Political Science Project Topics

Influence of Political Advertising on the Voting Pattern of Electorates in the 2023 Elections in Akwa Ibom State

Influence of Political Advertising on the Voting Pattern of Electorates in the 2023 Elections in Akwa Ibom State

Influence of Political Advertising on the Voting Pattern of Electorates in the 2023 Elections in Akwa Ibom State

Chapter One

Objective of the study

The objectives of the study on the influence of political advertising on the voting pattern of electorates in the 2023 elections in Akwa Ibom State are as follows:

  1. To evaluate the extent to which political advertising affects the awareness, perceptions, and preferences of voters in Akwa Ibom State leading up to the 2023 elections.
  2. To investigate how political advertising contributes to the creation and dissemination of candidate images and brands, and how these impact voter perceptions and attitudes towards candidates.
  3. Analyze how political advertising frames key political issues in Akwa Ibom State and its influence on voters’ prioritization of issues and policy preferences.



 The Concept of Political Advertising

Two of the promotional mix elements are advertising and public relations. According to Samaila (2003), “advertising and public relations occupy the centrestage of promotion of political candidates and parties vying for different political positions during campaigns.” Corroborating this view, Ansolabere and Iyenga (1995) argue that political advertising has become a veritable tool for selling candidates of political parties during election campaigns”. Kaid (1999) stresses that “advertising messages do influence public perception of candidates”. According to Sandman et al. (1976), “For many people the main source of ‘news’ about political candidates is not the news at all, it is political advertising”, especially television advertising. Buttressing the above assertion, Sandman recounts a classic case of political advertising in the 1966 re-election bid of New York governor (later Vice President) Nelson Rockefeller. The incumbent Rockefeller, he notes: was extremely unpopular with the electorate and early polls indicated that, literally, any democratic candidate who contested that election with him would defeat him. Frank. D.O, Connor was picked for the job. Rockefeller did not only win the election at the end of the day, but won with 4,000,000 votes, a wide margin; this success was based on the strength of massive media political advertising campaign that he mounted. He spent over $2 million on television advertisements alone. Having established the fact that advertising messages can be used as a powerful political tool to convince the electorate into voting for a particular political candidate, one may ask what actually is political advertising? It is the use of paid media (newspaper, radio, television, internet etc.) to influence the political decisions made for and by groups. The advertising message is designed by political consultants and campaign staff; it can include several different media and span several months over the course of the political campaign. Diamond and Bates (1992) note that unlike political campaigns in the past, “advances in media technology have streamlined the process, giving candidates more options to reach larger groups of constituents with little effort.” Commenting on the concept of political advertising, Olujide et al. (2010) state that “political advertising is the use of the media by political candidates to increase their exposure to the public”. The authors are of the view that the extensive use of radio and television has supplanted direct appearances on campaign trail which was popularly used by politicians in the past five decades. Advertisements, they note, have become the most commonly used technique to create a favourable image for the candidate and a negative image for the opponent, a trend which appeared to be common during the 2011 governorship election in Imo State between the contending candidates Ikedi Ohakim and Rochas Okorocha.


Chapter Three

  Research methodology

Research Design

The research design adopted in this research work is the survey research design which involves the usage of self-designed questionnaire in the collection of data. Under the survey research design, primary data of this study will be collected from selected residents in Uyo in order to determine influence of political advertising on the voting pattern of electorates in the 2023 elections in Akwa Ibom State. The design was chosen because it enables the researcher to collect data without manipulation of any variables of interest in the study. The design also provides opportunity for equal chance of participation in the study for respondents.

Population of Study

The population of study is the census of all items or a subject that possess the characteristics or that have the knowledge of the phenomenon that is being studied (Asiaka, 1991). It also means the aggregate people from which the sample is to be drawn.

Population is sometimes referred to as the universe. The population of this research study will be Seventy-five (75) selected residents in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State



This chapter is about the analysis and presentation of data collected from the field through questionnaire. The analysis of the data with particular question immediately followed by the presentation of findings.

As mentioned in chapter three, 63 questionnaires were administered and 50 were retrieved and necessary analysis was carried out on them and presented as follows:




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain influence of political advertising on the voting pattern of electorates in the 2023 elections in Akwa Ibom State. In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of influence of political advertising on the voting pattern of electorates in the 2023 elections in Akwa Ibom State.


This study was on influence of political advertising on the voting pattern of electorates in the 2023 elections in Akwa Ibom State. Three objectives were raised which included: To evaluate the extent to which political advertising affects the awareness, perceptions, and preferences of voters in Akwa Ibom State leading up to the 2023 elections, to investigate how political advertising contributes to the creation and dissemination of candidate images and brands, and how these impact voter perceptions and attitudes towards candidates and analyze how political advertising frames key political issues in Akwa Ibom State and its influence on voters’ prioritization of issues and policy preferences. The total population for the study is 75 selected residents in Uyo, Akwa state. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies.


In conclusion, the findings of this study underscore the significance of political advertising in contemporary elections. It is a potent instrument that, when strategically harnessed, can mold voter perceptions, influence issue prioritization, and impact policy preferences. As we move forward, understanding the intricacies of this relationship between political advertising and voter behavior remains crucial for both political campaigns and the electorate. It is our hope that this research serves as a valuable contribution to the body of knowledge on the subject and informs future election strategies and academic inquiry.


  1. Given the significant influence of political advertising on voter behavior, there is a need for increased civic education and media literacy programs. Voters should be equipped with the skills to critically analyze political advertising, understand the framing of issues, and differentiate between emotional appeals and substantive policy discussions. Civic education should be incorporated into school curricula and disseminated widely to empower citizens to make informed decisions.
  2. It is essential for electoral bodies and regulatory authorities to establish clear guidelines and regulations governing political advertising. These guidelines should ensure transparency in campaign financing, accurate information dissemination, and the monitoring of the tone and content of advertisements. Transparent and equitable access to media platforms for all candidates should be guaranteed.
  3. Independent fact-checking organizations and media outlets should play an active role in assessing the accuracy of claims made in political advertising. Providing voters with credible information and fact-based assessments can help counter misleading or false messaging.
  4. Political advertising should not be limited to traditional media channels. Efforts should be made to leverage digital and social media platforms to reach a wider and more diverse audience. These platforms have the potential to engage younger voters and those with varied media consumption habits.
  5. Candidates and political parties should strive to adopt more positive and issues-based campaign strategies. Focusing on policy discussions and avoiding overly negative or divisive advertising can contribute to a more constructive political discourse.
  6. Political campaigns should prioritize voter engagement beyond advertising. This includes engaging with voters through town hall meetings, debates, and community outreach programs. Personal interactions between candidates and the electorate can complement the messaging in political advertising and foster a deeper connection with voters.
  7. Continued research on the impact of political advertising is essential. Academic institutions, think tanks, and research organizations should conduct studies that analyze the evolving nature of political advertising and its impact on voter behavior in specific regions. These studies can provide valuable insights for future campaigns and electoral strategies.


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