Marketing Project Topics

Influence of Television Advertising on Consumer Choice of Sanitary Pad. (a Case Study of Always)

Influence of Television Advertising on Consumer Choice of Sanitary Pad. (a Case Study of Always)

Influence of Television Advertising on Consumer Choice of Sanitary Pad. (a Case Study of Always)\



The following are the objectives of this work

  1. To find out if television advertising has any influence on consumers choice of sanitary pad.
  2. To find out whether there are other factors which can influence consumers on their choice of sanitary pad.
  3. To find out if television advertising brings about brand loyalty.




The importance of this chapter is that it avails the researcher the opportunity to examine critically various relevant literatures, looks, articles and materials available for this study. To have a better understanding of what literature review entails, Okeke(2001, p.31) opines that literature review is the critical study of the previous and related works or studies done in the researcher’s are of interest of concern. Giving a voice on this, Eze(1999, p.22) asserts that literature reviews forms the basis for the investigative process, because it provides the researcher with the opportunity to look into the “pool of knowledge” available to him.

Literature review in this chapter is divided into four sections as it relates to the study namely

  1. Television as a medium
  2. Advertising and its type
  3. Concepts of advertising media
  4. Consumer’s behaviours and brand loyalty.





In this chapter, the researcher presents in clear terms the methodology used in the course of the study. The details of this chapter are research Design/method of study, population of the study, sample, sampling techniques, instrument of data collection, validity of instruments as well as method of data analysis.




In this chapter, the researcher graphically shows the presentations, analysis and brief discussion of data generated in the course of this research.

Meanwhile, four research questions were posed in chapter one as guidelines to finding answers to the problem of study. Out of the 400 questionnaires distributed to elicit information from the respondents, 300 representing 80% of the total responds were answered and returned while 80 questionnaires or 20% were not returned. It therefore means that presentation of data analysis and discussion of findings will be on the returned 320 questionnaires.




This chapter brings into focus the overall finding of chapter four, upon these findings, the researcher makes conclusion and also offers recommendation for improvement in line with the problem of the study.


Finding of this research question would not have come through within the research question put forward and analyses presented by the researcher, people who reported more to the question were students, who are believed to have more need of household beverage (carbury). They are mostly Christians, females, single people and age bracket are majority between 15-25 years.

However, finding in research question I indicated that majority of people sampled, consumes household beverage (carbury), research question II showed that most people views television advertising. In question III, television advertising influences audience choice of household beverages (carbury) and their performance or brand of it.

Finally, in research question IV, showed that most people do not see brand name as synonymous with quality, research question V, in its findings, showed that apart from advertising, some other factors like price and quality of a product (carbury) influences consumers’ choice.


The conclusion of this research work can easily be deduced from the findings highlighted above.

Undoubtedly therefore, the research concludes that television advertising influence consumers’ choice of beverages which is carbury. It is pertinent to that there are other factors like price and quality that also influence consumers’ choice of beverages (carbury).


Based on the findings and conclusions of this research work, the following recommendations are put forward:

  1. Manufacturers of carbury amongst other household beverages should give priority attention to the quality and taste of their brands of beverages because it influences the consumers’ choice.
  2. Also these manufacturers should try to sell out these beverages at a reduced price and states a specific amount (selling price) of which these product (household beverages) brands should be sold.
  3. The manufacturers should not downplay on the advertising of these products (household beverages) so as to attract more patronage.


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  • Eze, AN. (1999). Practical approach to research method and statistics. OQ edition management and social serence. Onitsha: Onwubiko printing and packaging Ind.
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