporation under Contract No. 68-03-3521. Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
  • Agunwamba, J.C. (2001). “Waste Engineering and Management Tools” Immaculate Publication Ltd, Enugu. Pp 153-179
  • Akpan, I, and Ikenebomeh, MJ (1995). “Glutamic Acid Fermentation” Nig. J.Microbiol. 10, 60-65.
  • Alawa, JP,and Amadi, C (1991). “Voluntary Intake and Digestibility of Diets Containing Corn Cobs, Brewers Dried Grains and Wheat Bran by Rabbits” J. Anim. Prod. 11: 9-20.
  • Annachhatre, A.P. and Amornkaew, A. (2001). “Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Treatment of Starch Wastewater Containing Cyanide” Water Environmental Research; 73, 622–632.
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