Public Administration Project Topics

Roles of Local Government and Community Development in Enugu State (a Case Study of Nkanu East Local Government Council

Roles of Local Government and Community Development in Enugu State (a Case Study of Nkanu East Local Government Council

Roles of Local Government and Community Development in Enugu State (a Case Study of Nkanu East Local Government Council


Objective Of The Study

This study seeks to look at the contribution of local government development of rural areas in Nigeria using Nkanu east south local government area of Delta state.

  1. This research also aimed at identifying different factors militating the effectiveness of local government and solutions to those problems identified and it will be offered at the completion of the research work.
  2. The study makes a modest attempt to fulfill this purpose in the social and community development of the effective delivery of service to the respective local populations scattered all over the country.
  3. It also make a recommendations on making local government an effective third level of government, the development and management of the human resources of local governments and the development of the financial resources of local government.
  4. How to ensure faithful implementation of local government.




For a comprehensive discussion of the theoretical framework of this study, if is necessary to critically examine Nigeria’s Planning system for a wider scope in research and also to be able to establish a linkage between Nigeria’s Planning System vis-à-vis the present state of rural underdevelopment in Nigeria. Moreover, various approaches to community development will be reviewed so as to arrive at a suitable theoretical framework for this research.

According to Edoh, Planning is a policy actively directed towards the realization of a list of priorities within the course of an identified future time-span.

However, development plan in the colonial period was actually limited to the level of maintaining law and order for maximum exploitation of Nigeria’s resources or markets. Even the colonial 10 year Development plan which emanated from the colonial Development and welfare Act of April 1945 was drawn by British colonial administrators in connivance with a few Nigerian elites who reside in the urban areas and so have little care for rural areas.

In addition, the percentage of the expenditure allocated to community development was meager and to add salt to injury, under spent.

In the usual British colonial deception, this was attributed to “inadequate and unqualified personnel.”

However, for a successful implementation of a community development programme a complementary set of institutions and organizations with efficiently designed procedures are inevitable. Actually, no speedy rural transformation can be achieved without the pre – requisites outlined by the International labour Organization (ILO) study on community developments; that the most serious obstacles to community development in the developing countries are the prime constraints of structural, economic, technological and organizational adequacies which play a more critical role in retarding the pace of development.

Furthermore, it is ill fated to assume that plans can implement themselves. There has to be experts involved for its successful implementation. No wonder Walisky, pointed out that the experience of many developing countries in development planning proved that plan implementation is far more difficult and important that the actual plan formation; that there has been more of planning in the developing countries today than actual development.

Role of Local Government in community development

In the emerging countries like Nigeria, Local Government has been adopted as the major instrument for the acceleration and sustenance of community development. The importance of local government to rural and national development cannot be overemphasized. Local government, as constituted in the constitution is created as a vital instrument for community development and for the delivery of social services to the people. It is obvious that the third tier of government is strategically placed to fulfill these functions because of its proximity to the rural people, which enables it to easily articulate and aggregate the demands of the people.




 Research Design

According to kinnear(1989:133) “a research design is the basic plan which guides the data collection and analysis phases of a research project. It is the framework which specifies the type of information to be collected and source of data collection procedure.

A case study method was used for this study. It is important to determine the method and procedure adopted in this research report since it gives the reader background information on how to evaluate the findings and conclusion.

Sources of Data

Both the primary and secondary data are derived for the purpose of his study

Secondary Data: Secondary data were obtained through the examination of official documents of Nkanu east South Local Government (i.e. Financial Memoranda, Gazettes, Personnel records, etc), books, journal, articles and papers, presented, Newspapers and magazines, official documents etc, publication from both local and international bodies or agencies and research institutes.

Primary Data: The primary data were obtained through the administration of questionnaire on some selected respondents. Both the open and close-ended questions were utilized in eliciting responses from the respondents. Some principal staff of the local government as well as prominent residents of the area were also interviewed.

Population and Sample Size

The population of this study constitutes the entire people of Nkanu east South Local Government Area. It also involves the entire staff of the local government area.

In a study of this nature in which the population is relatively large and the people have their different unique identities, to ensure a wider representation, sampling is inevitably, since it would be very difficult to reach the entire population. Even if it is possible it will be arduous expensive, and time consuming (Asnkanu east: 1991:40). Osula (1982:58) define sampling as the procedure by which we take any portion of a population or universe. A sample is precisely a part of the population (Asnkanu east: 1991:39).



