Human Resource Management Project Topics

Leveraging Effective Human Resources Management to Attain Organizational Goals

Leveraging Effective Human Resources Management to Attain Organizational Goals

Leveraging Effective Human Resources Management to Attain Organizational Goals

Chapter One


Since organizations are people-oriented, hence the purpose of acquiring human services, developing their skills, motivating them, and ensuring their commitment to their organization becomes an important instrument in achieving organization becomes an important in achieving organizational goals, however, the objectives of the research are as follows:

  • To find out the relationship between good human resources management practices and the success (viability) of a firm.
  • To find out how the acquisition of human resources is carried out in Nigeria bottling company Owerri plant.
  • To assess the extent to which human resources are developed in the organization.




This chapter involves the critical analysis that covers the human resources management determine the human resources require by the organization to achieve its strategies goals.

Definition of human resource management

Human resources Management determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.

Human resources management is the process of obtaining the right number of qualified people for the right job at the right time, it also the system of machines that supply people internally (Existing employees) and externally to be hired or searched for with the openings the organization expects to have over a given time.

According to Bulla and Scott (2002), it is the process of ensuring that the human resources requirements of an organization are identified and plans human resources management is based on the belief that people are an organization’s most important strategic resources.

According to Kretiner (2004), Human resources Management is the development of a comprehensive staffing strategy for meeting the organization’s future human resources needs. Kristine focused, on the definition is futuristic, this does not however neglect the relevance of management for the existing or present human resources in an organization. The above certain of Kretiner was collaborated by the encyclopedia of professional management (2002) when it observed that human resource management is a process of forecasting future staffing requirements, developing action plans to meet them, and monitoring performance against the plan.

According to Appleby (2000) believed that human resources management seeks and maintain and improve an organization’s ability to achieve corporate objectives by developing strategies that are designed to increase the present and future contribution of manpower.

The above definition does not only consider developing strategies to maintain an organization’s ability to achieve stated objectives but also goals a step further to:

  1. Develop strategies for attaining and advancing such objectives, through effective workforce attraction, retention, and development.
  2. Considering the future manpower position and requirements of the organization.

Differences Between Human Resource Management And Manpower Management

The basic definition of Human Resources Management and manpower management lies in the fact that, while the former (i.e manpower management) considers people as a cost to the organization that has to be controlled on minimized that latter (Human Resource Management) is considered some as an investment that requires systematic management for it to yield the desired benefits.





In this chapter, the study will look at the method and procedures used in collecting relevant data for the study which includes research design, area of study, population of the study, sampling, instrument for  data collection, validating of the instrument and reliability of the instrument.

Research Design

The design of the study is descriptive survey, the descriptive design is chosen because it is very effective in seeking the views of employees about the tool for attaining high productivity in Nigerian bottling company limited Owerri Imo state.

Area Of The Study

The Nigerian bottling company that services Owerri Imo state metropolis  is the situated location which research select at the study.

Population of the study

The research population refers to any groups or object that are similar or different in one way and form the subject of study in a particular survey.

The research population for the purpose of this project, is the entire workforce, of Nigerian bottling company (PAN), Owerri Imo state (Head Office) the staff strength of PAN Owerri Imo state according to my finding reveals that the PAN Head office has the total staff strength of 100.




The aim of this chapter is concerned with the presentation and analysis of data collected in the occurs of the research work. The collected questionnaire from the respondents are presented and are analyzing the likert rating scale.




Basically, the focus on this research work is centered on human resource management on productivity in business organization research is divided into five chapters and the overall view was centered on the role in which human resource management has played on productivity in an organization, because the factors, human resource management and productivity work hand in hand together and without paper adhering to these factors a business is tend to experience failure.

Human resource management looked at broader issue relating to the way in which people are employed and developed in other to improved organization  effectiveness, productivity can only be promoted through effective and efficient human resource management both in long and short run; when human resource management is effectively managed it will bring about increase in productivity. The out come of the findings is basically concerned on human resources management help to retain good employees in the organization; make workers to be more keen to work, reduce labour turn over, know human resource management can be integrated with business management in nutshell human management is the major key factors to any organization because it is guide that shows how organization is supposed to do things e.g. forecast either in long run or short run.

However, human resource management is a guide to the organization to show how resources is being utilized affectivity which can lead to increased rate of productivity i.e. using minimum input to get maximum result.


In conclusion, the organization needs to give greater priority to human resource management since people will become central to the organization corporate plan. Organization will need to restructure to make best use of available skills and to develop human resource policies aimed at maintaining competitiveness in the labour market and to meet evolving employee aspiration.

Therefore, all organization should pay attention to human resource management it is hoped that the issue raised in this study will stimulated interest not only to managers, researchers, but also among the policy makers, planners in industries and government agency or public corporation and it is hoped that the report will be of great importance to the organization and to anybody that come across.


Based on the above summary and conclusion, the following are the recommendations for the study.

  1. Human resource management activities should be intensified in order to retain the employees of the organization
  2. Knowing that employees will be keen to work where there is human resource management policy the organization should help to put good human resource management policy in place for employees benefits.
  3. The human resource management should be integrated with business management so that productivity can be enhance  so in the organization.
  4. It is the responsibility of the human resource management programmes so as to help the organization in making good policies administration e.g. in the area of forecasting, good recruitment selection, placement training and development at the right time to the organization.
  5. Human resource management is the basic responsibility of management to ensure that organization plan and control the mobility of turnover rate of workers in the organization.
  6. For any business organization to  succeed they should be ready to make good human resource management.


  • Lloyd, L. Byar/Leslise, W.Rue (2011). Human Resource management 7th Edition. Published by Mc Graw Hill Irwin
  • Michael A. (2000). A hand Book on Human Resources Management practice. 10th Edition Published by Kogan Page limited
  • Muhammed, B.A. (2012). Introduction to Human Resource management in Nigerian. 2nd edition printed in Nigeria by MBA Consultants Owerri Imo state.
  • Nwachukwu C.C. (1999). Management theory and Practice. 1st edition, published by African First Published Limited (Revised edition).
  • http://www.entrepreneur. Com/encyclopedia/term/82322.htm/.retrieved on 22nd April, 2000.
  • 30th May, 2000.
  • http/ retrieved on 1st June, 2000.
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