Chemistry Project Topics

Isolation and Identification of Microorganism in Stream Water [Atolagbe] Iree Town

Isolation and Identification of Microorganism in Stream Water [Atolagbe] Iree Town

Isolation and Identification of Microorganism in Stream Water [Atolagbe] Iree Town

Chapter One


Purpose of study is to isolate and identify of microorganism in stream water (ATOLAGBE STREAM) IREE TOWN.      



Water for drinking and domestic use may be obtained from natural sources like surface water, ground water and rain water. (David 1991) state that 98% of the earth water is the seas, oceans, river and lakes. The remaining 20% in locked up as ice, in the soil, in the body of living organisms or in vapours in the atmosphere.

Surface Water: Are stream, river and lake, water in these sources originate partly from ground water out flows and partly from rain water which flow over the terrestrial area into the surface water bodies. Outflow from ground water brings in the dissolved solids. The surface run off contributes turbidity, organic matter and pathogenic organism. Usually, in surface water body the dissolved mineral particles will remain unchanged, while the organic impurities are degraded by chemical and microbial action. Although clear water from river, lake and stream requires on treatment, on taking into account the risk of incidental contamination, it is better to practice chlorination.

Ground Water: Are well and springs constitute ground water supply. Ground water mostly originate from infiltrated rain water which after reaching the aquifer flows through the underground. A little contamination of ground water occur from organic and inorganic soil particle, animal and plant debris, fertilizer, pesticides, microorganism etc. as it flow through the soil layer. Inspite of these contamination, infiltration causes partial removal of suspended parties including microorganism. If the organic content of ground water is high, oxygen will be consumed for the oxidation of organic mater. (www.water

 Rain Water: Run off from roofs can be collected and stored for domestic use. Rain water will be of high quality and the only possible sources of contamination is air borne, microorganism too will be present in low number.


For a drinking water to meet the international standard, it must be colorless, odorless and tasteless. It should not contain any suspended matter. It must also contain residue chloride (0.9-1pp) and bacteria count (Coliform count) ideally should be zero (Fawole 1980).





The water samples were collected from water source at Atolagbe stream water in Iree, Osun State.

Materials needed for collection of water sample for microbial analysis are: sterilized sample bottles, spirit lamp, paper tape, Petri-dishes, test tubes, test-tuber rack, needle and syringe, beaker conical flask, inoculating loop, Autoclave, incubator, measuring cylinder, water sample cotton wool, light microscope,, microscope slide, sterile water, cover slip, weighing balance, aluminum foil, agar, crystal violent, safranin solution, iodine, ethanol and hydrogen peroxide.



Total of (2) bacteria were isolated and identified which include Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus (Table 4.1) Aspergillus niger (Fig 4.1) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fig. 4.2) and Penicillium chrysogenum. 




From the result obtained during the analysis of microorganism in stream water show that the presence of pathogenic microorganism such as Aspergellus niger Saccharomyces cerevisiae Baccilus cerues makes the stream water unfit for consumption but further steps could be taken to eliminate or reduce the quantity of these organisms in the water body to a level that is safe for human health i.e. the water should be treated properly.


Since water is an abundant solvent in the universe both for all kinds of plants and animals also to man in particular, proper care should be taken when fetching stream water in order to avoid contamination through the handle and the water should be treated proper.

It is advisable that the stream water should be boiled or treated properly before consumption.      


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