Education Project Topics

Influence of Monitoring and Evaluation by Principals on Effective Teaching and Learning in Public Secondary Schools

Influence of Monitoring and Evaluation by Principals on Effective Teaching and Learning in Public Secondary Schools

Influence of Monitoring and Evaluation by Principals on Effective Teaching and Learning in Public Secondary Schools


Objectives of the Study

  1. To establish the influence of monitoring and evaluation of instructional policy and planning on teaching and learning in public Secondary School in Enugu State.
  2. To establish the influence of monitoring and evaluation of teachers‟ professional development on teaching and learning among public Secondary School in Enugu State.
  3. To establish the influence of monitoring and evaluation of classroom activities on teaching and learning among public Secondary School in Enugu State.
  4. To identify the influence of monitoring and evaluation of leadership, management and communication on teaching and learning in public Secondary School in Enugu State.




The purpose of this chapter is to review literature related to the problem content. The literature was reviewed from relevant books and from studies carried out by different researchers both locally and internationally. The review of the literature was related to the topic of the study and focused on the following areas: Instructional policy and planning, teachers ‟professional development, classroom activities and leadership, management and communication promotion of teaching and learning in public Secondary School.

Instructional policy and planning in schools.

Kruger (2003) observes in his study on instructional leadership: the impact on the culture of teaching and learning in two effective secondary schools in South Africa that formal instructional leadership begins with well-designed policy documents with regard to educational matters and well-designed year and quarterly planning. The policy documents that were studied included general aims for the school as well as explanations of instructional aspects such as: subject policies, subject meetings, subject files, differentiation, assessment and discipline. Other areas include goal setting and planning. Principals in Kruger‟ study stressed the importance of well-designed planning.

As the principal of school A stated: “I think that the program (year plan) creates a certain sense of security …” In the beginning of the year clear goals are also set by both learners and teachers. The principal of school B gives the senior learners as well as the teachers‟ opportunities to set and explain their goals for the year. During a staff meeting at the beginning of the year the goals are discussed and during subject meetings these goals are elaborated on and discussed in more detail as they should be applied in each subject.

Wairimu (2011) carried out a study on teachers’ perceptions of head teachers’ supervisory practices on performance of duty in public Secondary School in Nakuru North Sub County.

The findings of the study were; head teachers make classroom observation and hold conferences to discuss problems encountered by teachers and way forward. Most of the head teachers endorsed and helped the teachers to prepare professional documents, checked pupils books regularly to ascertain the amount of work and comments made on them. Teachers too agreed that instructional supervision helps to improve teaching and learning, head teachers do carry out instructional supervision in their schools, a factor they perceived positively. These results were also realized by Wawira (2012) in her study. All head teachers agreed that they assign duties and responsibilities to teachers according to qualifications and merit but teachers strongly felt that this was not fairly done. Teachers felt that head teachers never adhered to the TSC rules and regulations on placement and promotion, a factor that impacted negatively on them.

The Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Science Report (2004) carried out an evaluation of planning in thirty Secondary School in Ireland and came up with the following findings: it is evident that a wide variety of external support is used effectively by schools to support planning. External personnel facilitate whole-school review and guide planning, and structured frameworks are effectively used, formal structures, such as the allocation of time for planning, and regular meetings, enable whole-school planning to take place systematically.

It was for that reason that the study sought to investigate the influence of instructional policy and planning on teaching and learning among public Secondary School in Enugu State, Enugu State.

Professional development of teachers

IDES Report (2004) established while professional development support is provided for teachers through a number of agencies, the practice of individual schools supporting the attendance of their teachers at activities related to areas given priority for development needs to be systematically addressed at a policy level. In some schools, the board of management cited lack of funding as inhibiting their ability to support professional development activities of this nature.





This chapter contains the research design, the target population and sample frame, data collection instrument and procedures and data analysis methods.

Research Design

This study adopted descriptive survey research design. It is applied in a research conducted in order to explain any behavior in an institution. It could be done through using questionnaires, interviews, random sampling (Orodho, 2002). The design was chosen because the researcher gathered data on the state of affairs in the study location without manipulating any variables. Ogula (2005) notes that the survey design is an efficient method of collecting descriptive data regarding current practices, conditions and needs in population. According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) survey design also enables the researcher to summarize and organize data in a meaningful way and be able to describe the existing relationship effectively.




This chapter deals with analysis, presentation and interpretation of the findings on the influence of monitoring and evaluation on teaching and learning in Secondary School in Enugu State. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 16 and Excel computer programs. Frequencies, percentages, tables were used to present the data gathered. The findings of the study were presented in this chapter under the following headings: bio data of the respondents, followed by influence of monitoring and evaluation of, instructional policy and planning, teachers‟ professional development, classroom activities and leadership, management and communication on teaching and learning in public Secondary School in Enugu North of Enugu State.




This chapter presents summary, discussions, conclusions and recommendations based on the findings of the study. The summary presents each part of the study in brief, conclusions are made for each research question and recommendations are based on the general findings of the study.

Summary of Findings

On the issue of areas monitored and evaluated in schools, the study established that majority of the Secondary School in the Sub County had NECO mean scores of below 250 marks which was below pass mark of 250marks. The study established that teachers‟ daily attendance 121 (99.2%), lesson attendance by teachers 119 (97.5%), pupils‟ notes, assignments and home works 116 (95.1%), pupils‟ school attendance 121 (99.2%), resolutions realized in staff meetings 109 (89.3%), curriculum implementation materials such as lesson plans, teachers‟ notes, schemes of works, class registers, report forms etc, adequacy of school resources and facilities 97 (79.5) and supervision of continuous assessment tests and examinations 116 (95.1%) were areas monitored and evaluated in instructional policy and planning of schools in the sub county.


In order to improve monitoring and evaluation for effective teaching and learning in schools, there is need to implement the following:

Personal level

There is need to address the negative attitude that is attached to monitoring and evaluation in schools. Various stakeholders need to change their attitude towards the exercise so that monitoring is viewed as an act aiding teaching and learning in schools rather than a fact finding mission of whether there is any teaching and learning going on in school. This can be achieved by sensitizing various stakeholders in schools and especially teachers on the importance of monitoring and evaluation exercise. Various stakeholders in schools should be alerted in advance when will the exercise be carried out to ensure they adequately prepare and the intention or motive behind the exercise.


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