Influence of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Senior Secondary School Students of Rimi College, Kaduna
Chapter One
Aim of the Study
This research aims to contribute and to enhance students‟ knowledge of the proper utilization of social media platforms to promote effective learning among the senior secondary school students of Rimi College, Kaduna.
Objectives of the Study
The specific objectives, therefore, are:
- to investigate the level of students‟ awareness and knowledge of social media;
- to determine through descriptive statistical tools, how social media can affect students‟ academic performance and
- to determine by collecting and calculating subject grade scores of each student for statistical analysis to check if whether reliance on social media can improve students‟ academic development.
This chapter reviews relevant literatures on the Internet which this forerunner of the term social media, the development of social media, social media sites, social media tools, advantage and disadvantages of social media and the theoretical framework which this study is based on.
The Internet
The Internet is a global system of interconnected governmental, academic, corporate, public and private computer networks. The internet is also the communications backbone underlying the World Wide Web (www).The World Wide Web (www), which was developed in 1990 as a platform to enhance the popularity of the Internet was identified by scholars like (Best, 2006). He described the web as a system of interlinked hypertext that allows users access to web sites and pages that may contain text, music, images, blogs, video and other multimedia modes (Best, 2006:12). The purpose of the World Wide Web is to use hyperlink “to link and access information of various kinds as a web of nodes in which the users can browse at will (Liman, 2014:27). Thus, individuals, social and educational groups, the academia and business organizations could create a web site which users can access via navigational tools or browsers like Google+, Internet explorer, Mozilla, Outlook Express, Safari, Firefox and other search engines etc.
The social media as a component of the internet particularly has become a part of people‟s daily activities. It has touched virtually all aspects of learning and communication. It has broadened the scope of learning and research at all levels and forms of education. In this age of the Internet, there has been an evolution in technology itself and also in how individuals interact and organize their world.
The internet facilitates this process with less difficulty and across distant areas. The internet is described as a global network of interconnected computers that communicate freely and share and exchange information (Baran, 2002) .The network is made up of large numbers of computer networks throughout the whole world. The computers in the network communicate and share data with one another and also exist within a diverse set of independent networks, hyperlinked to provide its users with the appearance of a single, unified network (Hanson, 2005):
The Internet has broken down territorial barriers, and traversed boundaries and has enabled users to communicate instantaneously with one another across locations, sharing information within real time experience. In itsuniqueness, the Internet was designed to be decentralized, meaning that control is distributed to all users who have relatively equal opportunity to create and contribute content(Bruns, 2008). The advantages of the Internet, make it an avenue for any idea to be shared; it is information by anyone, for anyone, creating a platform for the free flow of information transmission and retrieval for anyone who has access to it no matter the location.
Dominick (2009) cited in Liman (2014 pg23) also asserts:
The development of the Internet meant that computers could send digital information to all parts of the globe. He further continues that; “the Internet triggered a revolution in the way information is stored and transmitted. As a result, the traditional mass communication media found themselves in uncharted waters and had to figure out how to cope with this drastic development.
However, due to daily discoveries and developments, it seems difficult to coin a particular definition of the new media. For instance, today‟s definition may seem invalid to newly launched sophisticated device(s) tomorrow. It is so because every newly launched software/hardware is an introduction and upgrading of new features/facilities of the former. For instance, “Windows7” which has a plethora of modern features used by iPad and smartphones became outdated when Windows8prowhich has more advanced features (it uses data) was launched on 25th February 2012 by Microsoft Corporation. The constant evolution of this new media makes it challenging to describe.According to Kathleen (2010:5):
Social scientists have identified four specific categories of new media that share common qualities and likenesses: interpersonal communication media, interactive play media, information search media, and collective participatory media.
Kathleen further explained that interpersonal communication media encompasses the telephone (cell phones included, iPad, iPod, etc.) and email (McQuail, 2005). However, these types of communication technologies are thoughts of as private and temporary ones. The relationships reinforced and established by the use of such interpersonal communication are more important than the information communicated. Interactive play media include computer and video games. Information search media encompass a broad spectrum such as the Internet and all the search engines and search tools. Cell phones are becoming capable of similar functions and can be listed under this category. Lastly, the collective participatory media refer to how one can use the Internet for purposes such as swapping information, ideas and thoughts, and creating computer- mediated relationships (McQuail, 2005). The ability to swap this information could be used on the academic development of children and youths, which leverages on their performance and intelligence.
