Marketing Project Topics

Proposal on Consumer Buying Behavior and the Influence of Advertising

Proposal on Consumer Buying Behavior and the Influence of Advertising

Proposal on Consumer Buying Behavior and the Influence of Advertising


Objective of the study

The following objective will be looked at:

  1. To ascertain the relationship between advertisement and consumer buying behavior
  2. To ascertain the relationship between advertisement and enhanced sales and profit level
  3. To ascertain the relationship between advertisement and consumer buying perception

Review of related literature

Advertisement and factors influencing:

Advertisement is an attempt at creativity which influences the consumer’s motive to buy a particular product and change or make the perception of the product in the mind of the consumers. Advertisement appeal act as a supplier to arouse the psychological motive of the consumer for buying. Advertisement involves rational and emotional appeals. In rational appeals the product can be emphasized mainly on its benefits and the problems which it can solve while on the other hand emotional appeal meet the consumer’s psychological, emotional and social requirements (GUNJAN BAHETI, 2012). Rafique et al, 2012 argued that advertisement is a way to communicate with the audience. They believed that culture highly influence the buying behaviors of the people because every person has different wants and trends according to their life styles. Thus if we say that advertisement is like a magic than it will not be false because advertisement actually changes the needs and wants of the people and sometimes it creates the need among the people (Yasir Rafique, 2012). People are highly affected by the advertisements and organizations are trying to target the masses of the people. Organizations are using above the line and below the line techniques of the advertisement which fit best with their products. Researchers have found that media advertisement are most popular advertisements and people like television ads, so it is a suitable medium to advertise products like cosmetics and FMCG. A research conducted in India found that adolescents are highly attracted towards the TV commercial. Along with that teen girls also influenced by the TV commercials and they tend to buy the products which they saw in commercials. So it gives us idea that mass media has the great impact on the advertisements. Organizations are moving towards the creative content which attracts the teenage girls as well as boys to buy the products (Nidhi Kotwal, 2008). With the modern era there has been seen a remarkable boom in technology, with this technology advertisers now considering the number of mass media channels and means of communications which provide them the easy and fast access to the consumers.



This chapter will examine the various methods and procedures that will be adopted in carrying out this study.  These include the following: design of the Study, area of the study population of the Study, sample and sampling techniques, instrumentation, validation of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of data collection, method of data analysis and decision rule.


Correlation coefficient will be used in answering research questions while all hypothesis will be tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis (PPMC) will be used in testing the hypotheses. All hypotheses will be tested at 0.05 significant levels


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