Library and Information Science Project Topics

Publishing Processes and Technologies (a Case Study of Spring Field Publishers, Owerri)

Publishing Processes and Technologies (a Case Study of Spring Field Publishers, Owerri)



The overall objective of this research is to estimate and know the process and techniques involved in publishing.

Specific Objectives

  1. To examine the procedures involved in publishing
  2. To know also the techniques in publishing.
  3. To identify the problems facing publishing houses.
  4. To identify comparison between process and techniques in publishing




As started earlier in chapter one, this research work deals on publishing processes and techniques. In order to justify the objectives of this study, contribution of many scholars are collected and examined. Thus, the discussion made in this chapter is arranged according to the following sub-heading:

  • Concept of publishing
  • An overview of publishing industry
  • Activities in publishing
  • Importance of publishing
  • Publishing processes and techniques
  • Problems of publishing
  • Solution to publishing problems


In any country, whether is developed, developing, the publishing industry is a small one when it comes to monetary terms, but just as a small switch can set in motion and also a tremendous machine or an electrical system carrying out power to remote areas, so also are book printing. Publishing is the key to educational economical and social development. Education is the basic investments for economic development and books, journals, magazine are basic tool for education.

With the spread and development of printing, the library as a dynamic and accessible store house of a large portion of world’s knowledge, began to assert itself. It thus, created the possibility of the evolution of distinctive types of libraries academic, public, school, national and special that we have today/ (Igbokwe R.O.C, 1959, p. 34) is of the view, “the publishing industry is a small one in monetary terms whether in developed or third world country, yet it plays a key role in overall national development, particularly in educational, social and economic terms. It is common knowledge that the type of books or materials we reads greatly influences ones life and that, “Books are essential instruments of education and thus indispensable to the process of nation building.

Publishing as a vital industry in very nation is an agent and accelerator of development but before it achieves its function, it must be manned by professionals who are trained in the selection, production and use of information materials.

According to (Granis, 1967, p.18) publishing is to make public, to send forth among the people the words and pictures, the creative mind have produced. Also according to him the term publishing is applied to book publishing, that is, it is a formidable succession of activities none of which can by itself be called publishing.




The realization of objectives results in any research work is enhanced by the adoption of appropriate methods and students enquiry. Hence, this chapter is concerned to describing the various appropriate methodologies / procedures adopted by the researcher for effective appraisal and objectives results.


The survey method was adopted by the researcher. This method was chosen to provide a detailed inspection or investigation that will aid the effective realization of the major objectives of this study.



This chapter analysis and interprets the data collected by the researcher. This is mainly to breakdown information in smaller, identifiable and unambiguous units in other to explain the data collected.




Undoubtedly, this research work is really a worth while project, since publishing enhance education which is the key to a nation’s development.

The researcher in fulfilling the objectives of study, delved into determining the crucial roles of effective publishing house. The problems affecting the efficiency of the industry were revealed and gathered through well structured questionnaire and other gathering instruments. Hence, the result showed the poor state of publishing houses in Nigeria.

Finally, the researcher thought it wise to proffer solutions to the identified problems, to enhance the  efficiency of the industry, given the central place it occupies in the over all development of the country.


Recommendations are very vital in research work. The results of this study made it even more imperative for recommendations to be made.

The researcher therefore made the following recommendations as measures that can help in curbing the identified problems facing publishing houses in the country and thus enhances efficiency in the industry.

  • Improved fundings:  This is an important measure to curb the serious problem of lack of funds. The Nigerian publishers Association should make necessary representation that will influence government action towards granting such facilities as tax relives book studies / subsides, regular supply of materials, and easy terms of credit.

Government should also establish financial institutions to assist publishers as has been one to industrialist and farmers. Alternatively, government should encourage mergers by legislations so that those small an unviable one man publishing companies could attract substantial capital to finance their publishing programmes.

  • Adequate man power / personnel training:  Preference should be given to employment of only academically qualified and experienced staff. The incorporation of printing / publishing in the curriculum of our tertiary institution is recommended. Publishers should be constantly sent to training / improvement course within and outside the country.
  • Appropriate Punishment of Pirates: As a measure to curtail the growing problems of piracy against publishing industry in Nigeria, penalties imposed on culprits should be effectively executed.

Hence, such defaulter should be tried in law courts and appropriate punish metal to serve as deterrent to others.

More editorial expertise is called for to eliminate textual errors and boost more patronage for the industry. Book fairs, book prices and increased cooperation of all stake holders in the book chain especially librarians have to be encouraged.

Finally, the Nigerian publishers association (NPA) in conjunction with the African publishers Network (APNET) should continue to raise public awareness about the roles of publishing industry in the overall development of the country.


  • Altbach, P. G. (1992): Publishing in the Third World: Issues and Friends for the 21st Century. London: Henz Zell Publishers.
  • Carey, David (1971): Publishing Presses (How they work) Loughborough: Lady Birds Book Ltd.
  • Clive, G. (1991): Publishing 2000: Prospective and Document Publishing. Nigerian Printer: pp 21-22
  • Nkwocha, Philip (1997): Publishing in Nigeria. Benin Ethiope Publishing corp.
  • Oduagwu, E. A (2005): Publishing Process and Techniques. Owerri: Demmac Consult Nigeria.
  • Oluwasanmi, E. (1972): Publishing in Nigeria. Benin: Ethiope Publishing Corp.
  • Omoniyi, J. I. (1985): The Printing and Publishing Industry in Nigeria: Issues and problems. Pp. 1 & 34
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