Chemistry Education Project Topics

Perceptions of Chemistry Teachers/students on the Modern Strategies of Teaching Chemistry to Improve the Performances of Secondary School Students in Owerri Municipal

Perceptions of Chemistry Teachersstudents on the Modern Strategies of Teaching Chemistry to Improve the Performances of Secondary School Students in Owerri Municipal

Perceptions of Chemistry Teachers/students on the Modern Strategies of Teaching Chemistry to Improve the Performances of Secondary School Students in Owerri Municipal

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

General Objective

The general objective of the study is to examine the effect of modern strategies of teaching on student performance in Nigerian education in public secondary school in Owerri municipal-Imo state, Nigeria.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives guided this study were as follows;

  • To identify modern strategies of teaching used in instruction of chemistry in public          Secondary schools in Owerri municipal- Imo state.
  • To assess students’ perception of the appropriateness of modern strategies of teaching used in teaching in public secondary schools in Owerri municipal, Imo state.
  • To determine the extent to which modern strategies of teaching impact on students’ performance in public secondary schools in Owerri municipal, Imo state.




This party presents literature review which is divided into two parts namely theoretical and empirical literature.

Modern strategies of teaching

Definition of Teaching Method

Modern strategies of teaching has been defined as in different ways depending on the philosophical situation taken by the researcher as discussed hereunder, Kimweri (2004) teaching method refers to variety ways in which a learning task is managed to facilitate the learning process. This means the way of organizing the participants and the type of methods to be used will be determined by different factors i.e. number of students, age and the topic to be taught.

The study taking the definition which is modern strategies of teaching is the means or strategies employed by the teachers in attempt to impart knowledge to the learners (Asikhia 2010).  It also defined as the strategy or plan that that outline the approach that teachers intend to take in order to achieve the desirable objectives (Osokoye, 1996) in ibid this involves the way teachers organize and use technique of subject matter, teaching tools and teaching material to meet teaching objectives.

Different Modern strategies of teaching

There are two categories of teaching method namely, teacher-centered method and learner-centered methods of teaching  (MIE 2004) Learner-centered instruction refers to the students’ construct their own understanding of content, develop a personal feeling that the knowledge is their own (Jacobson and Kauchak, 2009).  Therefore student centeredness implies the heavy emphasis on enquiry and problem-based learning involves on making student as the centre point of learning and group work. Each of this method is discussed in detail below:

Learner (Student) Centered

Question and answers (citation) method              

Question and answers defined as a method both for teaching and oral testing based on the use of questions to be answered by the pupil (Mtunda and Safuli, 1997) in (MIE, 2004) Questioning techniques is one of the basic and successful ways of stimulating students thinking and learning (Ndirangu, 2007) it is applicable to all teaching approaches and methods.

Discussion method

Discussion method is an important component for any teaching or learning situation which allows students to share their ideas (Ndirangu, 2007). It can be used at the beginning of a topic to ascertain students’ pre conceived notion of the subject matter or toward the end of a sub topic by presenting student with a new situation and asking them to explain it in terms of what they have just learned. Discussion group method entails a teaching and learning strategy through sharing and exchange of ideas, experience and opinion takes place, accompanied by active learning with all member of the group participating in it (Kimweri, 2004). Strengths of discussion method are; increases the depth of understanding and grasp of the subject matter, enhances motivation and generates greater involvement of the learners, promotes leadership role skills, develops skills of organizing and presenting ideas to others in a logical form and develops a spirit of cooperation among learners. In spite of the strengths there is also limitations of discussion method which includes time consuming, can be used effectively with a limited number of learners, if not well handled some extrovert learners may dominate the discussion.


Brainstorming is a teaching techniques in which every pupil’s response that applies to a given topic is acceptable (MIE, 2004). The strengths of brain storming are ; promotes exploration, analysis and problem solving skills, develop the sense of  cooperation and group cohesiveness in problem solving, encourages the generation of creative ideas, promotes the generation of initiatives in searching solutions to problems. The limitations of brainstorming are; it is time consuming if not planned, more useful to a limited number of learners and need through preparation.





This chapter deals with the explanation of methods that were expected to be applied in carrying out this research which includes research design, area of study, targeted population, and sample size, data collection methods of data analysis and validity and reliability of the study.

Research Design

Research design is a mapping strategy or the choice of the researcher about components of his/ her project (Singh, 2006).  It has also defined by Gimbi in Mbogo et al. (2012) as a plan for collecting and utilizing information by interviewing or administering a questionnaire to a sample of individuals, (Orodho, 2003) in Kombo and Tromp (2006). This study composed descriptive survey design which helped to obtain more information about the study. The design is also purposefully selected due to condition for collection and analysis data that is relevant to the targeted population, data sources and instruments like questionnaire.  The design can be used when collecting information about people’s attitudes, opinions, habits or any of the variety of the education or social issue, (Orodho and Kombo, 2002) in (Kombo and Tromp. 2006).

Geographical Area of Study

Geographically Imo state city shares border with Abia state. Throughout the year,  communities in this area engage in agriculture (crop farming and animal keeping), industrial like fishing activities as their mainstay in the area. Other economical activities are trade, manufacturing and education.

