Business Administration Project Topics

Performance Evaluation and Its Effects on Employees Efficiency in Nigeria Mineral Water Limca Onitsha Anambra State.

The Effect of Environmental Factors on the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Business in Nigeria

Performance Evaluation and Its Effects on Employees’ Efficiency in Nigeria Mineral Water Limca Onitsha Anambra State

Chapter One


The general purpose of this study is to examine the performance evaluation and its effect on employee efficiency.

Other purposes include:

  • To examine the effect of performance evaluation on employees efficiency.
  • To identify the problems associated with staff career development in Limca.
  • To find out workable solution for an effective evaluation.




Performance appraisal has been with us for long time. Being such a very important management concept by virtue of relationship with organization productivity many management writers or theorist have immensely paid attention commented on it on this note a lot of literatures have been made on performance appraisal.

Drucker (1955) has this to say about performance appraisal insistence on high goals and high performance requires that man’s ability to set goals and attain their systematical appraise based on high appraisal of a man and his performance in assigning work to him which automatically leads him to promotion hence the set objective.

Hodject (1979) in his research in organizational behavior narrated some of the purpose for which performance appraisal can be used includes:

Training and developing decisions, promotion, separation and transfer decision feedback to the employee regarding love the organization views his/her performance. Rewards decision including merit increases.


The need for staffing training and development cannot be over emphasized. This calls for employees taking more specific tasks, responsibilities and high moral thereby increasing productivity in order to achieve the organization goals.

Molokwu (1993) opined that efficiency of any organization depends on how well its workers and  taking to their jobs while the other ones require training to keep alert to the demands of their present jobs and to prepare for transfer the promotions. Training motivates employees to work harder. Employees who understand their jobs are likely to have morale, they see close relationship between their efforts performance.

According to Nwachukwu (1988) an employee who has undergone a good training programme has confident that he is capable of executing his job, unlike one who has not been trained and finds his job very difficult.

In the actual business world, the unfair objectives or purpose of comprehensive evaluation is simply to determine whether or not the instruction policy decision and directives issued on job performance down the hierarchy have actually succeeded and if so to what extent.

How effective training programme are on helping the employees to acquire desirable knowledge, skills, outlook orientation and attitude. The possible advantages or values and limitation of the training methods so employed.

Few instruments of evaluation of training programme is using are.

Interviews before and after course attendance observation of trainee at work discussion by training officers with trainees and their basses.

Follow-up test before and after training questionnaire used at the end of training extent of gaps and variable between standards and actual performance abstinence obtainable from the shop flow.

There are three (3) approaches for training evaluation common to all organization. They includes the following.

  1. Controlled experimental: this approach involves the use of group viz training group plus control group”, certain criteria measures or indices a reselected for both groups training while the later group is not.
  2. After the training exercise, criteria measures are applied separately to assess the actual performance of each group, subsequent compassion of finding will be made to establish a training given the resulted in improved performance.
  3. Before and after evaluation, the after training evaluation method involves a single training group. But with performance criteria measure being obtain and carefully applied only after successful completion of training course for any evaluation pattern to be employed, these simple four (4) stages model may be applied.





The researcher employed the survey research design method. This type of research design was considered appropriate for the study. The study sought opinions of people towards performance. This system provided the researchers with industrial first class information and it was also question to ascertain answers and at the minimized cost.


The study was carryout in Onitsha Anambra state using Nigeria Mineral Water Company Plc (Limca). This firm was chose among other existing soft drinks firms in the area covered.

Nigeria Mineral Water Limca is located in No. 1 Limca road, P.M.B 1549 Onitsha Anambra state, Nigeria Mineral Water Limca Company is working on water treatment business activities. It is a multilateral organization. It has branches all over the states in Nigeria. It was established in Nigeria enterprises promotion act of 1977. It has subsidiaries known as Gold Sport, Limca parly soda and Paani table water. The company has branches all over Nigeria its corporate headquarters in Lagos and offices and depot in Enugu, Onitsha and Port-Harcourt. They engaged in selling of various limca products to Nigeria and also involved in water surving. The company provides employment to Nigeria thereby helping in the country. Through its staff strength is about one hundred under sales and less than the under general trade. No doubt limca Nigeria is working a good impact water treatment as the name limca is not new to many household in Nigeria.


