Impact of Logistics Management in Marketing of Agricultural Products (a Study of Diversay Solution Limited)
Role of Celebrity Advertising in Consumer Brand Loyalty; A Study of MTN (GSM) Users in Ikeja L.G.A, Lagos State
The Importance of Branding and Packaging on Marketing Productivity of Locally Made Products (a Case Study of Kingmos Paint Ltd)
Role of Small Scale Business in Economic Development (a Case Study of West-end Micro Finance Bank, Igbesa)
The Impact of Online Marketing on the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria
Effective Marketing Strategies for Improved Performance of Manufacturing Company in Aba Metropolis (a Case Study of Lever Brothers Plc, Aba)
Effectiveness of Strategic Marketing and Management on the Sustenance of Growth in Nigerian Tertiary Institution (A Case Study of Lagos State University)
The Impact of Marketing Logistics on Corporate Profitability in the Brewery Industry (A Case Study of Nigeria Brewery Plc Enugu)