Targeted Population

The research was conducted in five public secondary schools (O-level) in Owerri municipal of Imo state, Nigeria. It includes Abba , Ebenator Ekwe, Egbuoma, Abajah and Egbu Girls’ secondary schools. The area was selected because it is situated near the researcher and residence the researcher would have easy access to the required data. There are three categories of participants in this research which are teachers, students and inspectors, details of each categories in targeted population is shown in Table 3.1.




This chapter presents research findings and discussion based on collected information from Owerri municipal Secondary School students, teachers and inspectors. The main objectives of the study were on Effects of Modern strategies of teaching on Students’ Performance A Case of Public Secondary Schools in Owerri municipal, Imo state. Research questions which respondents answered were related to objectives under here:

  • To identify modern strategies of teaching used in instruction of chemistry in public secondary schools in Owerri municipal- Imo state.
  • To assess students’ perception of the appropriateness of modern strategies of teaching used in teaching       in public secondary schools in Owerri municipal, Imo state
  • To determine the extent to which modern strategies of teaching impact on students’ performance in public secondary schools in Owerri municipal, Imo state.




This chapter presents conclusion recommendations and suggestion for further research based on collected and analyzed information in chapter four.


This study had three objectives as elaborated under here:

Research Objective One: To Identify Modern strategies of teaching Used in Instruction of Chemistry in Public Secondary Schools in Owerri municipal- Imo state

The study revealed that modern strategies of teaching identified by respondents (teachers) as the most used in teaching chemistry are question and answers, group discussion, presentation, brainstorming, demonstration, seminars and lecture.  These methods make students understand and grasp science concepts better. Learner-centered methods are thus emphasized because they provide opportunity to ask for clarification compared to teacher- centered methods such as lecture and use of seminars which place the students at the receiving end.

Research Objective Two: To Assess Students’ Perception of the Appropriateness of Modern strategies of teaching Used in Teaching in Public Secondary Schools in Owerri municipal, Imo state

The study revealed that a great number of students do not really understand and grasp the subject matter most of the time during instruction when new concepts are introduced. Question and answers, demonstration and group discussion were selected by students as most effective method of understanding new concepts in chemistry. However it was revealed that the suitable methods of teaching are cultural dependent but science subject teachers should use at least two modern strategies of teaching and demonstration method should be one because in science subject’s student learns more and remember better when they physically see an activity being performed by their instructor.

Research Objective Three: To Determine the Extent to which Modern strategies of teaching Impact on Students’ Performance in public secondary schools in Owerri municipal, Imo state

The study revealed that question and answers, group discussion, or combination of these strategies were selected by students as superior methods that prepare them for assessment either in their tests or final examination. The same modern strategies of teaching were preferred by students when teachers are introducing new concepts. Thus at least more than one teaching method should be used to make teaching effective.

The study also revealed that there is greater impact on modern strategies of teaching and student performance as it demonstrated that modern strategies of teaching such as group discussion, question and answer and combination of strategies are excellence ways of teaching which in turn have positive impact on students’ performance. Students often have little expertise in knowing if the method selected by an individual instructor was the best teaching method or just “a method” or simply the method with which the teacher was most comfortable.

This study has demonstrated that types of modern strategies of teaching used by teachers have impacts on students’ performance. This agrees with the previous studies of Haas, (2002), Gulobia, Wokadala and Bategeka (2010) and Sajjad, (2011).

Generally, the study revealed that modern strategies of teaching which were most effective are demonstration the next is brainstorming followed by question and answers, other methods are group discussion, presentation, lecture and the use of seminar being the least effective. Teacher’s choice of teaching strategy or model to enable effective teaching and learning is affected by context in that, for example, it would be difficult to do ‘role play’ or whole class ‘questioning’ in a noisy workshop within confined space. In brief the type of modern strategies of teaching has an impact on students’ performance. Question and answers method has the greatest impact in teaching of chemistry compared to other modern strategies of teaching and this agrees with previous with the study by J-Ping and Collis (1995) in (Faraday, Overton and Cooper, 2011) and contribution to the body of knowledge.


The results of this study revealed several areas of concern the following are recommendations to address each of that concern. First, the findings of the study also revealed that the choice of what teaching method to be used by the instructor depend on flexibility of the teacher. This may led the students fail to grasp the subject matter. The heads of schools should showed on regular basis, find out from students on which methods is helping them to understand and their request the relevant teachers to apply the methods leads to better students’ understanding. That way high students’ performance will be insured.

+Second, the study revealed that teachers seem not be aware of value and impact of different modern strategies of teaching on students’ performance. This has lead to inappropriate application of ineffective and often outdated modern strategies of teaching (such as teacher-centered approach). The heads of schools in confliction with Ministry of Education and Vocational training should regular conduct training/ workshops on modern strategies of teaching in both science and art subjects. This will help teachers to appreciate and learn the best teaching practices particularly new modern strategies of teaching. It will also help to improve students’ performance and go along a way to meeting new government agenda of Big Results Now (BRN).

Areas for Further Research

The study identified areas for further research first, looked at the effects of modern strategies of teaching on students’ performance in public secondary schools in Owerri municipal, the learning condition in private secondary schools are different, thus there is need to conduct a similar research in private schools in Owerri Distict. Second the research concentrated on public schools in one district of Owerri; however before generalization can be made extensive, research in other District public secondary schools need to be performed.


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