Computer Science Project Topics

Smartbin: Efficient Waste Handling Based on the Internet of Things (IOT)

Smartbin Efficient Waste Handling Based on the Internet of Things (IOT)

Smartbin: Efficient Waste Handling Based on the Internet of Things (IOT)

Chapter One


The objective is to design an intelligent system for waste bin detection using the Internet of Things technology. This system can would go a long way at controlling the unattended trash being littered in the environment.




The requirements gives a detailed description of what the system should do as well as what it must have. This accumulates to the behavior of the system (functional requirement) and the limits under which the system functions (non-functional requirement). It also gives what devices are needed in the development of the system.


The functional requirements specify the behavior of the system which includes:

  • The system takes input from the ultrasonic sensors it is being connected to and calculates the distance. These inputs are in form of signals which the Raspberry Pi
  • The sensor continuously sends signals to the Raspberry Pi which forwards it to the local server. The local server is constantly updated. Hence, data is readily available for the user upon
  • The system will display a visual representation of the status via the local
  • The display is accomplished by nodes connected using the Node-Red  flow editor and its accompanying User
  • As soon as the level rises to the threshold limit, an email alert is sent to the user saying: “Your trashcan is almostfull!!!.”
  • The email notification delays for 20 seconds before it is sent to ensure

This is because the sensor can capture readings as trash goes down into the bin and not always when it is full. By delaying the email notification with 20 seconds, the concern for inaccuracy has been addressed.

  • The system automatically refreshes itself once the bin is emptied and the process remains in a loop as long as power is
  • The system is built to be rugged and not expected to develop problems under normal operations. Therefore, it can be used for a long period of


The system requires various hardware devices which will be coupled together to develop the Automatic Room Energy Control System and these devices include:

  • Raspberry pi 3 Model B
  • Ultrasonic Sensor(HC-SR04)
  • Resistors (1k Ω and 2.2kΩ)
  • Jumper wires (Male to Male, Male to Female, Female to Female)
  • Garbage can
  • 12,600 5V 2.1A DC Power Bank
  • Micro-USB (Male to Male)





This system has three important units which function as a whole to make up the entire system. The sensor unit is the most visible part of the sensor itself, it houses the ultrasonic sensor which faces downwards. The power unit is the unit which functions by supplying the required current needed to run the system. It comprises of a 12,600 mAH power bank and a micro-usb to discharge power. The main unit can also be referred to as the central processing unit. It accepts input from the ultrasonic sensor, processes it and presents data in a meaningful way to the user. This is achieved by programming the ultrasonic sensor using python programming language and processing the readings using Node-Red flows.


The diagram below shows the components of the system that interfaces with the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is powered through the power bank which can be charged when it is drained. The Raspberry Pi connects to the Internet via WiFi, this eliminates the need to run a physical cable to the SmartBin. The Raspberry Pi power the ultrasonic sensor through its on-board pins. SmartBin is a stand-alone system as it does not depend on any physical connection to itself before it functions.


 Conclusion and future work


With the development of SmartBin, it has been proved that waste management can be efficiently managed at any level. Littering of waste in the environment can now be controlled as well as ensuring the society remains healthy. Despite AUN’s effort at ensuring a very clean and healthy environment, it has been impossible for waste handlers to kow the level of trash in the bin without physically checking it. With SmartBin, a user can know the status of trash in a garbage can without physically going to check. I faced a lot of challenges in the course of this project. Firstly, the difficulty of programming in python but I overcame this by watching numeroud videos as well as studied books. After which, I started coding each segment of the project and made sure they were working before I merged them together to complete the project. Secondly, I also encountered a challenge of obtaining a perfect bin that would smartly house the system without making it too obvious from the outside. Finally, this system would go a long way in not only managing trash but can be used for statistics purposes.


This system requires some future implementation for it to be sufficeint enough to be installed in a building. Firstly, the system should have the ability to send a text to the

when the bin is full as this will be more efficient when the user is out of internet coverage. Secondly, the system should also be rugged and connections should be soldered which will eliminate the need for using breadboard. Thirdly, the system should also be able to identify recyclable wastes and notify the user of its presence.


  • Mrs D. Anuradha , A.Vanitha ,S.Padma Priya, S.Maheshwari, (2017). Waste Management System Using Iot. IJCST 5(2), 152-155.
  • Javed. (2016) “Complex Flows: Node-Red,” in Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things. Apress, 4, 51-73.
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