Public Administration Project Topics

Importance of Career Development as a Determinant of Organizational Growth

Importance of Career Development as a Determinant of Organizational Growth

Importance of Career Development as a Determinant of Organizational Growth

Chapter One

Objectives of the study

The main objective is to assess the career development programme provided to the Indomie PLC manufacturing company workers in Enugu, Enugu State of Nigeria. Specifically, the study intends to:

  1. Identify the type of career development programmes available to the workers in Indomie PLC.
  2. Ascertain how often the development programmes are mounted for workers.
  3. Determine the impact of career development programmes on the worker’s productivity in the Indomie PLC.



Literature Review

Until recently there has been a general resistance to investment of training in the public service because of the believe that “workers hired under a meut system must be presumed to be qualified, that they were already trained for their jobs and that if this was not so it was evidence that initial selection of personal was at fault.’’(Stahl, 1976). This assumption has been jettisoned as the need for training became obvious both in the private and the public sectors.

Many organizations have come to recognize that training offers a way of developing skills, enhancing productivity and quality of work, and building worker loyalty to the firm ( 021.htm). They have seen for themselves that training is where skills are developed, attitudes are changed, ideas evolve and the organization is reinvented. In the course of learning the skills that will increase sales, build effective teams, improve quality standards or meet a wide range of other objectives, workers create a new organizational culture (Babaita, 2010).

Training means investing in people to enable them to perform better and to empower them to make the best use of their natural abilities for overall effectiveness and efficiency of an organization. An organization is seen to be effective and efficient if there is demonstrable increase in productivity (Goldstem and Gillian, 1990; Ranft and Lord, 2000; Daniels, 2003; Babaita, 2010). There is need for continual training and retraining especially with the impact of rapid technological changes on existing skills and jobs. From the literature review, the workers are seen as an indispensable group in the entire office in the labor markets; hence the training given to them is such that assists an individual to be occupationally competent by providing him with learning experiences that will help him develop skills and ability for making sound decisions.

There are numerous problems (funding, lack of training facilities, lack of manpower, etc.) which have continued to affect the training of workers thereby hampering their optimal productivity (Iwuoha, 2009). Despite the recognition of importance of training by management experts and government in white papers on various reforms in Nigeria, the experience of manpower (staff) training and development (Okotoni and Erero, 2005) in the Nigerian public service has been more of ruse and waste.

A study carried out by Okotoni and Erero (2005), on the topic titled “Staff training and Development in the Nigerian Public Service” aimed at identifying the experience of Nigerian public services on staff training and development with view to understanding the problems being faced. The researchers found out that training and development helps to ensure that organizational members possess the knowledge and skills they needed to perform their job effectively, taken on new responsibilities, and adapt to changing conditions. They also found that the experience of staff training and development in the Nigerian public service has been more of ruse and waste. They recommended that the government should avoid the use of quack consultants in training the public servants.




Research Design

In defining design, Odo (1992:43), stated that designing implies out lining the name of equipment and other materials the research intends using, applying some to successfully execute the practical aspect of the research study.

A descriptive survey method was used for this study. It is important to determine the method and procedure adopted in this research report since it gives the reader background information on how to evaluate the findings and conclusion.

Population of the Study

Since it is usually not possible to study the entire larger population of Manufacturing firms in Nigeria, the researcher has chosen Indomie PLCs in Enugu, Enugu, as the studied population in order to find a possible solution to which involve a total of 250 workers including top and junior staff.



  Bio-Data of Respondents




The aim of this study is to determine whether motivation is effective in achieving higher productivity among workers in Indomie PLC, other relevant areas which the study highlighted are: the reaction of the workers towards their duties when motivation is employed by the employer and how the managers can apply motivational theories of management in their attempt to direct the job behaviour of workers towards the goals of their establishment.

The general description of the area of study, which depicted the inevitability of motivation in achieving higher productivity in an organization, was stated. In the course of the study, statement of problem such as; workers leaving the organization due to poor motivation, their unwillingness to perform their duties well and how to motivate them to achieving desired productivity level were pointed out. To ascertain the application of the motivational techniques by the organization concerned and to know the problem inhibiting the success of the workers’ motivation in the organization forms essential part of the objectives of the study. Questions relating to the objectives and problems were also looked at.

The study looked into some review literatures that covered different models and theories on motivation by different scholars, various definitions given by several management scholars, different means of motivating workers or simply type of motivation and the importance of motivation. Various textbooks, journals, articles and other scholarly materials were used to get terms, ideas, concepts and academic as well as professional viewpoints.

The management team of Indomie PLC, together with important officers of the organization were selected as the study population with the use of simple random sampling. Both primary and secondary data were also used for this research work. The primary data was based on questionnaire while the secondary data was based on published and unpublished works. The data collected were processed and analyzed through the use of t-test statistics.


Human resources (personnel) in any organization remain the most invaluable asset for growth and development, hence training and retraining is essential components of manpower development. Training and personnel development is a mixture of activities aimed at improving the productivity of personnel in organizations for the attainment of continuous improvement in productivity. Training and human development assists workers to learn how to use the resources in an approve way that allows organization to meet its desired output. Staff are required to perform varied competences in their profession that will make then saleable in the labor market. It is the possession of these skills needed by the labour market that will enable them contribute maximally to Manufacturing firm s in Enugu and national development of the Nigerian nation. However, for the organization and government to make training and personnel development to become effective in the service cycle, they have to tackle the challenges of introducing new orientations on training contents, training evaluation, attitudes to training and training utilization.


The essence of training and development in Manufacturing firms in Enugu cannot be over emphasized. It has been observed that training is very important in every aspect of an organization. It enhances the efficiency of staff, increases output and motivates workers for better productivity.

It has been discovered that training and human development are not isolated from human resources. Even in the advanced countries and in most computerized organization, training and development cannot be overlooked because; human are the ones to operate this equipment.

From the findings, the following recommendations were made:

Organization is seen to be effective and efficient if there is demonstrable increase in productivity, therefore, any training and personnel development must be based on proper analysis of its contribution to the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization.  Staff should be expose to regular professional training areas such as foundation, career or development, preservice and off-the-job-pupilage training as to enhance their productivity in the organization. It is also necessary for the staff to be exposed to seminars, conferences and workshops to enable them keep abreast with the challenges posed by modern business offices.

The development programmes of managers should be done on yearly or regular basis; hence training involves systematic, professional and development of skills, knowledge and attitude necessary for performing specific schedule of duties. There should be free flow of information to enable all the staff aware of the career development programmes available both internally and externally.

There should be effective utilization of integration of resources, physical and human will to yield high output or productivity. Also, on-the-job and in-house methods of training should be used extensively by organizations and government, especially in the training of junior staff as they tend to be cheaper and more effective.

Indomie PLC should also introduce reward system for outstanding productivity so as to motivate workers to always put in their best during each training period. This will assist them in identifying those staff that has special skills and talents. Indomie PLC should expose all their staff to training at least once in every year. This will make the workers to meet up with the changes in their services and work processes as may be driven by the competitive environment.

Instead of downsizing those workers with years of experience and recruiting new ones, Manufacturing firms in Enugu should rather invest in training and development of their experienced staff. This will help them to reduce the cost of frequent recruitment and selection.


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