Computer Science Project Topics

Remote Patient Monitoring System

Remote Patient Monitoring System

Remote Patient Monitoring System


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to design and implement a Student Information Management System for the university. The system will be reliable, usable, efficient, maintainable and provide secured database for student information. The system will help the Registrar and school staff by reducing their workload especially on the delivery of enrolment procedures and the keeping of student records. Thus, eliminating the problems of the current manual system.

To achieve the above objective, the study is divided into some specific objectives

  1. Develop an efficient student data management system, which will curb the current untidy method of information management.
  2. Provide an interactive and easy-to-use online interface for students, faculty etc.
  3. Automate the major activities of the user thereby decreasing time spent in accessing information
  4. Design a secured database with access restrictions for data storage hence making the system safe
  5. Provide a search algorithm, which will give the student fast access to the particular information required.




At the core of every system’s efficiency is the availability of services because very often users rate the whole system performance depending on the satisfaction, they get in using such services. To meet users’ needs and expectations, almost every online student management has a myriad of services. For instance, Maere (2011) explains that the SMS handles the administration part of students which includes; admission, examination records, assessment process, finance, room allocation, transcripts, student’s union electronic voting, mobile text messaging, examination results feedback. Therefore, it is certain that in most institutions of higher learning, online student management systems are created in house to assist in registration of students, student online profiling, financial recording, examination grades records, transcript generation, student accommodation management, and keeping student records (Maere, 2011; College of Medicine (CoM), 2016 & Mzuzu University Annual Report, 2015). Asogwa, Mohammed, Ahmed & Danmaitaba (2015) explains that the benefits of Student Management (SMS) software are enormous. In most universities, SMSs directly benefits both the administration and students. To the university management, the SMS carries most of the crucial administrative activities such as admissions, enrolment, and examination (Asogwa et al, 2015; Kaloki, n.d; Kasozi, 2006). On the other hand, Pacio (2013) argues that in recent years, the use of online student information systems provides students with the capabilities to register for new semesters and have timely access to their academic and biographic records via internet enabled gadgets like smartphones and computers. Similarly, EBriks Infotech (n.d) noted that students gain the most from School Management System. Preferably, students get a new platform not only to gain but also to express the knowledge inside them. It was observed that the key benefits of SMSs to students revolves around the 24/7 web-based access to information about class and examination timetables, school events and holidays. It was further ascertained that SMSs allows users to publish articles to share experience, knowledge and views, and participate in discussion forums and therefore this contributes to the digital library. Asogwa (2015) observed that despite revolutionizing the student information systems, universities in their administrative or academic transaction services, and maintaining student’s academic history and profile, paper work is still going on concurrently. Furthermore, Igweonu (2013) also pointed out that inconsistency in power supply, inadequate funding during implementation, inadequate technicians for computer maintenance, and limited access to internet are some of the challenges that locks most universities in the use of Online Student Information Systems.


According to the Online-Student Information System of Benguet State University (2013) it would be a new way of record management and transaction processing that would achieve efficiency on processing student information. It would be a great help to the administrative personnel, academic personnel, grantors or stakeholders, and students in updating, retrieving and generating student data.

According to Swartz(2013), SIS process is typically completed into students school career and encapsulates each of the facets of knowledge built up and literacy value, including learning what type of SIS is available, finding and accessing system sequence, evaluating tools for the information and then synthesizing the student information system into certain and product for a better career patterns as it seemed like the ideal project to focus SIS and relate it to ample literacy instruction around. While the students had all performed database searches before, they were less likely to have taken advantage of the search management tools available to them through educational database, how to set up automatic searches to help streamline the research process. Pacio (2013) on her thesis entitled “Online Student Information System of Benguet State University” gave emphasis that as main goal of the school “to generate and disseminate new knowledge and technologies that will promote sustainable resource development and enrich the competent and effective services geared towards efficiency and economy” which is inconsistent with the existing student information system of the Kalinga State University Rizal campus.



Research Methodology

An individual corporation bodies or even a nation we are confronted with a lot of problems everybody such as relaxing to education technology, physiology and psychological aspect of life. In order to solve these problems, we have to make a strong decision as to methods and steps of solving the various problems. To be able to make a headway we need to conduct research. Therefore, research is considered as the process of arriving at a dependable solution to a given problem through the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data.

Method of Data Collection

There are numbers of approach to data collection depending on the nature of the research being conducted. In this project, the methods adopted include the following: Interview, World Wide Web, references to published and unpublished collection. The data collected for this research can be broadly classified into two types, namely: the primary and secondary data.

Primary Data

Primary data can be defined as data collected directly from respondent relevant to the subject under investigation. The primary data used in this case is interview method according to Enr. D. O Dimoji (2009) says that primary source data collection is source from firsthand information can be obtained. The tools for gathering the primary source of data collection include; interview, observation and questionnaire etc.



