Education Project Topics

Role of Tertiary Institutions in Promoting Entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria

Role of Tertiary Institutions in Promoting Entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria

Role of Tertiary Institutions in Promoting Entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria



The main objective of the study is to know the role of tertiary institutions in Promoting entrepreneurship in Nigeria institute of Journalism Lagos State. The specific objectives are to: 1.     Examine roles played by institutions in promoting entrepreneurship 2.  Ascertain rate of entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria institutions, student attitude to entrepreneurship and measures put in place to promote its teaching. Though Entrepreneurship Education has been part and parcel of educational activities in many countries of the world for over 100 years, it has just been introduced in the Nigerian tertiary institutions. Entrepreneurship Education, therefore, is not without its challenges. Many tertiary institutions are yet to have departments of Entrepreneurship Education.




Entrepreneurship and small businesses play significant roles in the economic development of nations, including that of the Nigerian economy. Realising the fundamental roles played by entrepreneurship and small businesses in a developing nation like Nigeria, the Federal Government of Nigeria in 2006 set up entrepreneurship studies and made it compulsory for students of higher institutions irrespective of area of specialization and in most universities, entrepreneurship studies have been adopted as a compulsory general studies course for students. Galloway and Brown (2002) are of the opinion that the fast growth of entrepreneurship education is evidence that those who attended entrepreneurship courses have a higher attitude to venture into new businesses than those who attended other courses. For Hansemark (1998), formal entrepreneurial education has been found to affect the attitudes of university towards entrepreneurship as a career option.  According to Nyonkuru (2005), a report by the European Commission in 2004 regards education as an important means to create a more entrepreneurial mindset among young people and asserts that promoting entrepreneurial skills and attitudes provides benefits to society even beyond their application to new business ventures. The objective of this paper therefore is to further explore the role of higher institutions in promoting entrepreneurship and small business in a developing economy with special attention to the Nigerian experience.  Precisely, the chapter will be considered in three sub-headings: Conceptual Framework.



Entrepreneurship At Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the term entrepreneur was used to describe both an actor and a person who managed large production projects. In such large production projects, this individual did not take any risks but merely managed the project using the resources provided, usually by the government of the country. A typical entrepreneur in the Middle Age was the cleric, the person in-charge of great architectural works such as castles and fortifications public buildings, abbeys and cathedrals.




Area of Study

The Nigerian Institute of Journalism is a Nigerian government monotechnic institute located at Ijaye road, Ogba in Ikeja, the capital of Lagos State, southwestern Nigeria. The institute is a diploma awarding monotechnic established in 1963 by the International Press Institute.

The members of Nigerian Institute of journalism with precisely those resident in Ogba Lagos State form the area of the study.

Research Design

Research designs are perceived to be an overall strategy adopted by the researcher whereby different components of the study are integrated in a logical manner to effectively address a research problem. In this study, the researcher employed the survey research design. This is due to the nature of the study whereby the opinion and views of people are sampled.

Population of the study

According to Udoyen (2019), a study population is a group of elements or individuals as the case may be, who share similar characteristics. These similar features can include location, gender, age, sex or specific interest. The emphasis on study population is that it constitutes of individuals or elements that are homogeneous in description.

This study was carried out to the role of tertiary institutions in promoting entrepreneurship education in Nigeria.




From the responses obtained as expressed in the table above, 56 respondents constituting 56% said positive. 24 respondents constituting 24% said no. While the remain 20 respondents constituting 20% were undecided.

From the responses obtained as expressed in the table above, 80 respondents constituting 80% said positive. 5 respondents constituting 5% said no. While the remain 15 respondents constituting 15% were undecided.




In this study, our focus was to examine the role of tertiary institutions in promoting entrepreneurship education in Nigeria. This research is set out to study and possibly evaluate the effort of tertiary institutions in promoting entrepreneurial education in Nigeria.

The study specifically was aimed at examining the roles played by institutions in promoting entrepreneurship. And to Ascertain rate of entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria institutions, student.

It was observed that u institution affect the student’s attitude towards entrepreneurship.

It was find that entrepreneurship contribute to the rate of employment in the country.

Finally, the study revealed that entrepreneurship a necessity in a country like Nigeria


The importance of Entrepreneurship education with the resultant financial benefit cannot be over-emphasized. In contemporary, Nigeria society, entrepreneurial education is gaining attention more than ever before. Entrepreneurship is however, widely conceived as one of the surest ways of escaping the socio-economic problems of unemployment and poverty. Tertiary institutions play important and prominent roles in promoting education for sustainable development by providing the requisite knowledge through entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship education should lead to key competences which refers to an individual’s ability to turn ideas into action. This includes creativity, innovation, risk-taking and ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives that would lead to sustainable development. There have been significant efforts to address sustainability in teaching and learning through research hand innovation on the part of most tertiary institutions such that tertiary institutions that have not yet keyed into this programme should be encouraged to design their curriculum to accommodate entrepreneurship education.


After an exhaustive research on the role of higher institutions in promoting entrepreneurship in Nigeria, the following recommendations have been put forth.

  • Most students in higher institutions are adult who must have taken decisions on their future career before adulthood. Introducing entrepreneurship and small business at secondary levels of education will further help in encouraging people to embrace and develop entrepreneurial drives.
  • Adequate funding of entrepreneurship programmes is required for a successful implementation of entrepreneurship programmes. As such, entrepreneurship centres established in higher institutions should be properly funded while such funds should also be judiciously used by those concerned.
  • Training-the-Trainers Forum Should be organized constantly to assist lecturers who handle entrepreneurship courses. Such training could be within or outside the country. Both lecturers and students can benefit from international training which will afford them the opportunity of driving home the application techniques of other successful nations. Again, entrepreneurship training should not only focus on the theoretical aspect of it but much emphasis should be made on the practical aspect of it.
  • Finally, this paper recommends that government and private sector individuals should provide more assistance to graduates who after acquiring entrepreneurial skills and knowledge want to venture into productive businesses. With this, Nigeria will be blessed with more entrepreneurs and successful business owners.
  • Establishment of Entrepreneurship Development Board (EDB) which should be responsible for coordinating all entrepreneurship activities across the country.


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