Mass Communication Project Topics

Influence of News Commentaries on Radio Listeners in Magboro, Ogun State

Influence of News Commentaries on Radio Listeners in Magboro, Ogun State

Influence of News Commentaries on Radio Listeners in Magboro, Ogun State


Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to find out the influence of news commentaries on radio listeners in Magboro Ogun state

are to:

  • Identify various issues discuss on news commentaries among radio listeners
  • Determine the attitude of radio listeners to news commentaries
  • Ascertain the frequency and length of understanding issues discussed on news commentaries among radio listeners
  • Find out the benefits of news commentaries in radio broadcasting



This chapter reviewed related literature to the study under the following sub Headings:

Conceptual Framework

History of Radio News Commentaries in Nigeria

History of Radio Development in Nigeria Broadcasting

Concept of Broadcast Programme


Attitude of Radio listeners to News Commentaries

  • Benefits of News commentaries
  • Theoretical Framework

Gratification Theory

  • Relevance of the Theory
  • Empirical Review of Related studies

Conceptual Framework 

A conceptual framework is the paradigm that assists in identifying the variables of the research. It is the interrelation and interaction among the variables to study the research problem. It shows variables such as news commentaries, attitude of listeners, benefits of news commentaries to broadcasting, length and frequency of understanding issues and perceptions of radio listeners either negative or positive.

History of Radio News Commentaries in Nigeria

Radio is one of the commonest means of communication all over the world because it can be assessed from everywhere so far the frequency modulation of that area is covered. Although, it relates with the use of the sense organ called ear without viewing the presenters. On the other hand, news commentary on the radio is as old as the broadcasting system. Okoro and Agbo (2003) describe news commentary could be referred to as news behind the scene. News commentary must have come as a sequel to the aforementioned. Commentary is derived from a Latin word commentarium meaning a notebook or explanation. It also means a comment, remark or critiqued note. Mikhai (2012) says commentary means “review and explanation of public and political facts and events, its strength is contained in a competent, correct selection and interposing of the facts” with critical assessment of events which guides the listeners’ reaction and works upon their minds along certain lines. Gelsthorpe (2002) posits that commentary as elevated form of communication which deals on topical issues concerning society, silently demanding a positive change one a field because it’s the voice of the nation.





This chapter presents the research procedure that was employed in this study. It explained under the following sub-heading: Research design, Population of the study, Sample size and sampling technique, Instrument for data Collection, Validity of the research instrument, Reliability of the research instrument, Administration of the instrument and Procedure for data Analyses


This study adopts a survey and observation. Survey method was used to gather data for answering the research questions and testing the research hypotheses formulated by the researcher in order to set out comprehensive and valid information about how the influence of news commentaries on radio listeners in Magboro Ogun state.

Since it involves the testing of hypothesis, this necessitated the design and administration of structured questionnaires to elicit information for the testing of the hypothesis on the subject matter from the sample survey.


The population of study is made up people living within Maboro area of Oguun state.

The population under study comprises of few people from the study area for the purpose of the research.




From our previous chapter we have made some theoretical exposition on the influence of news commentaries on radio listeners in Magboro, Ogun State, analyzed the various methods, services provided by the staffs of Voice of Nigeria for all have also explained the method upon the data shall be analyzed. The total of 208 questionnaires where completed and returned.

From the oral interviews and structured questionnaires made we hereby make the following tabulation, analysis, findings and discussion.  The discussions therefore are treated according to the questionnaire in line with the responses by respondents.




This concluding chapter discusses the summary of findings from the foregoing chapter with the recommendations and suggestions for future studies as the case may be.


