Marketing Project Topics

Influence of Outdoor Advertising on the Consumers

Influence of Outdoor Advertising on the Consumers

Influence of Outdoor Advertising on the Consumers

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to examine the influence of outdoor advertising on consumers.

Specific objectives include;

  1. To examine the influence of outdoor advertising on the purchasing habits of the public in Ikeja City Mall.
  2. To ascertain the frequency in which people patronise products/services promoted in an outdoor advertisement.




This chapter gives an insight into various studies conducted by outstanding researchers as well as explained terminologies with regards to examine the influence of outdoor advertising on the consumers.  The chapter also gives a resume of the history and present status of the problem delineated by a concise review of previous studies into closely related problems


Advertising is one the most effective methods of marketing for enterprises wishing to survive in an atmosphere of increasing competition and rapid change resulting from globalization. The success of companies which produce similar goods as a result of rapidly changing market conditions and heightened competition depends largely on the extent to which they are able to use market communication components professionally and rationally (Kocabaş and Elden, 2001, p.13). These factors oblige enterprises to undertake promotional activities in order to achieve their business objectives and to boost their market-share in order to gain a competitive advantage over their business rivals.

If we consider that the distance between the producer and the consumer has widened gradually since the beginning of the century and, accordingly, direct communication between these two groups has become unavailable; it will not be difficult to accept the importance and necessity of advertising, as a model of communication from producer to consumer, for today’s enterprises (Backman, 1971, p.20).

Today, everybody is increasingly exposed to advertisements. Advertising shows up in pages of newspapers and magazines; on television and radio via various entertainment programs; on roads via billboards and notices; on buses, trains, tramways and ferry boats;  in brief, everywhere at indefinite places and times.  Advertising is regarded as a positive effort, which generally contributes to the economy by developing media facilities and enabling the highest standards of life for people, which helps cultural development and which has an immeasurable educational structure (Marketing Magazine, 1979, p.5–6).

Outdoor advertisements, which were first used by advertisers in the United States during the 1850s, were applied in Turkey in 1985 (Civelek, 2003, p.46). The most frequently used instruments of outdoor advertisement are as follows (Assael, 1993, p.606; Marketing Turkey 2004, p.48);

Billboars composed of panels and posters that are immobile and separate, Street furniture such as racquet billboards, stations and cylindrical towers, Transit panels placed in airports, railways, subways, buses and taxis.

Billboards are the most common and widely used forms among the outdoor advertisement media listed above (Berkovitz, et al, 1994, p.541; Lichtenthal, et al., 2006, p.237). When compared to other media tools, the share of outdoor advertisements as a proportion of total advertising expenditure is increasing – albeit slowly.





This chapter covers the description and discussion on the various techniques and procedures used in the study to collect and analyze the data as it is deemed appropriate

Research Design

For this study, the survey research design was adopted. The choice of the design was informed by the objectives of the study as outlined in chapter one. This research design provides a quickly efficient and accurate means of assessing information about a population of interest. It intends to study the influence of outdoor advertising on the consumers. The study will be conducted in Lagos state.

Population of the Study

The population for this study were staff of Ikeja city Mall area of Lagos state, Nigeria. A total of 134 respondents were selected from the population figure out of which the sample size was determined.  The reason for choosing Lagos state is because of its proximity to the researcher.




This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of the result obtained from questionnaires. The data gathered were presented according to the order in which they were arranged in the research questions and simple percentage were used to analyze the demographic information of the respondents while the chi square test was adopted to test the research hypothesis.




The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of outdoor advertising on the consumers

Hypotheses were formulated (generated) to guide the researcher.

Hypothesis I

H0:    There is no extent have outdoor advert messages influence visitors’ patronage of advertised products.

H1:    There is an extent have outdoor advert messages influence visitors’ patronage of advertised products

Hypothesis II

H0:    People do not patronise products/services promoted in an outdoor advertising

H1:    People patronise products/services promoted in an outdoor advertising

The objectives of the study were to;

  1. To examine the influence of outdoor advertising on purchasing habits of the public in Ikeja city mall.
  2. To ascertain the frequency in which people patronise products/services promoted in an outdoor advertisement.


Advertisement is an instrument of announcement and presentation, which is designed in order to persuade people voluntarily to display a certain behavior; to lead people to a certain thought; to draw their attention to a certain product, service, opinion or enterprise; to inform them about these in order to change their opinion and attitude towards these products, services, opinions and enterprises; or to make them to adopt a certain opinion or attitude toward them Advertisements are exhibited in various communication tools via purchase of time or space and created against some amount of money. Advertising is feature of various communication media through the purchase of time or space and advertising campaigns are created within an overall marketing budget.

Advertisement probably occupies the largest place in the marketing network. It has an important role in the process from production to introduction of product to the market.  Its main purpose is to introduce products or services and make people use.

In the scientiic literature, the most discussed message-related factors of print advertising are the headline, dominating elements, and the number of elements. nevertheless, research regarding the inluence of message-related factors on the effectiveness of outdoor advertising is scarce. consequently, authors of this research analyzed the most discussed message-related factors of print advertising in the context of outdoor advertising.

the analysis of the research results lead to the determination of the internal factors criteria inluencing the effectiveness of outdoor advertising: headline larger than the body text, a large number of elements with dominating textual elements, and the emphasised brand. By following these criteria, organizations can improve their advertising campaigns by enhancing advertising effectiveness possibility. Directions for future research are the analysis of the inluence of personal factors and external factors on the effectiveness of outdoor advertising.


It is recommended that e-commerce companies be more enlightened on the importance of outdoor advertising to their growth individually and as players in the same industry. Due to the recent emergence of the e-commerce industry in Nigeria, e-commerce operators and businesses must ensure that they maximize the use of outdoor adverts and other promotional avenues to create awareness of their existence as well as motivate people to change their traditional mindset on purchase of goods and services in Nigeria. They should focus on using outdoor adverts as a means of educating the populace about the advantages of e-commerce and how it works. They should continue to use outdoor advertising as a means of informing the people about their existence and persuading the people to use e-commerce platforms regularly. This will help grow the industry in Nigeria over time. Players in the ecommerce industry (,,,, etc) must strategically and continually study the Nigerian market and plan accordingly in order to maximize their potential and get a good share of the ecommerce market in Nigeria. The Nigerian market is one that is constantly evolving and new techniques of doing things are being developed on a daily basis.

The regulators of the advertising and e-commerce sectors in Nigeria should also strive to ensure that all avenues of marketing communication (outdoor advertising inclusive) are not negative in their outlook and usage by e-commerce operators and the industry at large. Outdoor advertising should actually be used to promote healthy rivalry that will lead to the overall growth of the e-commerce industry in Nigeria. Players and regulators of the industry do strategic analysis of outdoor advertising campaigns on a regular to ensure that the growth of the industry is sustained and continuous. Outdoor adverts should also be used to address issues and provide solution to issues that will be encountered by ecommerce users on a daily basis.


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