Role of Human Resource Policies in Promoting Industrial Harmony in Nigeria
Chapter One
Objectives of the study
The central objective of the study is to examine the role of human resource management in promoting industrial harmony in Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Kaduna.
The specific objectives are as follows::
- to evaluate the function of human resources in promoting industrial harmony in Nigeria Bottling Company Kaduna.
- To examine the relationship that exists between management and employees of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Kaduna.
- To identify how human resource management in Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Kaduna influence key decisions and polices as it affects employees and their union.
- To examine the constraint militating against human resource management from achieving industrial harmony in Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Kaduna.
This chapter reviews related literatures on the subject matter in accordance with the objectives of the study. as such extract will be made from journals, past researches as well as selected text books that related to the subject matter. As such the literature will be segmented into the following sub themes:
The concept of Industrial Relations and human resource management
According to Paula (2009) in considering the relationship between HRM and IR, two central concerns are: in what way does HRM pose a challenge to IR and how can conflicts between the two if any, be reconciled so that they can complement each other? This section concerns itself with the first of these two issues. In considering the issue, it is necessary to identify the broad goals of each discipline, the goals of HRM have ready been identified in the previous section. It remains to consider some of the basic objectives of IR, which could be said to include the following:
- The efficient production of goods and services and, at the same time, determination of adequate terms and conditions of employment, in the interests of the employer, employees and society as a whole, through a consensus achieved through negotiation.
- The establishment of mechanisms for communication, consultation and cooperation in order to resolve workplace issues at enterprise and industry level, and to achieve through a tripartite process, consensus on labour policy at national level.
- Avoidance and settlement of disputes and differences between employers, employees and their representatives, where possible through negotiation and dispute settlement mechanisms.
- To provide protection where needed e.g in the areas of social security, safety and health, child labour etc.
- Establishment of stable and harmonious relations between employers and employees and their organizations, and between them and the State.
IR is essentially pluralistic in outlook, in that it covers not only the relations between employer and employee (the individual relations) but also the relations between employers and unions between them and the state (collective relations). IR theory, practice and institutions traditional focus more on the collective aspect of relations. This is evident from the central place occupied by labor law, freedom of association, collective bargaining, the right to strike, employee involvement practices which involve unions, trade unionism and so on. HRM deals with the management of human resources, rather than with the management of collective relations.
There is of course a certain measure of overlap. Individual grievance handling falls within the ambit of both disciplines, but dispute settlement of collective issues more properly falls within the scope of IR. Policies and practices relating to recruitment, selection, appraisal, training and motivation form a part of HRM. Team-building, communication and cooperation, though primarily HRM initiatives, have a collective aspect.
Thus joint consultative mechanisms are as much IR initiatives, which may (as in Japan) supplement collective bargaining. But IR has not, in regard to team-building for instance, developed any techniques or theories about how to achieve it; in fact, it is not a focus of attention because it implies a potential loyalty to the enterprise through the team and is seen as conflicting with loyalty to the union. IR has a large component of rules which govern the employment relationship. These rules may be prescribed by the State through laws, by courts or tribunals, or through a bipartite process such as collective bargaining. HRM differ in this respect from industrial relations in the sense that it does not deal with such procedures and rules, but with the best way to use the human resource through, for example, proper selection and recruitment, induction, appraisal, training and development, motivation, leadership and intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
Thus “at its most basic HRM represents a set of managerial initiatives”. four processes central to a HRM system- selection, appraisal, rewards and development leaves only limited room for IR as a central element in the human resource system. “Based on the theoretical work in the field of organizational behavior it is proposed that HRM comprises a set of policies designed to maximize organizational integration, employee commitment, flexibility and quality of work. Within model, collective industrial relations have, at best, only a minor role”. Lawal (2009)
This chapter describes the research design Sample Size as well as the instrument of data collection, method of data collection and analysis
Research design
A survey study method was used for this research. This method was used in order to facilitate the effective gathering of data through sampling of a small size of the population and generalizing the findings on the entire population. This method is considered appropriate for an academic study like this because it help the researcher to easily generalise the findings obtained from the sample size to entire population, thereby saving the time to study larger population before generalising as obtainable in other method such as discriptive design.
Area of the study
The researcher restricted the scope of study to Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Kaduna situated at industrial layout Kakuri, Kaduna South, Kaduna. This is to enable the researcher to adequately gather all necessary data and consequently achieve desired success in this study.
Population of the study
The total population of this study is two hundred and forty (240) including the entire management staff and other personnel from Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Kaduna.
The chapter displays the analysis of data obtained from the field as well as discussion of finding in order to provide answers to the research question.
Respondent characteristics
This project was an attempt to investigate the role of human resource management in Nigerian industries with particular reference to Nigerian Bottling Company Plc. The study enquires into the promotion of industrial harmony of the organization to see the link between human resource management, industrial harmony and improved productivity.
The investigation was conducted through the use of questionnaire, documentation search on human resource management and its role in promoting industrial harmony. Questions framed for the research focused on both management and non-management staff but mostly on the non-management staff in the production units of the organization.
It was realized that the organization uses human resource management mostly in creating a peaceful work environment in which people (workers) are motivated and happy to contribute immensely to the success of the business. As Employee Advocate, one of the ways it does this is by provision of due process approaches to problem solving such as hiring the right stuff of staff, training and developing them to live up to organizational standard, good remuneration package and welfare services, fair and just performance appraisal rating, collective bargaining and so on.
From the study and data analyzed, it could be concluded that human resource management in Nigerian Bottling Company Plc is an effective one in promoting industrial harmony. This implies that some of the company’s achievements were as a result of the pursuit of industrial peace by its human resource management. Therefore, for effective human resource management, employees’ condition of service is a pre-requisite. It was established from the study that employees are satisfied with the organizational welfare packages, thereby boosting a cordial labour-management relationship that will invariably improve productivity.
In the course of this project work, the researcher found that human resource management plays a significant role in Nigerian industries productivity especially in Nigerian Bottling Company Plc. However, there is one area, which the company needs to further strengthen to improve its effectiveness and have greater impact in its management of human resource.
Thus, the researcher gives the following recommendation:
- Human resource function should be expanded to focus beyond its traditional operational and transactional role so that more value will be added to the organization by helping line managers align HR strategies, processes, and practices with business needs.
Area for Further Study
While carrying out this research study on the role of human resource management in promoting industrial harmony, the researcher identified a certain area that needs further investigation.
- The Emerging Multiple Roles of Human Profession.
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