Economics Project Topics

Socio-economic Impact of Covid-19 (Enugu State Perspective)

Socio-economic Impact of Covid-19 (Enugu State Perspective)

Socio-economic Impact of Covid-19 (Enugu State Perspective)


Objective of the study

To examine the socioeconomic impact of the outbreak of covid-19 in Nigeria. Specific objectives

  1. To evaluate the economic implications of covid-19 outbreak on Tourism industry in Nigeria.
  2. To explore the effect of the Covid-19pandemic on the livelihood of Nigerians .
  3. To assess the effect of the Covid-19pandemic on agricultural production.




Tourism is a reason for most of the human mobility in the modern world. According to the World Tourism Organization (2020), the international tourism has indicated continues growth for the tenth consecutive year reporting 1.5 billion international tourist arrivals in 2019 and estimated 1.8 billion of international tourist arrivals by 2030 )people are forecasted to be (UN News, 2017). Reporting the COVID 19 or the Corona outbreak started from Hubei province, Wuhan City in China in November, 2019 and spread all over the world by March, 2020 has been remarkable in world history as the most challenging tragedy occurred in the world after decades may be the World War II. The major disruptions on the global economy from the transmission of this virus especially to the retail sector, food, consumer goods, healthcare delivery and a potential curtailing of travel and tourism as major drivers of the most of the countries in the world is in immeasurable and severe than expected by many. The situation should be strategically addressed with suitable proactive and reactive measures considering the current situation and to overcome future threats to ensure the socio economic wellbeing of all humans keeping space for increased travel and tourism.

However, the decisions on limiting the movements of people and commodity mainly affected to the industries like tourism, because, tourism include air transportation, sea transportation, food handling, accommodation sector, entertainment and recreation etc. Considering the impact of Covid 19 pandemic on Nigeria tourism, it can be noticed that Nigeria earns better reputation than the other countries in the world in controlling Covid 19 pandemic; arrangement of quarantine facilities and medical facilities even for foreigners while other developed countries announce nonresidents to leave the country, appliance of personal protective equipment in handling airline/sea line passengers at the respective ports, continuation of supply of basic human needs, extension of visas for foreigners securing them with available facilities etc. Hence, this situation would be favorable in flourishing Nigeria Tourism in the future even though it earns losses today.

Being a country with very less experiences on global health Pandemics during the last few decades, Nigeria did not have a clear predetermined technical agenda for such a worse tragedy. However, with this limited experience, Nigeria reported to be the first country which has taken the mitigation and necessary controlling actions for COVID 19 after China. Even China has taken the action as the cases started to be reported from the country with deaths. Nigerian government started with quarantining and some specific health measures and preparedness at airport with thermal scanners before the first case found from the country. The first case of Corona infected patients (a Chinese tourist) reported from Nigeria on February, 18 of 2020 and after a short silence, the second patient was reported.

Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia

I.Etiological Characteristics

The novel coronaviruses belong to the β genus. They have envelopes, and the particles are round or oval, often polymorphic, with diameter being 60 to 140 nm. Their genetic characteristics are significantly different from SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Current research shows that they share more than 85% homology with bat SARS-like coronaviruses (bat-SL-CoVZC45). When isolated and cultured in vitro, the 2019-nCoV can be found in human respiratory epithelial cells in about 96 hours, however it takes about 6 days for the virus to be found if isolated and cultured in Vero E6 and Huh-7 cell lines.




This section covers the study‟s research design, population and sampling, instruments of data collection and data collection and data analysis.

Research design

This was a quantitative research design that employed a survey design. The information gathered from the various respondents was rendered measurable through the method of data analysis. The qualitative research is a social research which helped in testing perceptions. Questionnaires were administered as an instrument to collect the data from the chosen respondents. The subjects of the study were provided with a self-administering questionnaire which was both closed and open-ended to enable collection of as much and rich data as possible.



Characteristics of sample respondents

The majority of our respondents (90%) were male with an average age of 43 years. Almost 64% of the respondents were literate, which is comparable to 66.7% reported by LISGIS.



Our study offers important insights on the effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the livelihoods of Nigerian society and the mechanisms underlying them. We found that the incidence of covid-19 did not influence the total annual household income depending on whether or not the households were located in/near communities where covid-19 occurred. However, the majority of the sample house- holds reported that their income was lower during the covid-19 crisis, as compared to their income before the outbreak. This suggests that the effects of the covid-19 pandemic were not limited to the communities where covid-19 occurred, but that the covid-19 crisis affected communities throughout the country. These results are in line with the findings of Bowles et al. (2020) who reported that during the covid-19 pandemic, there was a remarkable decline in economic activities across Ghana, but that in most cases, there was little association between the decline in economic activities and the number of the virus cases. Thus, post-pandemic rehabilitation measures should not only be limited to communities directly affected by covid-19, but should also target those indirectly affected by the pandemic.


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  • Daily FT. (2020). Tourism industry meets to assess COVID-19 impact, way forward. Retrieved from COVID-19-impact-way-forward/44-696983
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