Education Project Topics

Progressive Decay of Education in Nigeria; Causes, Effects and Remedies

Progressive Decay of Education in Nigeria; Causes, Effects and Remedies

Progressive Decay of Education in Nigeria; Causes, Effects and Remedies



There are some benefits of studying this area which include the following;

  1. To know whether anything can be done about this problem and to recommend possible solution.
  2. To ascertain if there is any effect this poor level of education have.
  3. To find out the main cause of decline in our standard of education.



Education which is a very great tool for civilization, economy’s development and even a means of raising people’s standard of living has fallen from its secured position. This fading away of our educational glory could be traced back to the eighties.

Looking back at our educational system as of sixties and seventies, one will see clearly that the difference between our educational system then and that of eighties up to date is quite clear. Meanwhile, in the sixties and seventies, even some early part of eighties, people are given opportunities to attend at least primary free, through their free educational scheme. There teachers were qualified and government pay them as of when due which made it possible that strike was never mentioned in their own time. Even the materials needed for teaching were provided adequately. Looking at the students’ performance, it is normally excellent because only qualified ones were admitted, they were taught very well since teaching and research equipment needed were available.

However, looking at our present educational system starting from late eighties, it could be clearly seen that till date, our education has damaged beyond recognition.  In fact, it is now stinking; things are no longer what they use to be. To the extent that a first degree holder is now assumed as nothing lest alone secondary school graduates. The worst of it all is that people are not privileged to go to school (especially higher institution) since the money involved is not affordable by them. The some privileged ones that went through school are not able to express themselves in simple good English.

Furthermore, strike has done educational system so much harm. Statistics show that from 1989 till date, there is no single session (especially in higher institution) when students are not sent home to spend a better part of the semester. Teachers/lecturers are not paid regularly. Teaching which use to be an interesting profession, is now something else.  Those who attend college of education now prefer going to universities in pursuit of another course. Sometime 1997 – 1998, some teachers left teaching to join the white collar job while others even join the business group due to several strike action that took place that time.





Here, the researcher collected data that was used in this work mainly from oral interview, as well as secondary data. The researcher interviewed 20 students in all with 15 respondents in which 10 were secondary school students and 5 were higher institution students.

Section % “A” – For secondary schools only

From the table above, all respondent were secondary school students.

RESEARCH QUESTION: Is your school in session?


RESEARCH QUESTION: How is your school WAEC result last year?

From the above table, 2 students said that their school WAEC result last year was excellent is 2/10 x 100 = 20% of the students while 2 said it was fair which is 2/10 x 100 = 20% of the students.



Based on the findings of this study, the researcher made the following recommendations:

  1. Government should try their possible best to pay teachers/lecturers regularly so as to present them from emigrating to where they feel they would be paid better. This correct payment would also prevent strike action.
  2. Government should provide research materials and teaching equipments so as to enhance the acquisition of the knowledge of science and technology. They should also employ only qualified teachers/lecturers.
  3. School Authority should lay more embargo on exam malpractice.
  4. Exam bodies should try to maintain integrity so that exam malpractice can be curtailed.
  5. More pressure should be place on cultism by government and school authority because they prevent student from being what they suppose to be.
  6. Finally government should also bring down the exorbitant prices paid by students in the name of school fees, so as to give more opportunity to citizen to be educated thereby creating more manpower for the economics’ development.


Having successfully completed this work, the researcher is of the opinion that no problem is without a cure. Even those problems that tend to defy solution can possibly be reduced or even prevented. If we will remember that a good or standard education is a solid foundation upon which our economy can possibly develop on and that students (i.e. youths/children) today are leaders of tomorrow then all hands (both government school authority and even then general public) should be on desk to promote or lift our level of education to it’s former secured position. It will be a misplacement of priority if adequate thought and concern is not given to the progressive native of decline in the level of education on this country.

Conclusively, the researcher wish that everybody both the government, school authority and even the students themselves would come to the end of education by contributing in their own title way.


  • Before Varsity System Collapse (Oct. 21 1999) Daily Times
  • Fighting the war of education 1 & 2 (March 4 1998 P. 49, P.33)The Guardian
  • Progressive decay of education (Sept 15 1998) Daily Times
  • Re – discovering our educational sector (Sept. 29, 1999) Daily Times
  • Rescuing Education (Sept. 19, 1998) Daily Times
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