Economics Project Topics

Public Perception on the Implications of Cyber Crime on Socioeconomic Development of Bayelsa State

Public Perception on the Implications of Cyber Crime on Socioeconomic Development of Bayelsa State

Public Perception on the Implications of Cyber Crime on Socioeconomic Development of Bayelsa State


Objective Of The Study

The general aim of this study is to critically ascertain public perception on the implications of cyber crime on socioeconomic development of Nigeria. Specifically, the study tends to;

  1. Ascertain public perception on the causes of cyber crime in Nigeria.
  2. Ascertain public perception on the forms of cyber crime in Nigeria.
  3. Ascertain the impact of cyber crime on the socioeconomic development of Nigeria.



Conceptual review

Cybercrimes are dynamic phenomena that are complex and sophisticated in their nature. Their complexity contributes to making them far beyond comprehension. As time goes by, new forms or types of cyber-attacks are emerging, depending on how fast new technology evolves, new threats also evolve and new counterfeit must also be put in place in order to combat the attacks. So, in order to be able to discuss cybercrimes, readers have to specifically understand certain terminologies that are linked with cybercrimes in general, such are threats, vulnerabilities, and risk. (1) Threat according to [3] “is something that has the potential to cause us harm“.

Although he said threats are specific to a certain number of environments, but particularly in cyber security, investigators refer to threat as anything that has the potential or capability of undermining the system’s integrity. (2) Vulnerabilities on the other hand are weaknesses or mistakes that could jeopardize the entire system. Moreover, (3) risk is mentioned when there is a likelihood of something bad to happen to the system. Another key player in this discussion is the concept of detection which is part of this review. Detection according to [3] is the ability to identify the occurrence of any activity that seems illegitimate to the user and which requires the user to decide whether to respond to it appropriately or not. Detection, however, includes monitoring and analysis of events based on a received alert from part of the security systems. Detecting threats can sometimes be done with the support of intrusion detection systems, firewalls, proxy logs, event monitoring software, and tools are that specifically designed for that purpose.

According to CompTIA, most cybercrime cannot be treated under one umbrella, such attacks do occur in various forms and styles. Researchers basically categorize cyber-attacks into physical attacks, software-based attacks, network-based attacks, social engineering attacks and web application based attacks. Directly or indirectly, all the aforementioned attacks are done with a destructive intent.

Physical attacks

These are types of attacks carried out without the use of the internet or network channel that are connecting devices or computers through the target. Physical attacks are further categorized into natural attacks such as natural disasters, manmade attacks such as theft of devices like computers, tablets, PDAs and other similar handheld devices. In the recent years, physical attacks are becoming more prominent as the attackers are now equipped with mini devices which if attached to the target machine could cause harm such as key loggers and microchips.

Software-based attack

This is a type of attack that occurs on the software system and depends on the vulnerability of the software system. The attacks can either be launched at the application level, operating system level or protocol level. Their occurrence is often resulted by loopholes that are caused by human error and failure to improve or upgrade the software. The attackers use malicious codes to cause anomalies within the functional levels of the software. The major key players in softwarebased attacks include backdoor, rootkits, viruses, worms, Trojans, logic bombs, spyware, and macros.




Research design

This research used the descriptive survey;  the questionnaires were employed to collect primary data from the field. The survey targeted students of higher learning in Dar es Salaam region in Tanzania. To capture the responses of these individuals, a structured questionnaire was prepared, which was aimed to be administered to this entire selected population.



The data collected was tabulated and analyzed using a statistical software package called Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 20 Version). The quantitative data was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation. The responses of the subjects using five Likert scale were used whose interpretations are as shown in table 3. below.



Cybercrime is a growing threat in the virtual world because individuals and organizations are relying more on internet at an increasing rate. Cybercrimes have increased in the recent time, they are more aggressive and its impact have been felt, like traditional crime, e-crime can take many shapes and can occur at almost any time or in any place. Criminals use a number of methods, depending on skill-sets and goals. Cyber threats have been expanding at an alarming rate over the last years. As our society turns digital, they now increasingly target data. Indeed, data and in particular personal data stand at a risk if not well protected.

Many people and organizations have turned to data protection authorities to safeguard their data. Digital security has historically been a major concern for them because there can be no privacy without security.

Moreover, organized criminal networks are increasingly using (and abusing) digital means to carry out illicit activities. The key problem that has emerged in criminal investigations is the difficulty to get access to electronic evidence when data is stored outside the territory of the investigating law enforcement agency. Threats may originate externally or internally and may originate from individuals or organizations.

The findings show that many students share too much information through emails and social media which may pose threats to them. Even with the tight security settings your personal information may leak on the social sites. Cyber-bullying has spread widelyespecially are prone to the practice of cyber- bullying. Security attacks such as hacking, spoofing spamming cyber stalking Trojan, worms, viruses and exposure scams are common through social media, hence the ICT policy and government policy have address such issues. Higher learning institutions need to invest more resources in training students, awareness, research and development, IT security and social media crimes.


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