The total population of the study was 385 workers. They comprised of both junior and senior staff is 150 in number while the junior staff is 235 in number.

Table: showing population distribution in firm under study.



In this chapter data collected for the purpose of answering research question using table of frequencies and percentages. The findings were presented and analysed using items in the questionnaire.




For performance evaluation to serve as a tool for control on any company there should be effective planning system. Many factory have to be properly integrate and managed it, this includes proper organization and management of materials method and money in such a systematic way that these factors will make their maximum contribution to the effective working of the system.

In any situation where any of these components is absent or appears defective, there is bound to be problem to effective performance. To a large extent, these factors were given consideration in the structuring of the research question.

Based on the analysis in chapter four research question were affirmatively answered number one. The researcher found out that 125 respondents representing 67.6% of the population agreed, which 60 respondents representing 32.4% strongly disagreed. Therefore which has 67.6% is considered to confirm the percentage required. And this actually show that positive thinking is used to determine negative evaluation, so whenever you think negatively you find out that you are negatively evaluated.

Moreover, in question two; it was observed that 145 respondents representing 78.4% of the population agreed, while 40 respondents representing 21.6% strongly disagreed. Therefore, since the percentage of the respondents that agreed gives the required result, it is being considered as the conclusion that really that negative thinking is used to determine how negative evaluation affects ones performance. So negative thinking leads to negative evaluation and it affect ones performance.

Meanwhile, in question three, it was being observed that 160 respondents representing 88.55% of the population strongly agreed, while 25 respondents representing 11.5% disagreed. Therefore, this confirmed really that owning staff their benefit and entitlement will affect the attitude of the workers during appraisal period, so this is how fair and just is use as appraisal judgement.

However, in question number four 160 respondents representing 88.5% of the population strongly agreed while 25 respondent representing 11.5% strongly disagreed. Therefore, since the percentages so this confirms that appraisers are more subjective than objectives.

Moreover, in question number five it was observed that 145 respondents representing 78.4% of the population strongly agreed while 40 respondents representing 21.6% disagreed. Therefore, the percentage of the respondents that agreed gives the required result, it is being considered as the conclusion that the use of performance appraisal in rating worker should continue. This is because one of the respondents of a management is to ensure that an organization functions effectively and efficiently.

Finally from observation and that data analysis it is agreed upon that the question revised which served as our questionnaire was affirmatively answered by our respondents which confirmed really that performance evaluation is a tool for control in any company.


From the analysis of information gathered, the researcher is inclined to conclude that performance evaluation and its effect on employees, efficiency, is unable to determine its merchandise assortment and also having a hardworking and deviated personally.

Any organization with the aim of productivity in order to make profits should be prepared to satisfy the employees. This can be done by providing the means through the needs and wants can be met.

Also the work force should be provided with adequate motivational factors to encourage them bring out their best.

This further stresses that performance evaluation should be put into practice as the best means to actualize the dreams or objective of what every company was created for.


The researcher recommends the following to inform and not to deform the Nigeria mineral water limca activities should follow effective management approach to events and make sure that all his plans regarding to performance evaluation, will structured the management should budget for the training of performance in the company to promote necessary performance knowledge.

However, I recommend that company workers should always report monthly. The development in the company to the management as regards the company’s activities in general.


The following limitation was inherent in:

Time: This is one of the major problems encountered by the research in the course at his work. A lot of time was consumed in carrying out this research work. Due to other academic commitments that was at the researcher disposed and as such the researcher could not carry more research on the work.

Respondents: There was problem getting some of the company workers (respondent) to complete the questionnaire, most of them complained that the time given to them to complete this questionnaire was too short and others though they were doing me a favour to enable me obtained a certificate and as such some of them never show up.

Finances: The researcher was faced with some financial problems during the research work.  The researcher had intended to carry out the research in more than three companies but as a result of financial constraints the researcher ended up with just one company, Nigeria mineral limca Onitsha.


We have seen in the course of this study that the performance evaluation and its effects on employees efficiency in Nigeria is an important strategy.


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