Civil Engineering Project Topics

Optimization Strategies and Sustainability Cost for Civil Engineering Construction Building in South South

Optimization Strategies and Sustainability Cost for Civil Engineering Construction Building in South South

Optimization Strategies and Sustainability Cost for Civil Engineering Construction Building in South South


Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study is to examine the optimization strategies and sustainability cost for civil engineering construction building in South South, Nigeria.

The following are the specific objectives of the study:

  1. To identify the knowledge and awareness of optimization strategies and sustainability cost for civil engineering construction building.
  2. To examine the optimization strategies employed in civil engineering construction buildings.
  3. To assess the sustainability cost for civil engineering construction building.
  4. To provide ways of reducing the cost of civil engineering building construction.



Concept of building optimization

Building optimization is a process that is carried out to influence the building environmental performance factors. According to Schmidt (2020), the factors consist of building design, service systems design, and occupant behavior. Three main factors on the energy performance are illustrated in Figure 2.1 where the numbers in the figure showed that the preference of the low-quality building design can reduce less energy over two and a half times than the high-quality building design. This condition can be extended up to five times when several adjustments on care system parameters such as efficiency in lighting and heating devices are performed. Meanwhile, when the optimization factors are coupled with the builder’s character, the building efficiency would save the energy up to ten times.





This chapter described the methods employed by the researcher in examining optimization strategies and sustainability cost for civil engineering construction building in South South. This chapter discussed the research design used, population and sampling of the study, the instrument used in collecting data, validity and reliability of research instrument and the method used in analyzing the collected data.

Research design

Wright et al., (2016) described research design as “the overall strategy for conducting research that defines a concise and logical plan to address established research questions through the collection, interpretation, analysis, and discussion of data”. The study research design describes the type of research used, hypotheses, research problem, dependent and independent variable (Creswell, 2012). This study employed a descriptive survey research design method. The descriptive survey is used to systematically and accurately describe the characteristics of a study population (Diekmann, 2019). The descriptive research design was used because the study relied majorly on primary data collected from sampled respondents.




This chapter presents the results of the study on the optimization strategies and sustainability cost for civil engineering construction building in South South, Nigeria by analyzing the quantitative data collected from the compilation of the questionnaire, based on the research objectives and questions. Table 4.1 shows the return rate of the collected data from 218 distributed questionnaires.




This study examined the examine the optimization strategies and sustainability cost for civil engineering construction building in South South, Nigeria. The optimization technique is used to select the desired design combination based on the cost for construction. The result of this research give the economical design combination. Cost effective construction techniques and materials during the execution of project plays important role in saving time as well as cost of construction. Thus, cost reduction techniques assure best cost and value over life cycle of the building or structure.

This study has been able to assess the positive impacts of construction project planning on contractor and it is evident that most contracting organizations are not aware of these impacts. Proper optimization strategies and sustainability cost for civil engineering construction building can ensure contractors get more profit on construction projects executed and this can be achieved in ways suggested by the respondents which will speed up the quick completion of the construction work.

Sustainable building is considered as a way for the building industry to move towards protecting the environment. The promotion of sustainable building practices is to pursue a balance among economic, social, and environmental performance in implementing construction projects. If we accept this, the link between sustainable development and construction becomes clear; construction is of high economic significance and has strong environmental and social impacts. With the growing awareness on environmental protection, this issue has gained wider attention from construction practitioners worldwide. Implementing sustainable building construction practices has been advocated as a way forward in fostering economic advancement in the building industry while minimizing impact on the environment.


Based on the results obtained in this research, the following are recommended.

  • Proper awareness should be carried out to sensitized professionals in the construction industry about the optimization strategies and sustainability cost for civil engineering construction building for each construction project.
  • The implementation of Green Building should be encouraged by the government requesting for Construction Environmental Management Plan from contractors as part of tender
  • The government should, in cooperation with the industry’s professional bodies and private individuals establish a construction bank that will empower the economic
  • Manufacturers of construction materials should use life cycle considerations as the basis of product development and should cooperate with designers in the development environmentally friendly construction materials. Also, they should form partnerships with research firms by providing funds for research and development

Suggestion for further study

  1. Hindrances to Green Building Developments in Nigeria’s Built Environment.
  2. Stakeholders’ perception of factors determining the adoptability of optimization strategies and sustainability cost for civil engineering practices in construction projects In Nigeria.
  3. Green building for Nigeria public institutions towards effective administration of public properties.
  4. The impact of optimization strategies on the efficiency of labourers on site.


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