Test of Hypothesis One

The first hypothesis for this study is stated thus: “The level of performance of Nkanu east South Local Government in terms of community development is determined by the human financial and material resources available.”

In testing the first hypothesis, data were presented and analysed in the area of manpower or staff strength of the local government, their qualification and experience and training and development.




Local government because of its proximity to a large majority of the rural people is no doubt a center of development. Local Government is closer and as such should be felt by the people in the rural areas. Issues relating to community development touch more on people in the rural area. community development is not only about agricultural, infrastructural development or provision of social amenities, it is also about articulating the strength, skill, and aspirations of the rural people. It is about inspiring the people to help them to achieve and reach the peak of their expectations in life. The local government, because of its nearness to the rural people is respected to play this important role.

This study is has been an attempt to examine and assess the role of role of local government administration in community development with special focus on Nkanu east South local government area of Niger state.

In chapter one, an in-depth analysis of the background of study was undertaken by identifying the various stage of local government administration in Nigeria from pre-colonial to conical and post -colonial Nigeria. Various problems were identified which formed the problem of the study. Based on the problems the objective of the study was stated which was identify the reasons behind the problems highlighted and solutions proffered. In line with this, hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The chapter, also contain the methodology adopted to gather and analyze data. Finally, operational definitions of important terms were included in the chapter.

Chapter two was devoted to the review of related literature and theoretical framework of the study. Literature review on the definition and concept of community development, past community development efforts of the government and ways  in  which  local  government could perform the role of community development was carried out. Also in the chapter, the foundation of the study was built by adopting the modernization theory of community development.

In chapter three, a historical perspective of Nkanu east South Local Government was undertaken. Thus from historical perspective Nkanu east South Local Government was created in 1991 by the military government of Ibrahim Babangida. The chapter further identified the functions of the Local Government, its sources of revenue as well as the operational and structural organization.

Chapter four was devoted to presentation and analysis of data using tables, percentages and frequencies.  The data was gotten form questionnaire drawn for staff and beneficiaries and interview granted by the heads of department/ sections in the local  government. Information from other secondary sources also formed part of the data presented.


From the study we can conclude that the Local  Government has not been able to perform its role as a vehicle for community development due to inefficient manpower, financial and material resources. The study further shows that excessive political interference and control by other tier of government has affected the performance of the Local Government.

The findings reveal that majority of the staff necessary qualification and experience for work. This study shows that despite this inadequacy, the Local Government has not undertaken any training of the staff to improve their efficiency at work.

Inadequate financial and material resources is another problem of Nkanu east South Local Government Area. The study shows that the total fund accrued to the Local Government is too small. Also the internally generated revenue is too low and this leads to over dependence on statutory allocation. This low revenue base in every respect has hindered the local government from achieving its objective of rural transformation through provision of social amenities and infrastructural facilities.

The study also shows that excessive control and political interference has greatly affected it effectiveness. There are so many reasons added for this. One, the local government’s over dependence on statutory allocation discussed extensively in previous chapters; two, the powers given to the state house of assembly over the local governments are excessive. According to Ugwu (200:62)


The study so far has shown the inability of Nkanu east South Local Government Area to play its role as a vehicle for community development. This is as a result of certain identified constraints, which include inadequate skilled manpower, financial and material resources and excessive control and     political interference by other tiers of government, especially the state government.

In view of this, the researcher would recommend the following:

  • The local government service should try to motivate qualified and highly skilled personnel/ profession as to join its service.
  • The workforce on the ground should be trained to improve their proficiency for greater performance.
  • The higher level governments should set up a board where farmers could purchase fertilizer, improved seedling, other agro chemicals as subsidize rate all year round.
  • The federal government should help the local government prove equipments like graders, tippers etc to enhance road construction in rural areas.
  • The federal government should make it compulsory for each local government to engaged in a least one water and one road project every year. T is assumed that within a ten- year period almost every rural area would be linked and enjoys portable water.
  • In terms of revenue generation, the local government should endeavour to improve on the internally generated revenue. Areas like property tax tenement rates which has been neglected could yield much revenue. This will reduce over dependence on statutory allocation form federal government. Furthermore, the state government should be made to always release the 10% internally generated in the state meant for local governments.
  • Dishonest or corrupt revenue collectors should be adequately disciplined to deter others. Their activities of revenue officials should be closely monitored supervised and evaluated. They should be given a target, which they’re expected to meet. They should equally be motivated


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