System Design

In the design of the system, modular programming was adopted. This structural approach was top-down methodology. Here, the system ID is designed in levels, consisting of one or more modules, in practice, a module can be “routine” or “procedure” or “Page”, in this case consisting of a sequence of “calls” or “Links” to another “Page” or “routine” having only one “entry” and “exit” point. Each data pages or routine containing a link and unique identify tag as a provenance.

The design will focus on objective, model, constrains, actual programming and installation. In addition, routine testing and report documentation would be determined. At the stage, it is important to have the system specification that explained what each module perform in relative to the problem.




This chapter summarizes the research in academic information and introduction database system using HTTP server as regards to information as a veritable instrument for school administration and academic schedule, in University of Calabar. Therefore, the study was able to achieve the stated aim. It was able to address the issue delay inefficiency and inaccuracy of student data processing and information storing accessing, retrieving and editing.

The study also fostered good perception of information age and developed efficient and effective academic information system for school administration and academic schedules. That is through presenting the rules and protocols of coding, scripting and hosting of data base driven Webpages.


The need for available secure and reliable information solution is heightened by the increasing dependence on web like systems and database technologies to provide educational services, develop efficient academic products, administer daily activities and perform both short- and long-term management functions.

Using University of Calabar as a case study, this project has elaborated on the technical and operational requirements of developing a student information system. Issues on web and database concept and technologies, analysis and design tools, security and content maintenance were adequately explained, database and dynamic web page scripting are the communication means to live information content. These technologies have come to stay, no doubt that every organization, institution and government parastatal wants to join the e-race.

Designing a functional academic website for University of Calabar is indeed a giant step in the right direction.


Even though my project was a giant leap in the right direction, there are some aspects which need attention for the proper running of the system. Viz:

  1. The University should provide an efficient internet network by incorporating its existing computers into an enterprise local network. Staff and students should be sensitized to leverage its resources such as chart and voice messaging, classroom conferencing, catalogues, library and other academic information ranging from registration, lectures to result requires.
  2. In addition to the above network infrastructural enhancement, it is suggested that the University should have its own VSAT (satellite communication). This will ensure dedicate internet connection with its counterparts in the world wide web (www).
  3. A major drawback to this proposal would be unreliable power supply system. Therefore, the institution is urged to complement this with industrial uninterrupted power supply system (UPS) that can ensure round the clock power supply for the network.
  4. Management should develop an intensive in-house training for academic and non-academic staff. This will help reduce the dependence on manual process and also increase staff competence on world class office automation.
  5. Once, the database is fully integrated and the system is on an online server, it will not only showcase the university to the world, but also boost its academic as a citadel of technological excellence. It will also create avenue for online research and development which in turn will create more revenue for the state.

 Suggestion for Further Studies

Owing to some constraints beyond the research’s control, I therefore suggest that future research should be made online and website development of education and development information system to serve as improvement to the existing study.


  • Asogwa, D. U., Muhammed, A., Ahmed, B. & Danmaitaba, S. G. (2015) Need for Students Information Management System (SIMS) for Nigerian Universities in a technological age: Challenges and strategies for proper integration; Vol.2, Issue 12 p.1765-17
  • Bharamagoudar, S.R., Geeta, R.B. & Totad, S.G. (2013) Web Based Student Information Management System. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 6.
  • Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3: 77-101.
  • Chawinga, W.D. and Zozie, P.A. (2016). Information needs and barriers to information sources by open and distance learners: a case of Mzuzu University,
  • Malawi. South African Journal of Information Management, 18(1). EBriks Infotech (n.d) Student Management System. Retrieved on 4th march, 2017
  • Evangelista (2008). Student Information System (SIS) of Nueva Viscaya State University Philippines: St. Paul University Philippines, pp. 20-24, 2011
  • Igweonu, C. C. (2013). Extent of Utilization of Information and Communication Technology for Effective Management of Polytechnics in the South Eastern state, Nigeria. South Eastern: Polytechnics
  • Kaloki, T. (n.d) School Management System (savvy school). Pal soft: Pal soft Education Services
  • Kasozi, A. B. K. (2005). University Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Reform. Kampala: Fountain Publishers
  • Maere, C. (2011) Expanding E-Learning Initiatives in Malawi. Accessed on 5th, March, 2016 from
  • Marrero, S. (2009). Student Information System for the University of the Cordilleras. A masteral project study. University of the Cordilleras.
  • Mzuzu University (2015) Mzuzu University annual Report 204/15. Mzuzu: Mzuzu University Mzuzu University (2017) Mzuzu University Student Online user manual. Accessed on 16th February, 2017 from Mzuzu University (2017)
  • Pacio, R.D. (2013) Online Student Information System of Benguet State University (OSIS-BSU), Philippines. International Journal of Innovative Interdisciplinary Research Issue 4.
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