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Job Satisfaction as Predictor of Retention in Learning Mathematics Among Primary School Pupils in Port Harcourt

Job Satisfaction as Predictor of Retention in Learning Mathematics Among Primary School Pupils in Port Harcourt

Job Satisfaction as Predictor of Retention in Learning Mathematics Among Primary School Pupils in Port Harcourt


 Objective of the Study

The general general of this study is to investigate the extent to which job satisfaction among primary school mathematics teachers influences pupils’ retention in learning mathematics in Port Harcourt. Specifically, the objectives of this study are:

  1. To assess the level of job satisfaction among primary school mathematics teachers in Port Harcourt.
  2. To determine the relationship between teachers’ job satisfaction and pupils’ retention in learning mathematics.
  3. To identify the factors influencing job satisfaction among primary school mathematics teachers.
  4. To examine the impact of teachers’ job satisfaction on the teaching methods used in mathematics lessons and how these methods affect pupils’ retention.



Conceptual Review

Job Satisfaction in Education

Job satisfaction is a crucial element in the teaching profession, influencing not only the effectiveness of educators but also the overall learning environment for students. It refers to the emotional response and overall contentment that an individual feels towards their job. In the context of education, job satisfaction encompasses various dimensions, including feelings of achievement, recognition, and fulfilment that teachers experience in their roles. The teaching profession is unique because educators must navigate complex interpersonal relationships with students, parents, and colleagues, all while delivering curriculum content effectively (Akanbi, 2023).

Understanding job satisfaction within education requires consideration of various factors that contribute to a teacher’s emotional well-being. These factors may include working conditions, administrative support, salary, and opportunities for professional development. Research indicates that when teachers perceive their working conditions as positive and supportive, their job satisfaction tends to increase (Ajani & Adigun, 2023). This satisfaction is essential as it directly impacts teachers’ motivation, commitment, and overall performance in the classroom. Consequently, satisfied teachers are more likely to engage their students and foster a productive learning environment.

The significance of job satisfaction in education is underscored by its effects on student outcomes. Educators who feel valued and fulfilled in their roles are more inclined to develop meaningful relationships with their students, leading to enhanced learning experiences. Moreover, job satisfaction can influence teachers’ retention rates, as satisfied teachers are less likely to leave the profession. This is particularly important in regions like Port Harcourt, where teacher turnover can disrupt the continuity of education and negatively impact student performance (Alhassan & Akinwumi, 2023).

Moreover, job satisfaction can be influenced by external factors, such as community support and parental involvement. When teachers receive recognition and support from their communities, their sense of job satisfaction can significantly increase (Arikewuyo & Ayodele, 2023). In turn, this enhanced satisfaction can lead to improved teaching practices, which ultimately benefit students. Therefore, understanding the nuances of job satisfaction in the teaching profession is vital for fostering a positive educational environment and ensuring the long-term success of both educators and their students. By prioritizing job satisfaction, educational stakeholders can work towards creating a more supportive and effective teaching and learning environment, ultimately benefiting the entire educational ecosystem (Abu & Arogundade, 2023).





This chapter outlines the methodology employed in the study to explore the relationship between job satisfaction and retention in learning mathematics among primary school pupils in Port Harcourt. The research adopted a quantitative survey design, which facilitated the collection of data that could be statistically analyzed to identify trends, correlations, and potential causal relationships. This chapter details the research design, population of the study, sampling techniques, research instruments, validity and reliability of the instruments, and the methods of data analysis.

Research Design

Research design refers to the framework or blueprint for conducting a research study. It provides the structure for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). In this study, a quantitative survey research design was employed, which is defined as a systematic investigation that primarily focuses on quantifying relationships, opinions, or behaviours of a specific population (Bell et al., 2019). This design was justified as it enabled the researchers to gather numerical data that could be statistically analyzed, allowing for generalizations to be made about the larger population of primary school teachers and pupils in Port Harcourt.

