Business Administration Project Topics

Marketing Strategy and Consumer Purchase Behavior

Marketing Strategy and Consumer Purchase Behavior

Marketing Strategy and Consumer Purchase Behavior


Objectives Of The Study

Objective is to study the consumer behavior towards cellular service. This project report has been formulated with specialty of behavioral analysis of consumer. By throwing light on their need for communication, effort has been put on deriving there response towards communication and its various standards. The aim of project has been to sort out basic things that consumer seeks while asking new Telecom connection and promising things of Telecom that makes them reliable consumer.

Specific Objectives

  1. To study the problems faced by the respondents with Airtel.
  2. To study customer satisfaction level on Airtelmarketing strategy.
  3. To find out the consumer preferences.
  4. To analyses the level of awareness about Airtel product & services.
  5. To study sales, promotion advertisement of Airtel.



According to Rice (1993), perception is the initiator of behaviour. It can also be seen as a process of information extraction. Perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture (Kotler, 2000). Different people tend to perceive quite differently even when they are exposed to the same reality. A set of factors, e.g. individual responses, determine an individual’s perception process and lead to individual differences. The most important is that people’s perceptions are often more important than the reality in marketing (Kotler, 2000).

According to Thorelli et al (1975), the prospective buyer possesses a certain stock of cognitive content, including his own personality or self-concept, attitudes and opinions both in general and on specific products, and stored information and past experience. This stock has been formed as a result of his interaction with his environment over time, and it will help determine the environment in which he places himself in the future as well as influence his perceptions of that environment. This stage consists of the physical and cognitive activities involved in comparing alternatives on the basis of information gathered from external search above.

The study of customer behaviour provides a sound basis for identifying and understanding the factors that influence consumers purchase on line. Schiffman and Kanuk (2000) state that the behaviour that consumers display in searching, purchasing, and evaluating products/services is those that they expect to fulfill their needs.

According to Kotler (2000), the consumer arrives at attitudes toward the various brands through an attribute evaluation procedure and most buyers consider several attributes in their purchase decision. These attributes used by consumers for evaluation are also called choice criteria.

Jobber (2001) has made a good summary of these choice criteria. In fact, consumers attempt to optimize the trade-off between product benefits, product costs, the desired personal utilities and other variables.





This chapter discussed the method used in the study. It contained and explained the following; research design, population of the study, sampling technique/sample size, description of research instrument, validity and reliability of data gathering instrument, method of data collection and finally method of data analysis.



Table no: 4.1.1 Gender of the respondents





This research was useful for the organization to find out the consumers opinion towards the Airtel and to know the attributes of the selection process.

As results from this research indicate, Airtel need to offer more than an attractive service and products to entice qualified customers. With number of service providers currently available, Consumers can be choosy when searching for their ideal one. They are more prone towards various attractive services.

Thus, it is important for organization to know exactly what they have to offer potential consumers, and then highlight their best features. Once organizations have successfully find candidates, they will become a loyal consumer.


  1. Much number of competitors is in the market for Airtel. So Consumers compare the customer care services. Many of the Airtelcustomers feel that Customer Care Services are poor in Airtel. Airtelmust improve those services.
  2. More consumers are highly disturbed and irritated with unnecessary VAS Activation. Airtelneeds to avoid these things.
  3. Awareness about the Airteltalkmore is very less. Airtelmust create awareness about this by way of advertisements.
  4. Most of the consumers are attracted by TV Commercial ads. Respondents ranked the AirtelTV Ads as Fourth Rank. Creative and attractive advertisements will attract the consumer towards Airtelproducts.
  5. More consumers need 3 Months Rate Cutters, 3 Months SMS Packs.
  6. To attract the Students Airtelneed introduce some new offers or packages.


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