Education Project Topics

Primary Education in Nigeria; Challenges and Prospects

Primary Education in Nigeria; Challenges and Prospects

Primary Education in Nigeria; Challenges and Prospects

Chapter One

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the problems and prospects of primary school education in Nigeria by assessing the implementation of the UBE programme in primary schools:

  • The extent of availability of infrastructural facilities for the effective implementation of the UBE programme in primary schools;
  • The extent of availability of instructional materials for the effective implementation of the UBE programme in primary schools;
  • The extent of availability of trained teachers for the effective implementation of the UBE programme in primary schools in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State;
  • The extent of adequacy of funds for the effective implementation of the UBE programme in primary schools; and
  • The constraints to the effective implementation of UBE programme in primary schools in Nsukka Education Zone.




This aspect of study introduces the reader some existing studies and literatures that are related to the study. The related literature is organized and reviewed under the following heading of:


Education has different meanings to different persons and society as their needs and aspirations vary significantly, this will particularly be true if we come to understand that education, in whatever form is meant to serve particular communities as their needs might be. It will therefore not be surprising if one comes across different definitions of the concept education.

What is education? The word education is derived from the Latin word “Educare” meaning “Leading out” drawing out” directing”, guiding. Another Latin word that education is also believed to have come from is “Educare which means brining up” or raising up” from the meaning of educare and Educare, it can be seen that education is not a one day activity or an activity that can be hastily carried out it is rather a day-today activity that is slowly and skillfully carried out on an individual. It is a gradual process that leads to complete development of the individual.

The term education has been defined by many authors, sociologists, philosophers, educators and educationists in accordance to their specialization and appraisal of the society at a particular point in time. This has made it difficult to have a universally acceptable definition of education what we have are different definition by different authors.

According to Ozigi (1980), Education is the totality of human development in terms of knowledge skills and attitude acquired by an individual to become a self directing person in the society.

He further views education as a social institution like political, economic, religion and culture of their society. The level of political awareness of the people in authority can influence educational programmes of a country. If the leader of a country are highly intelligent and educated, that impacts of their education will be of positive effect and benefit to all. Education is the process by which an individual or groups are trained to live effectively and efficiently in the environment. For Cookey (1960) education could mean a formal training that is given through schools and institutions. The training involves acquisition of the ability to read and write and calculate, specialized training on job, to acquire skills in certain field and ability of an individual to be fit in a society.

Akinpelu (1981), sees education as a process of helping an individual to live to his fullest life as he or she is capable through the understanding of past and present heritage and the possibility to participate in the future.

Education is that reconstruction or reorganization of experience which adds to the meaning of experience and subsequent experience (John Dewey 1944). Education is the aggregate of all the process by which a child or young adult develop the abilities, attitudes and other form of behaviours which are of positive values to the society in which he lives (Fafunwa, 1974), Education consist of giving body and soul all the perfection of which it is susceptible (422-347 B.C).

Education is the process of cultural transmission and renewal, the process whereby the adult members of a society carefully guided to development of infants and younger ones initiating them into the culture of that society (Fafunwa 1974).

Many authors and philosophers have tried to contribute to the whole array of definitions but none of which have been universally acceptable. It is believed that an exposure to as many definitions as possible will enhance and enrich our understanding of the concept.





This research is a survey of the problems and prospects of primary school education in Nsukka Education Zone. This chapter focuses on the methodology adopted for conducting the research which include research design sample and sampling techniques, research instrument and validity of instrument, procedure for data collection and method of data analysis.


This is a descriptive survey research design using questionnaire. The design is considered suitable to enable the researcher collect information as they exist.


The population for this study consists of all primary schools in Nsukka Education Zone.




In this chapter, the researchers gave detail analysis of the data collected, the research questions stated in chapter one were restated and answered in order to critically examine the problems and prospects of primary education in Nsukka Education Zone.



This chapter is a summary of the work, it also contains conclusion reached from the findings of the study as well as recommendations made in the light of discussion.


This research examined the problems and prospects of primary education in Nsukka Education Zone.

A descriptive survey design was used for the study in this regard questionnaire were distributed to some randomly selected head teachers and teachers from primary schools within the Area Council. Responses indicates that the government contributes to the problems of primary school education in the Area it also indicated that the head-teachers also contribute to the problems of primary school education in their school. Similarly, the study reveals that the parents/community also contribute immensely to the problems of primary school education in the Area.


         From the findings of the study, the following can be drawn:

  1. Government contributes to the problems of primary school education in Nsukka Education Zone.
  2. The head teachers also on their part contribute to the problems of primary school education in their schools.
  • The parents/community also contribute to the problems of primary school education in Nsukka Education Zone of the Enugu state.


  1. Government should make education at primary level free and compulsory.
  2. There is need for awareness campaign in the area to emphasis the importance of education to parents.
  3. Government should provide adequate learning materials needed by the pupils from poor socio-economic background so that they can have equal educational opportunity with children from wealthy background.
  4. Government should make provision of in-service training for teachers.
  5. Stake holders should make sure that only qualified teachers are employed to teach in primary schools.
  6. Effective means of supervision and inspection should be put in place with a view to improving the standard of primary education.


  • Adepoju M.E (1995), Improving Primary Education in Developing Countries New York Oxford University Press.
  • Adesina .S. (1990), Educational management in Nigeria Enugu dimension publishing company. Nigeria ltd.
  • Akinpelu J.A (1981). Introduction to philosophy of Education London: Macmillan.
  • Altthusser .I. (1980). The Reproduction of Labour Power in Sociological themes and perspective Ibadan: university press
  • Caje .M. (1994), Effective primary school management changes and challenges Ibadan: Konzult M.C publisher.
  • Chapman D.M (1990), Theory and practice of Educational management. Onitsha: publishers.
  • Cookey Z.M. (1960). Development of primary teachers Education in Nigeria. Imo: Summer publishers.
  • Dewey J.O. (1944). Democracy and Education New York Macmillan.
  • Ehenari: E.R. (1988). Introduction to educational psychology London: Macmillan publishers.