Quantitative research is particularly suitable for this study because it facilitates a clear and objective analysis of variables such as job satisfaction, teaching effectiveness, and student retention (Saunders et al., 2019). By employing this design, the researchers were able to establish a framework that guided the collection and analysis of data to answer the research questions effectively.



Data Presentation

The results presented in Table 4.1 indicate a strong response rate for the questionnaire administered, with 109 out of 120 questionnaires returned completed, yielding a completion rate of 90.8%. This high percentage demonstrates a significant level of engagement from the participants, suggesting that the topic of job satisfaction among primary school mathematics teachers resonates with them. A response rate exceeding 90% is considered excellent in survey research, as it enhances the reliability of the data collected and minimizes potential biases that can arise from low participation.

Conversely, the 11 questionnaires that were either not returned or incomplete account for 9.2% of the total, which is relatively low. This minimal attrition rate indicates that the majority of respondents were committed enough to provide their insights on the subject matter. Such high levels of participation can be attributed to the relevance of the study’s focus on job satisfaction and its implications for teaching effectiveness and student retention. Overall, these results underscore the credibility of the findings, as a robust sample size provides a solid foundation for analyzing the factors influencing job satisfaction among the targeted teachers.



Summary of Findings

This study aimed to explore the relationship between job satisfaction among primary school mathematics teachers in Port Harcourt and various factors affecting both their professional experiences and their students’ educational outcomes. The research employed quantitative methods, utilizing a structured questionnaire to gather data from 109 mathematics teachers. The findings provide insightful revelations regarding the impact of job satisfaction on teaching methods, student retention in mathematics, and the overall educational experience. This section summarizes the key findings of the study and their implications for educational stakeholders.

The analysis began with an investigation into the level of job satisfaction among mathematics teachers. The results indicated a noteworthy level of job satisfaction among the respondents, with a significant proportion reporting positive feelings towards their work. Specifically, the findings revealed that 48.6% of teachers strongly agreed that their working conditions contributed positively to their job satisfaction. This suggests that factors such as classroom resources, support from administration, and the overall teaching environment play a crucial role in shaping teachers’ perceptions of their jobs. Furthermore, the data revealed that teachers who felt satisfied in their roles were more likely to exhibit commitment and enthusiasm towards their teaching, which is essential in fostering a productive learning atmosphere.


In conclusion, the results of this study underscore the critical relationship between job satisfaction among primary school mathematics teachers and various educational outcomes, particularly student retention and teaching effectiveness. The one-sample t-test results confirmed the significance of the hypotheses tested, indicating that a higher level of job satisfaction positively influences both the methods employed in teaching and students’ ability to retain mathematical concepts.

Teachers who reported higher job satisfaction also exhibited a greater propensity to innovate in their teaching approaches, thereby fostering an engaging learning environment for their students. Factors such as administrative support, professional development opportunities, and recognition from colleagues emerged as key determinants of job satisfaction, emphasizing the need for educational institutions to create supportive frameworks that enhance teachers’ professional experiences.


Based on the research objectives, the following recommendations are proposed to enhance job satisfaction among primary school mathematics teachers and improve student retention in learning mathematics:

  1. Enhance Administrative Support: School administrations should prioritize providing adequate support to teachers by creating clear communication channels and implementing feedback mechanisms. Regular meetings should be held to address teachers’ concerns and suggestions, thereby fostering a supportive and collaborative school environment.
  2. Invest in Professional Development: Educational authorities should establish ongoing professional development programs tailored to the needs of mathematics teachers. These programs should focus on innovative teaching strategies, classroom management, and integration of technology in teaching, ensuring that teachers are equipped with the necessary skills to engage their students effectively.
  3. Implement Recognition Programs: Schools should develop recognition programs that acknowledge and reward teachers for their contributions and achievements. Recognizing teachers’ hard work through awards, public acknowledgment, or professional growth opportunities can significantly enhance their job satisfaction and motivation.


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