Entrepreneurship Project Topics

Saleable Entrepreneurial Skills Need of Secretarial Administration Graduate for Employability and Career Sustainability in Ogun State

Saleable Entrepreneurial Skills Need of Secretarial Administration Graduate for Employability and Career Sustainability in Ogun State

Saleable Entrepreneurial Skills Need of Secretarial Administration Graduate for Employability and Career Sustainability in Ogun State

Chapter One

Purpose of The Study

The goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of saleable entrepreneurship on secretaries’ contributions to an organization. The researcher wants to know how secretaries may successfully manage their time in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives. In order to accomplish deadlines and objectives, secretaries must develop good time management skills. Both their own and their bosses’ schedules should be appropriately scheduled by secretaries. The researcher also plans to look into the organizational reasons that lead to time wastage and to pinpoint the elements that will enable secretaries to succeed as saleable entrepreneurs. Most crucial, to offer suggestions for how to make things better.

Objectives of the Study

  1. To find out the awareness of Saleable entrepreneurial skills among
  2. To examine the effectiveness of Entrepreneurial skills in service delivery in the banking sector by secretaries.
  3. To know if Saleable entrepreneurial can ensure timely completion of assigned duties in the banking sector.
  4. To describe challenges facing secretaries in the new Nigerian bank PLC in Saleable entrepreneurial.



The Concept Secretary

The word secretary simply means a person who works in an office and manages the organization. Although a secretary is perceived more as a personal assistant or administrative assistant, the professional secretary is one of the most essential human resources in a business organization because he helps make the wheel of the organization to turn. Secretaries provide the unseen services which make the organizations to prosper. Secretaries according to Ahukannah and Ekelegbe (2008) are classified into four categories:

  1. Professional Secretary: This is the secretary by reason of training, ethics, orientation and skills. He must be an expert in shorthand writing, typewriting and use of computer and ability to deal with office routine activities. This category (in other words termed as confidential secretary) is the researcher area of concern.
  2. The Honorary Secretary: This is the one who is in charge of the correspondence, records and other business affairs of a society, club and other associations. He is not a professional secretary because he has not acquired the necessary skills/training.
  3. Private Secretary: This is an employee who deals with correspondence, keep records and files in the office.
  • Corporate/Company Secretary: Companies established under the Companies Act 1990 are normally required by the statute to engage the services of a Company Secretary. He/ She takes charge of the administration of the company, as well as functions as secretary to the board of directors. Registrars of government establishment such as polytechnics, universities et cetera are the secretaries of their various institutions who take charge of general administration as well as cover the meetings of their various councils and produce the minutes.

A secretary is a person, whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of professional ethics and communication and organizational skills. Wordnet (2008) defines secretary as a person who assists a member of staff or top management level, and who undertakes a lot of administrative tasks for the smooth running of the office. This definition was confirmed by wikipedia (2008) where a secretary is seen as a person employed to write orders, letters, dispatch public or private papers, records and the like, an official scribe, one who attends to correspondence and transacts other business for an association, a public body, or an individual.

A secretary is an indispensable element in achieving organizational goals. He serves as a memory bank in his organization, scrutinizes visitors so as to give the executive enough time to do some other office activities, keep records so as to prevent embracement and the lost of important document which could consequently have a negative effect to the organization.

The Functions of a Secretary

A thorough review of the duties and roles perform by secretaries requires a classification or categorization of these functions. This classification allows a better understanding of the job the secretaries perform. For the purpose of this discussion, a number of classifications of function shall be reviewed below.




Research Design

The case study design was used as a model of investigation out of which collection of data was be possible. This design uses single area and allows variety of data collection methods to be deployed.

Study Population

Due to big sizes of populations, researchers often cannot test every person in the population because it would be too expensive and time-consuming.

A researcher can take samples of 10% of a bigger population and a least 20% for a smaller population and that a sample of above 30 to 500 is a good representation of the population (Sekaran, 2007).

In this study the population involved secretaries in Ogun State. The total number of study population was 90 people.



Demographic Variables

Respondent’s Age




Summary of findings

The study was expected to determine the effect of Saleable entrepreneurial on productivity in Banking sector. This could be achieved by using the following specific objectives:

  1. To find out the awareness of Saleable entrepreneurial skills among secretaries: Under the management and the leadership of Banking sector, they opted to find out from the secretaries if they were aware of Saleable entrepreneurial skills in order to find out where to fix their Saleable entrepreneurial issues where a higher percentage knew and were aware that they needed to manage their time well but something had to be done about those who were not aware
  2. To examine the effectiveness of Entrepreneurial skills in service delivery in Banking sector: The bank also looked at how they fast and efficient the delivery of service per patient was in order to be able to serve more patients per
  • To know if Saleable entrepreneurial can ensure timely completion of assigned duties in Banking sector: The management also looked at software and methods to be employed in order to manage time, this was looked at in term of fixed schedules and
  1. To describe challenges facing Banking sector in implementing Saleable entrepreneurial: The managers also checked the delaying factors such as infrastructure issues and time wasters such as gossiping in order to remain competitive in the market by eliminating/improving these challenges.

The findings of the research were found to be in line with literature reviewed.


The findings show that, Saleable entrepreneurial is satisfactory in New Nigerian bank PLC and it has direct link to the corporate performance because, majority of the respondents understand and implement Saleable entrepreneurial although there are some challenges that limit the implementation.


To the Management

    1. Educating the secretaries on Saleable entrepreneurial skills in order for them to know the importance of it and exactly how to do It is important that the secretaries know that the more they know how to effectively manage time, the more they can be able to achieve.
    2. They should also enhance the service delivery time by giving specific timelines for specific duties in order to serve the maximum number of patients and achieve the maximum number of set goals. Managers should invest and buy working tools like enough stethoscopes, computers, printers, required software, standby generator and create conducive working environment by re- arranging sitting positions in a way that secretaries can sit comfortably, also management should make sure that they train secretaries on how to use them effectively, so that duties can be performed smoothly.
  • They should employ Saleable entrepreneurial software, have fixed schedules, time tables, and duty rosters so that everyone can be in the right place at the right time doing the right

 To the New Nigerian bank PLC secretaries

secretaries should make sure that they come early to work and finish up assigned duties before deadline and must have personal strategies to deal with interruptions by reading different articles which explain about Saleable entrepreneurial strategies so that they can be in position to work without distraction.


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