The research is on the influence of news commentaries on radio listeners in Magboro, Ogun State. The responses of the questionnaires distributed for the selected sample size were analyzed and these are the findings:

  1. In getting the analysis done, the researcher met with more of the males than the females, which shows that the males are more of the news listeners than the females.
  2. More of the youths responded to the questionnaires as they are more interested in the topic of research.
  3. Most of them are not comfortable listening to political issues on news commentaries.
  4. Most believe that the attitude of the government affect the news commentaries been listened to.
  5. Most media houses do not practice modernized system of news commentaries.
  6. Virtually all respondents are of the view that news commentaries do not entertain, educate and influence as listeners.
  7. Government do not allow free flow of information for listeners to analyze.
  8. Non use of local languages do not make listeners motivated to listen to radio commentaries.
  9. Nothing attracts respondents listeners on radio commentaries and that it does not bother most of them.
  10. Respomdents do not listen to radio news commentaries.
  11. Respondents believe that news commentaries are not that relevant.
  12. The frequency and length of understanding news commentaries take about 1 – 3 minutes.
  13. Respondents understand better listening in the local languages and immediately.
  14. Phone in programme makes respondents watch till the end as it allows for them to be able to contribute their opinion.
  15. Majority of the respondents believe that if it is not educative or impactful they are not interested in listening or watching news commentaries.
  16. Respondents are aware of the happening within the Magboro area through the radio.
  17. Radio programmes through news commentaries get the respondents informed about job opening or business opportunity.
  18. Listeners learn through news commentaries and the ways of the politicians.


The influence of news commentaries on radio listeners in Magboro, Ogun State cannot be over emphasized. From the result of the research carried out, it is obvious that radio commentaries on radio will help in enhancing audience participation to people especially within Magboro and its environment.

The dilemma which all third world countries face today include an increase in poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and crime rates. These are all indices for measuring development or more to the point underdevelopment, for an increase in all these key indicators is not desirable for the development process of any society. The Development media theory of mass communication argues that the press in developing nations is “obligated to respond to society’s needs and interests.

Most of the commentaries should not basically be on political issues but things that are more educative and informative and that they can phone into the programme and interact with the programme and examples are that of 92.9fm on the programme “e da kun iwa ibaje” (meaning stop the wrong things you do). Now, when you listen to these programme, you realize that people call into the programme, which means that there are enough listeners for the program.

However the commentaries can be bi ligual so as to attract listeners of all langauges in Nigeria and Lagos especially as it encompasses different language, culture and diverse tradition. Need the commentaries to be more interesting to listen too in as much as the fact that out of all broadcast media people like watching the T.V, but then radio is all around in phones and in portable devices to be used, so as for listeners to find it easy to put on and listen to that educative, informative and interactive commentaries by the broadcast companies  in Lagos.

Finally, Bearing in mind the tremendous amount of power the media wields in the society and the country at large, bringing some of it to bear on the developmental agenda will better the lot of people that needs to be educated, need job information or information on having handwork leading to being a partisan instead of looking for the white collar job and development has suffered so much neglect. Radio commentaries are not meant to be about the political state of the country alone burt about informations that affect and improve their well being and their lives.


Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended as follows:

  1. Proprietors of radio broadcast stations in the State must begin to lay more emphasis on development rather than entertainment and political issues in their programme content.
  2. Radio broadcasting should more interesting and not biased of any kind of politically supported and motivated.
  3. The several broadcast houses should pick on programmes that will enhance development especially at a period like this to enhance the welfare of listeners.
  4. Radio broadcasting should not only be for news alone but for broadcasting of meaningful things that people can benefit from.


This research covers the aspect of “The influence of news commentaries on radio listeners in Magboro, Ogun State”. In future, researchers should cover on topics such as: research on mass media as a tool for economic and social welfare of people, Radio phone in programme a way to improve the radio listeners, Mass media as a tool for curbing illiteracy by educating people.


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  • Kimutai, C. (2011). Research shows radio is king in Kenya. Retrieved on 26th May, 2012 from   
  • Korzenny, F. (2011). A Cultural Icon: The Importance of Radio for Hispanics. New York:             Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann
  • Larson, C. U. (2009). Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility, Edition 12, New York,   Cengage Learning
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