Education Project Topics

Influence of Violent Films on Adolescent Social Behaviour

Influence of Violent Films on Adolescent Social Behaviour

Influence of Violent Films on Adolescent Social Behaviour


Objectives of the Study

  1. To find out the level of exposure of adolescent in Osisatech Boys’ Sec School  See violent films
  2. To find out what type of violent films adolescent in Osisatech Boys’ Sec School prefer.
  3. To find out the influence of their preferred violent films on their social behaviour




This chapter is a review of related studies to the topic: Influence of Violent films on adolescent social widening behaviour”one’s It knowledge aims at scholars and their perspectives to give relevant information. The chapter is organised under

the following headings:-

  1. review of concept
  2. review of related studies
  3. review of theoretical framework
  4. summary

Review of Concepts

The following concepts were reviewed

  1. violent in films
  2. culture
  3. adolescent behaviour
  4. social behaviour

Violence in films

According to th Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, violence is the exercise of physical force so as to inflict injury on, or cause damage to a person or property. Violence in the media can be traced back to ancient pictographs that displayed sacrificed acts and ceremonial torture. Adasanya (1997) posits that the media are so powerful that they hit or permeate the listeners or receivers consciousness like a bullet. Violent media are those that depict intentional attempt by individuals to inflict harm on others, among these violent films are cartoons, music video, horror films etc. it is assumed that through these programmes adolescent have unconsciously learnt that act of fighting, aggression and violence.

Ofonagora (1987) stressed the need to stamp that;

The images and impressions conveyed throughout these movies eventually end up stimulating our young ones into culture of immorality and violence, derailing the good and orderly development of a generation of our children. The rich cultural heritage of values, norms and history are now being explored by our film producer. Therefore, foreign pornography and violence must be eradicated from our moving markets, television and cable stations.

To examine what trends to exist in this study, there is need to look into the different perspective of violent film.

Wood (1983) Explained his perspectives of media vi people who are exposed to a large dose of dramatised film violence tend to view the world as

a hostile and threatening environment. In Nigeria, films are one of the agents of socialisation. Comparatively, it is most alarming that adolescent spend not less than 75 hours a week watching film. This figure exceeds by far the amount of times spent in school. In other words, during a period of one week alone, a child would have watched a hundred killings, armed robbery, prostitution, rape, sex, violence, fight i.e. wrestling, etc. these films contents influence the behaviour of the adolescent greatly. Grossman, a retired U.S army officer and experts in the psychology of killing (Awake April 1999) stated that when young teenagers see somebody shot, stabbed, raped, they believe it were actually happening.

Elder (1993) U.S surgeon submitted that by portraying violence as a normal means of conflict resolution the media (film) are giving adolescent the impression that violence is socially acceptable.

Ugboruah A.(1992) asserted that most adolescent have become violent because of the type of film they watch. However, adolescent through the influence of film may become cigarette smokers, heavy alcoholic drinkers, involved in immoral activities. They can easily use derogatory language, indulge in notorious activities and become fraudsters. It is imperative to indicate that positively creating and controlling content of film will minimize to a large extent social ills, if passively selected for adolescent learning so that they will not become nuisance or social problem during their adulthood and thereafter.





This chapter discusses the method used in the study. It contained and explained the following:

The design of the study is the survey method. It is a method that deals with an investigation into situation. Phenomenon and suggests solution to such problems. The research designs is the structure and strategy for obtaining a reliable and valid result of a research problem. The research method used in any research work is a determined predominantly by the nature of the research; therefore by carrying out this research work, a research survey was conducted to supplement what was obtained fro the respondents.




The aim of this study was to know how violent films influence adolescent social behaviour in

Osisatech Boys’ secondary school. This chap data derived from the respondents through the questionnaire distributed for this study.

The total response rate of this study is 132 and the administered questionnaires needed were properly answered. The results of this study are presented in tables and percentages which will correctly provide clarity in understanding.

Chi –Square is the important statistical equipment used in testing the significance of the result using 98% level of confidence with 0.05% of error probability level. Tables will be used to illustrate the questionnaire response.




This chapter contains the summary of the work, its conclusion, and the recommendation.

Summary of findings

The study’s focus was to ascertain whether v adolescents and ways in which will be taken to check the product which will be taken to check the product which causes harm to the society at large.

To authenticate the impact of violent films on adolescents, the method adopted was survey. The survey research method had questionnaire to 132 respondents, the findings were easily interpreted through frequency tables. The findings in this research reveal that 80% of the respondents were of the view that violent films have negative influence on Nigerian culture.


The basic conclusion drawn from the findings is that adolescents contact with films can be functional. Since socialization of the adolescents is inevitable for the betterment of the society, films should be of high moral standard. Therefore, regulatory bodies should monitor the type of films that produced every picture and words tell a story, no matter the way they are framed they are disseminating ideas.

Films should disseminate messages of positive intent for the sake of the adolescents socialization. The development of the adolescents can be psychologically, physically and socially enhanced positively and socially enhanced positively through production of films with morally elevating themes. This is necessary because adolescents have taken film viewing as a pastime synonymous with life.


It is true that film to a large extent is a source of entertainment to the society, but it is most alarming that Nigeria home movie producers are more interested in the monetary gains they get from the business. The movie producers load all sorts of obscenity in their products not minding the effect, thus corrupting influence passes directly and indirectly the audience especially the youth and growing up children.

The researcher suggests that the nation should be concerned to bring to bear, ways of solving the cultural deterioration that emanates from the influences the films(movie) industry should be sanitized by joint efforts of the ministry of information, national orientation agency, non-governmental organization(NGO), parents and institutions of higher learning. Also the teaching of different cultural values in Nigeria should be included in the primary and post primary curriculum.

Moreover, people should constitute a committee that research more into these negative influence, conduct seminars and conferences sponsor bills to the national assembly so that Nigeria films censor board should be to save her from the slumber and help her grow new set of teeth to bite and not only bark.

Suggestion for further studies

Futher studies should be conducted by the ministry of information to monitor the activities of films and video censor Board to make sure that they achieve the objectives for which they were set up. Furthermore, more attention sho to enable them improve academically thereby avoiding distractions that comes from films.


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