Mass Communication Project Topics

Influence of News Censorship on the Performance of Media Houses in Nigeria (a Study of Nasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia)

Influence of News Censorship on the Performance of Media Houses in Nigeria (a Study of Nasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia)

Influence of News Censorship on the Performance of Media Houses in Nigeria (a Study of Nasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia)


Objectives of the Study


  1. To find out the extent, reporters and editors at Nasarawa Broadcasting Service are faced with problems of news censorship.
  2. To determine the various forms of news censorship at the Nasarawa Broadcasting Service.
  3. To find out the reason behind the censorship of news at Nasarawa Broadcasting Service.


Literature Review


This chapter is concerned with the review of related study on the topic: “Influence of

News Censorship on the Performance of Media Houses in Nigeria: (a Study of Nasarawa Broadcasting Service)”. The chapter is arranged under the following headings:

The Concept of Censorship

The definition of censorship just like any other term has been viewed differently by various people and scholars. Censorship in modern times could be the examination of radio programmes, news reports and other communication media for the purpose of altering or suppressing part thought to be objectionable or offensive; which may be considered immoral, heretical, blasphemous, seditious and injurious to the society.

Wikipedia defines censorship, as a suppression of speech or other communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive or inconvenient to the general body of people as determined by a government, media outlet or other controlling body. Censorship is seen as the control of information and ideas circulated within a society. Reichmann (1988) sees censorship as, the removal, suppression or restricted circulated literary, artistic or educational materials on the grounds that they are morally or otherwise objectionable in the light of standard applied by the censor.

In this way, the right to freedom of expression guaranteed by section 39 sub-sections (1) of 1999 constitution as stated below has been violated: “every person shall be entitled to freedom of expression including ideas and information without interference”. The media is not legally and constitutionally guaranteed to express freedom but the various Nigerian constitutions have always recognized the importance of the media under the clause that gives freedom of expression, beginning with the Independence constitution of 1963 to the Republican constitution of 1979 and then the present 1999 constitution. In the mist of this freedom there are still some restrictions like those stipulated by section 39(3) of 1999 constitution which empowers any law that is reasonable justifiable in a democratic society to prevent the disclosure of information received in confidence. Some of these legal limitations include the following: law of defamation, censorship, sedition and obscenity and so on.





This chapter discussed the method used in the research. It contains explanation of the following: research design, population of study, sampling technique sample size, description of research instrument as well as method of data collection and analysis.

Research Design: This means the structuring of investigation aimed at identifying variables and their relationship, it is used for the purpose of obtaining data to enable the investigator test hypothesis or answer research question by providing procedural outline for conducting the study. Okaja (2003). This study therefore, adopted the surrey method in data collection through questionnaire.




The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of news censorship on the performance of media houses in Nigeria. The chapter is concerned with the presentation and analysis of data collected through the use of questionnaire distributed to the respondents. Seventy copies of questionnaire were distributed and 70 copies were retrieved. This represented a response rate of 100%.


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


The objective of this study was to determine the “Influence of News Censorship on the Performance of Media Houses in Nigeria (a Study of Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia). Survey research design was adopted, using the questionnaire for gathering of data. Sequel to the analysis of data and discussion of findings, this chapter presented the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation.

Summary of Findings

The findings of this study showed that:

  1. Censorship means the suppression of speech or other communication which may be objectionable, harmful, sensitive or inconvenient to the general public as determined by a government, media outlet or other controlling body.
  2. The form of censorship most practiced is self-censorship and majority of reporters and editors at Nasarawa Broadcasting Service have experienced the measures of news censorship which are monitoring/control and suppression/manipulation of news stories.
  3. The reasons given for news are centered on national security, protection of the basic institution of the society. However journalists indulge news censorship for reasons of job security, low salary and ignorance.
  4. News censorship can influence the performance of any media house, the objectivity and balance of a news story by misinforming the society and leading to gross public mistrust of the media, the performance of journalist, bringing the profession into disrepute and also in the long run cause media house to suffer retard growth and the fall of the media house.
  5. News censorship should not be discontinued no matter the reasons given. However, the steps proffered to minimize news censorship includes: increasing the salary of journalist to make them self- sufficient and more ethical, ensuring qualified journalist are employed.


This study has been able to demonstrate that news censorship is inevitable, as it has both positive and negative influence on the overall performance of any media house, news objectivity, accuracy and balance and the performance of journalist.


Based on the findings and conclusions of this study the following recommendation was made:

  1. News censorship should not be discontinued rather it should be minimized.
  2. Media houses should employ qualified journalist who can practice in a professional way. While the practicing unqualified journalist should take on training in the profession.
  3. Media houses should be well funded and employees should be sufficiently remunerated in order to curb the temptation of indulging in unethical practices such accepting brown envelops, bribes, free bees etc to suppress news stories.
  4. Government should give the media the benefit of doubt to perform their duty to the society without excess control through prior and post news censorship.

Suggestions for Further Studies

It is hoped that future researchers will improve on this study if further research is carried out, using more refined tools, a larger sample size and probably another geographical area, this will give the study a wider scope and empirical lift.


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  • Historical Background of Nasarawa Broadcasting Service http:WWW.nbs us/history. Retrieved 21st November 2012.
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