Sociology Project Topics

Parent Perception and Attitudes Towards the Girl Child Education

Parent Perception and Attitudes Towards the Girl Child Education

Parent Perception and Attitudes Towards the Girl Child Education

Chapter One

Research Objectives

The main objective of the study is to investigate the attitude of parents towards girl-child education Kuje area council, Abuja, Nigeria, to aid the completion of the study; the researcher would intend to achieve the following specific objectives are to:

  1. investigate attitude of parents towards girl-child education.
  2. find out how school activities and the girl-child education.
  3. examine the influence of culture, and tradition on girl-child education.
  4. government activities and the girl-child education.




In today‘s world, education is regarded as one of the essential means for achieving long term development goals and improving both social and economic standards of living (Subrahmanian, 2007). In other words, education is a crucial and fundamental instrument directing many aspects of economic, political and social life (Mendy, 2008). It plays a vital role to eliminate social and economic injustices inherent in many communities (Ombonga, 2008). At the present day, as a result of the changes and developments in information technology and communication system education has become even more important. The welfare and happiness of a country depend on equipping the citizens with continuous and quality education. The knowledge and the skills gained through education process have accretion value for any country‘s development. For this reason, the education level of the society and the quality of human resources are the impulsive forces of socio-economic development. The countries advancing their level of education will experience the positive consequences of it in various fields (KSGM, 2008a). Özkalp (1993) defines education as individuals‘ process of learning the values and the norms of the society they were born and live in, improving the things that they learn and transferring them to the next generations. From this perspective, the prior reason for society ‘s need for education is the aim of keeping the current cultural values alive and transferring them to the upcoming generations. Education is also necessary for enabling the sustainable development, and for keeping social unity and the present political state of the country. Moreover, education facilitates adaptation process to keep up with the innovations for society‘s welfare (Dilli, 2006). Education and schooling are fundamental and constitutional human right of any child. Among other institutions of education school has a more important role as it is the place where the children utilize the socialization process and vital life principles. They learn about life and its purpose by exploring their intuitions, feelings, thoughts and beliefs at school. (Yalın et al, 2005). The children without access to education will be deprived of their human rights and prevented from improving their talents and interests in the most basic ways (UNESCO, 2003). In order to expand children‘s opportunities in life, they should be encouraged to have access to, enrollment in, and completion of education. Fuke (2007) argues that education plays a vital role in building capabilities and opening opportunities for children from all backgrounds. They will have a chance to make a difference in their world by understanding the structures that shape their world through a quality education. At individual level, people can develop their current potential, discover their strengths and become productive members of society by an adequate education. Similarly, education has direct influence on improving communication abilities of individuals by helping them gain literacy, emphatic understanding and broader world perspective. By means of education people will be able to use their imagination and their reasoning for solving the problems they face. In short, education enables individuals to investigate the world that surrenders them and to reach the self-actualization level (Dilli, 2006)


The educational and cultural position of a society can be estimated by determining to what extend education is provided to all children equally. Becoming aware of this truth and having sensitivity about it can also be elicited through education (Yalın et al, 2005). However, in the present world, education is portrayed by extensive gender inequalities (Aikman and Unterhalter, 2007). In spite of improvements and developments in the field of education, in many regions of the world female education constitutes a problem. Women do not enjoy the same education opportunities as men and gender inequalities continue in the society (KSGM, 2008). Girls‘educational experience is still affected by factors related to gender, religion, economic status, age and geographical location. All these factors have an impact on girls‘ enrollment, retention, achievement and performance (Annin, 2009). Girls comprised two thirds of the children denied their right to education, despite of the fact that girls‘ education offered the greatest overall returns for economic development (Govinda, 2008) In 2006, only 59 of 176 countries accomplished equal number of girls and boys in both primary and secondary education (UNESCO, 2009).




Research design

The researcher used descriptive research survey design in building up this project work the choice of this research design was considered appropriate because of its advantages of identifying attributes of a large population from a group of individuals. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought to examine parent perception and attitudes towards the girl child education.

Sources of data collection

Data were collected from two main sources namely:

  1. Primary source and
  2. Secondary source

Primary source:

These are materials of statistical investigation which were collected by the research for a particular purpose. They can be obtained through a survey, observation questionnaire or as experiment; the researcher has adopted the questionnaire method for this study.

Secondary source:

These are data from textbook Journal handset etc. they arise as byproducts of the same other purposes. Example administration, various other unpublished works and write ups were also used.

Population of the study

Population of a study is a group of persons or aggregate items, things the researcher is interested in gathering information relevant to parent perception and attitudes towards the girl child education. Two hundred (200) residents in Kuje area council, Abuja was selected randomly by the researcher as the population of the study.



One hundred and sixty (160) questionnaires were distributed and one hundred and forty (133) were returned. This figure was the sample size. Out of the one hundred and thirty-three, only one hundred and twenty (120) were properly responded to. As a result, the researcher used one hundred and twenty for this study when more than 50% of the respondents agree to the questions, the answer is taken as valid for the purpose of this study. In analyzing the data, the approach that will be adopted is to find out the percentage and positive and negative answers to the question posed.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain parent perception an attitude towards the girl child education

In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of parent perception an attitude towards the girl child education 


This study was on parent perception an attitude towards the girl child education.  Four objectives were raised which included: investigate attitude of parents towards girl-child education, find out how school activities and the girl-child education, examine the influence of culture, and tradition on girl-child education and government activities and the girl-child education. In line with these objectives, four research questions were formulated and were posited. The total population for the study is 200 residents of Kuje area council, Abuja. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made up married men, married women, elder of the council and youths were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies.


To carry out this write study a lot of related books and publications were consulted having carefully evaluated the importance education plays in the life of a nation, I come to the conclusion that education for girl-child at all levels in Kuje area council, Abuja should be encouraged by the government by giving public lectures to parents on their girls. Also parents should be informed that in true development is hinged on the educational ability of its citizens. Only educated people would blaze trails in all dress of human development in the 21st century. For girl-child to actually make observation impact in the new millenniumin Kuje area council, Abuja there must be change of attitude by the parents in Kuje area council, Abuja towards girl-child education because girl-child education is more blessing to society than a curse. The communities living in this district are advised to forget their tribalism and individual differences to co-operate and share there ideas in order to achieve reasonable objectives. They should also think that to achieve any ambition or desire, people are to voluntarily contribute wisely to achieve their own effort for the purpose


  1. Special schools should be built for girl-child in the state, that is at the primary schools and junior secondary schools level for girl-child only should be build to encourage the parents to send their female children to these schools. So that fear of corruption and promiscuity will be allayed.
  2. Free education at all levels be given to girl-child up to university as a way of encouragement in the state.
  3. Government should enact a law between banning girl-child from hawking because girl-child, believe that it is only through hawking that they can save money to support parents during their marriage


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