This chapter discusses the methods and instruments used in data gathering during the study. These include research design, study variables, population of the study, area of study, sampling techniques, sample size, method of data collection, Instrument of data collection and method of data presentation and analysis, respectively.
This research was quantitatively and qualitatively carried out on students of Rimi College, Kaduna. The focus of this survey is to assess the influence of social media on the academic performance of the students. The population of students is limited to senior secondary school students (SS1-SS3) in the school.
Research Design
Descriptive research was employed during this study. According to Jackson (2012), descriptive research methods are pretty much as they sound – theydescribe situations and do not make accurate predictions, and they do not determine cause and effect. He further classified descriptive research method into three main types of descriptive methods: observational methods, case-study methods and survey methods.
In the same vein, Wimmer and Dominick (2000) as cited in Liman (2014) see descriptive research as attempts to depicture or document an event, conditions or attitudes so as to describe what exists at the moment. Descriptive research is primarily concerned with the collection and analysis of data for the purpose of describing, evaluating or comparing current or prevailing practices, events and occurrences Babbie (2001) notes that, scientific descriptions are typically more accurate and precise than causal ones. It is against this premise that the researcher used this research design to describe the ongoing situations and events concerning social media among senior secondary school students.
Study Variables
This study is centred on two variables; namely dependent and independent variables. Normally, the dependent variables rely on the independent variables to occur. In this study, the dependent variables are the academic performance and students. Performance however, refers to act or participation. On the other hand, students here refer to those that are between 12-18 years, while the independent variable is the influence of social media networking. This refers to the power to have an effect on the way someone or something develops, behaves or thinks without the direct use of force or commands.
Population of the Study
Since a study population is that aggregation of the elements from which the sample is to be drawn (Babbie, 2001), ittherefore becomes imperative for the researcher to define the study population. The population of this study consists of all the students in the senior secondary classes of Rimi College, Kaduna, which stood at 360 students by 2017. The students in the senior secondary classes were chosen for this study because they constitute a specific group of adolescents that not only have broader knowledge and exposure academically, but also have practically unlimited access to mobile/smartphones and internet, unlike those in the junior secondary classes who are much younger.
However, the choice of this population is hinged on the fact that the researcher carried out a study on “Influence of Social Media” using the Rimi College SeniorSecondary School students as a case study. The study revealed that 64% of the students are registered on one social media network or the other. The choice of this population is also based on the fact that Rimi College Kaduna comprises students from different states with different backgrounds. This implies that the population of the study is heterogeneous in nature.
Data Analysis, Presentation and Discussion of Findings
This chapter presents and analyzes the data obtained from the survey of the study location and population. The study made use of 186 copies of the questionnaire which is the sample size and administered through simple random probability sampling method in order to study SS1-SS3 students of Rimi College, Kaduna. The students had equal chance of providing answers that enable the researcher to find out the research objectives of this study. After collation and coding, 36 copies of the questionnaire were weeded out due to the fact that the respondents did not completely fill them. Thus, the figure of returned copies of thequestionnaire used for this analysis was 150 out of 186 copies of the questionnaire administered. Thus, from the copiesof questionnaire,there was 75%response rate achievement, which is statistically a significant percentage for the copies of questionnaire administered. Hence, the data and information gathered from the returned copies of questionnaire were used for the presentation of the analysis and its interpretation in line with the objectives of the study.
Based on the objectives set for this study, the quantitative data gathered through questionnaire were first analyzed using simple description statistics showing frequency distribution and percentages while the qualitative data from the FGD were drawn to strengthen the findings of the quantitative data. However, the quantitative data presentation is in three sections; that is, Section A, which deals with the socio- demographic variables. While Section B handles the study objectives.
This chapter includes a summary of the study, conclusion, recommendations, highlights of the research findings and areas for future research.
