Business Administration Project Topics

Office Communication and Organisational Performance in Study of Banks in Yenagoa

Office Communication and Organisational Performance in Study of Banks in Yenagoa

Office Communication and Organisational Performance in Study of Banks in Yenagoa


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to determine the role of office communication in facilitating organisational performance. However the specific objectives of the study were:

  1. To determine the most preferred communication means used at Banks in Yenagoa
  2. To determine the importance of office communication at Banks in Yenagoa
  3. To find out factors affecting communication channels at Banks in Yenagoa
  4. To determine challenges faced by Banks in Yenagoa in facilitating efficient communication mode.




This literature review’s primary goal is to find and analyze the work that other academics and researchers have done in regard to the contribution that office communication makes to improving organizational effectiveness. The researcher might further define the research problem by limiting it with the help of this review.  A thorough understanding of previous work aids the researcher in avoiding pointless and international project repetition and in overcoming the shortcomings of earlier study.

Conceptual Review

Organizational Communication

According to Lindlof and Taylor’s (2011) definition of organizational communication, this discipline “studies corporate life as constituted through discursive processes such as conflict, teamwork, and leadership.” When internal communication is efficient, information can travel more quickly inside a company. An organization’s staff can more efficiently communicate information when its internal communication system is functioning well. These communication networks might be upward, downward, vertical, or horizontal depending on the line of authority within an organization. It seems that organizational communication frequently exemplifies an organization’s values, purpose for existing, the various clients it services, how their workloads are accomplished, and the hierarchy of reporting amongst personnel. For instance, this means that communication within an organization functions as both a glue that tightens all organizational operations and a magnifying glass that helps to make things more clear.

In a related study by Tubbs and Moss (2008), it is discovered that there is a connection between good communication and overall success inside an organization. Ineffective communication hinders an organization’s capacity to operate successfully. This is demonstrated by the fact that discussion of pertinent work-related issues and information inside an organization fosters creativity and decision-making (Robbins et al., 2010). As a result, both corporate and personal aims and objectives are achieved.

A person in an organization communicates with coworkers in a variety of ways to help them complete tasks and meet established organizational goals. Members communicate with one another when a message is sent at a particular point, working cooperatively to solve problems and help themselves become better at their jobs. By observing the chain of command or the hierarchical structures within an organization, it becomes clear that superiors delegate tasks to lower-ranked employees, who then relay feedback or offer suggestions to the supervisors, who then discuss the best ways to achieve the goals and objectives.

No of what position they hold within an organization, employees are permitted to speak casually about issues unrelated to their jobs.

The individual life, feelings, interests, beliefs, and imaginations of each person are noted to be covered in these.

In addition to what was previously stated, Madlock and Booth-Butterfield (2008) contended that whenever there is a close and strong correlation among persons inside an organization, realistically their stances are made public considering the connection and how much value is placed on such relationship. Employees make an effort to establish and preserve mutual links and contact, whether on purpose or not, in order to adequately support themselves.





This chapter provides a detailed description of the selected research design and data collection techniques that were used in light of research objectives and the questions that the study sets to address.  It is organized in the following sections; research design, target population, sample size and sampling procedure, instruments of data collection, reliability and validity of research instruments and data analysis.

The Research Design

The study applied a case study research design; as such it was an intensive descriptive and holistic analysis of Zenith Bank in Yenagoa as a single entity. It was an investigation of single entity in order to gain insight into the larger cases. According to Oso (2005) in a case where the number of organizations that can be investigated are few, a small sample is available and an in-depth analysis is necessary, a case study is the most appropriate. The study evaluated on inventory control measures in the supply chain management.




This chapter presents the findings from the study.  Data from the field was coded and edited for completeness.  It was then analyzed in form of percentages and presented in form of frequency distribution tables.

In analyzing the data, the responses to the items in the questionnaire, the researcher assigned each response a number. The data collected were then analyzed by use of descriptive statistics where frequency distributions and percentages were calculated and displayed in tabular form.




This chapter presents the discussion of the findings, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for further research.  This study was carried out with the main purpose of finding out the role of office communication in facilitating organisational performance.

Summary of Findings

General Information 


The study revealed that 55 percent of the employees were male while 45 percent were female. Therefore there exists a gender imbalance in Banks in Yenagoa Yenagoa,

Age of the respondents 

The age of respondents for employees was studied. The age of employees indicated that 45 percent were of the age between 31-40 years, 25 percent between 21-30 years, 15 percent between 41-50 years, 10 percent between age bracket 51-60 years and 5% below 20 years.


Based on the findings of this study of challenges of office communication in an organization the researcher made the following conclusions

Communication plays key role as organization performance and activities are concerned. The study indicated that multi-direction communication clarifies duties and obligations in the organization leads to increased employee to employee relationship in the hospital, and it helps employees to solve disputes in the organization

From the findings it was revealed that there are individual factors which affect communication in an organization these could be, Perception towards fellow employees in an organization, the attitude towards other employees and the position of an individual in the organization.

The findings also indicated that other than individual factors in an organization that affect multi-directional communication there are also departmental factors. The departmental are Roles and duties of various departments’ Inter-departmental competition and Heads of the department’s attitude

The study revealed that Individual and departmental factor are not the only variable that affect multi-directional communication in an organization. There are also organizational factors in the organization which are, organizational policy on communication, nature of the organizational structure, type of the communication adopted by the organization and relationship existing between the source and the recipient


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study the researcher felt that the following recommendations are necessary to improve multi directional communication.

  1. For the organization to make their communication effective management should appreciate the role played by communication by encouraging a two way communication between its employees
  2. Employees in the organization should be trained on personality to learn more about behaviours so as to appreciate themselves and cancel the issue of negative perception
  3. Management should consider avoiding factors that might bring conflict and barriers between departments in the organization
  4. Organizational structure should be well defined such that employees know who communicates to the and who they communicates to in the organization.


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