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Perception of Fountain University Students on the Dress Code of the University

Perception of Fountain University Students on the Dress Code of the University

Perception of Fountain University Students on the Dress Code of the University


Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To ascertain fountain University dress code
  2. To ascertain whether decent dressing accepted in Fountain University
  3. To ascertain perception of fountain University students towards dress code



Concept of Discipline

According to Preston and Zimnerer (1968:349), discipline is “a behavior which is in compliance with agreed rules and regulations. It also involves the steps taken by supervisors to correct the actions of employees who violate the rules. Megginson (1970; 276) on the other hand argues that real meaning of discipline is the instruction or training given to one. Even when discipline is punishment, it is punishment intended to correct wrong behaviors in individuals and train them to do the right thing. Hermann and Hilgert (1974:276) gave a comprehensive and a working definition of discipline. To them, discipline is a state of affairs, a condition in an enterprise in which there is orderliness, in which the members of the enterprises behave sensibly, properly, responsibly and conducts themselves. For the purpose of this research, discipline can be defined as a state of affairs of orderliness in which students conduct themselves according to the laid down rules and regulations of the College. Discipline is considered good where the students exercise self-discipline. Discipline is bad when students follow or obey the rules reluctantly or deliberately violate them. For instance, the aim of this study is to examine the reasons why students obey or disobey the Dress Code as stipulated in the Student Handbook of the College. Poor discipline normally indicates the need for corrective actions, such actions aimed at eliminating undesirable behaviour in a student. School discipline has two main goals; to ensure the safety of the staff and students and to create an environment conducive for learning. Serious students‟ misconducts involving violence or criminal behavior defeats these goals and often makes headlines in the process. However, the commonest discipline problems involve non-criminal student behaviours. These less dramatic problems may not threaten personal safety, but they still negatively affect the learning environment. A vivid example is the indecent dressing among students in the various campuses of tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Disruptions interrupt lesson for all students, and distributive student lose even more learning time. Gottfredson and Gottfredson (1989:26) in their study observe that in six middle schools in Charleston, South-Carolina students lost 7,932 instructional days due to in school and out-school suspension in a single academic year It is however important to keep the ultimate goal in mind while working to improve school discipline. Duke (1987:187) argued that the goal of good behavior is necessary, but not sufficient to ensure academic growth. Effective school discipline strategies seek to encourage responsible behaviour and it provides all students with a satisfying school experience as well as discourages misconduct. In their study of government secondary schools, Gottfredson and Gottfredson (1989:189) identified the following school characteristics associated with school discipline problem; Rules were clearly perceived as unfair or inconsistently enforced; Students did not believed in the rules; Teachers and administrators did not know what the rules were or disagreed on the proper responses to students‟ misconducts; Teacher -administration corporation was poor or the administration is inactive; Teachers tend to have positive attitudes; Misconduct was ignores ;and schools were large or lacked adequately resource for teaching. Duke (1988:187) in agreement with Gottfredson noted that orderly schools usually balance clearly established and communicated rules with a climate of concern for students as individuals. Small alternate schools often maintain order successfully with fewer formal rules and a more flexible approach to infractions than large schools typically have. According to a growing number of literatures, the primary determinant of discipline policy effectiveness is a healthy relationship between school and students as indicated by such variables as principals leadership styles and student’s perceptions of whether or not they are fairly treated. Could this be the perception of F.C.E. students on the issue of Dressing Code? This question will be answer in the course of study. With the above limitations in mind, we can define the basic functions of discipline policy. The basic functions of discipline policy according to Ben ( 2000,37) include; informing the leader of the school board of discipline philosophy, placing responsibility for policy enforcement and specifying offences and the type of punishment. This functions are not far from the Dressing Code” in FCE Zaria. The problem has been the way the students perceived this disciplinary policy.

Asaju (2007:4) in his study of student’s indiscipline in secondary school in Kaduna State before and after Government takeover of missionary schools; identify the following vices of indiscipline as common among secondary school students. They include examination malpractices, alcoholism, drug abuse, and disrespect for constituted authorities and immoral behaviour, such as sexual immorality, indecent dressing, and prostitution, among others. His study revealed that these disruptive behaviours are not common and very low during the missionary era. But these vices became very common and high after the government took over these schools. Also, moral values were poorly developed in these schools. These problems consequently affected the standard of education in these schools. The study also shows the student‟s performance in SSCE exams in Kaduna State had being the low performance in the past two decades.




Research design

The researcher used descriptive research survey design in building up this project work the choice of this research design was considered appropriate because of its advantages of identifying attributes of a large population from a group of individuals. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought to perception of fountain University students on the dress code of the university

Sources of data collection

Data were collected from two main sources namely:

(i)Primary source and

(ii)Secondary source

Primary source:                          

These are materials of statistical investigation which were collected by the research for a particular purpose. They can be obtained through a survey, observation questionnaire or as experiment; the researcher has adopted the questionnaire method for this study.

Secondary source:

These are data from textbook Journal handset etc. they arise as byproducts of the same other purposes. Example administration, various other unpublished works and write ups were also used.

Population of the study

Population of a study is a group of persons or aggregate items, things the researcher is interested in getting information perception of fountain University students on the dress code of the university. 200 students of fountain University, Osogbo, Osun state were selected randomly by the researcher as the population of the study.




Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the field survey.  This presentation will be based on the responses from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.


The data collected from the respondents were analyzed in tabular form with simple percentage for easy understanding.

A total of 133 (one hundred and thirty three) questionnaires were distributed and 133 questionnaires were returned.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was on perception of fountain University students on the dress code of the university. In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of perception of fountain University students on the dress code of the university


This study was on perception of fountain University students on the dress code of the university. Three objectives were raised which included: To ascertain fountain University dress code, to ascertain whether decent dressing accepted in Fountain University and to ascertain perception of fountain University students towards dress code. In line with these objectives, two research hypotheses were formulated and two null hypotheses were posited. The total population for the study is 200 students of fountain university in Osogbo, Osun state. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made final students, year four students, year three students and year two students were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies


The study was on the perception of fountain university students on the dress code of the university. indecent dressing is concerning issue in the country especially in universities. The study use fountain university to aid their opinion on the dressing code. With the analysis of the study shows that the management of fountain university really warn the undergraduates in the university about indecent dressing which they are not in support of it. Any students going contrary to the order shall be suspended with a semester. And the students really like that idea of decent dressing in the campus and advising others universities in Nigeria to adopt to their conduct.


  • There should be a punishment keep in all universities any student dressing indecently should be suspended
  • They should set a committee that look at after students for indecent dressing
  • Government should enforce dressing code to all undergraduates in Nigeria


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