Summary of the Study
From the study conducted, it can be deduced that respondents had different views concerning the benefits of social media. This view varies along the line of social media usage, purpose and exposure.It was against this background that this research was undertaken to assess the influence of social media on the academic performance of the senior students of Rimi College. The researcher used primary tools such as Questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion to achieve the objectives of the study. In order to achieve this, the study set out some objectives which include;investigating the level of awareness and knowledge of social media by the senior secondary school students of Rimi College; also, determining through descriptive statistics tools, how social media use can affect students‟ academic development. Lastly, determining by collecting and calculating subject grade scores of each student for statistical analysis to see whether reliance on social media by the said students can improve students‟ academic development.
To achieve these objectives, the study used quantitative and qualitative to gather data from the research instruments such as the questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion, which was analyzed in chapter four.
The study also confirms that the new communication technologies have contributed to learning processes both positively and negatively.
However, some of the participants of the FGD agreed that the internet has become a basic need in their daily activities while studying in secondary school. Furthermore, they expressed their desire to maintain their use of the social media even after completing their secondary school studies and will also encourage others to take advantage of the internet as a means of learning and educational development.
For the researcher to have reasonable and first hand responses from the students, simple questions were asked in the questionnaire and during the FGD to allow for close assessment of how the students perceive and make use of social media for academic development. The use of social media to boost academic activities and also seek solutions for challenges was also checked within the scope of the study. The possibility of Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, 2go to contribute to educational pursuits was also reviewed in this research. The following findings therefore emerged from the research.
Key Findings
- The students are aware of social media trends and are involved in using social media for various functions; which include browsing to get educational materials for their academic development.
- The students own one type of phone or the other for social media activities which they find more interesting and convenient to use due to its
- The respondents have basic skills in terms of the new technologies, so they use their smartphones for many functions that make learning faster and easier.
- The research discovered that one of the benefits social media offers to its users is that, it gives opportunity to students that cannot ask questions in class to ask
- Social media due to its potentials contributions, it influences the students positively and negatively depending on the purpose of usage.
- Social media also posed alot of challenges to students e.g, it promotes lazinessand habit of “cut and paste” amongst students, brings distraction and addiction to sites in some cases. Not all students can afford smartphones or subscribe for data plans.
- This research suggests that as books and teachers are no longer seen as the only sources of information for study and learning, government should boost computer laboratories with state-of-the art technologies, free subscriptions and more training and retraining of teachers especially those that have not yet tapped into the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) world.
- Also, there is need for secondary institutions to include in their school syllabuses, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and to equip their computer laboratories with the new technologies in order to enhance learning process, which will createa digital enabling environment that will boost the learning activities in order to achieve the outlined aims and objectives.
- Despite social media‟s contributions to education in the learning process, due to the dangers posed by social media, schools and parents should introduce safety measures such as ikeepsafe (app), Internet Nanny, V-Chip and Rating systems to curtail negative Paralert which monitors children‟s activities online.
- Educators should start thinking and planning in such a way that they can establish good synergy between social media components and new technologies and come up with well-designed system of learning at the secondary school level. However, it is imperative to have focused syllabuses that connect the potentials of social media to ease access, involvement and learning in a way that students will be the utmost beneficiaries. This will give both the teachers and students ample opportunities to understand and practice the ethical uses of social media.
- The Guidance and Counseling Department of Rimi College should incorporate the teaching of online safety in its scheme so as to make it mandatory for every student to learn.
In this age of the Internet and social media, change has occurred. There is a shift not only in the technology itself, but also in how communication activities are being carried out. As knowledge is power, so also information is power. This is so because the new media as a medium has pavedthe way for the accessibility of information, so, power to effect change becomes available.Information is shared commonly amongst people from all walks of life via the new media. Today the new technologies have taken over many aspects of our daily activities. Therefore, it is important to study the new media use because it reveals much about how communication patterns are changing or evolving as young people incorporate new media into their lives. This study is examining the rate of young people‟s use of new media at school and in their homes and its attendant implications.
This study examined how Rimi College senior students use the new media in relation to their school activities. The students used as a case study in the course of this research helped to unveil the use of social media, benefits and challenges to achieve the objectives of the study. The participants were able to look at many angles in the new media debate and also to look at themselves to understand why and how they used the new mediaof theirchoice. These students were able to offer astute and intelligent responses due to their knowledge on the subject of new media. Perhaps the most fascinating finding was how these groups of students were able to distinguish both the negative and positive aspects of social media in the learning process.
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