Insurance Project Topics

Implementation of a Computerized Management System in the Insurance Industry

Implementation of a Computerized Management System in the Insurance Industry

Implementation of a Computerized Management System in the Insurance Industry

Chapter One


  1. To determine whether there has been improvement in the computerized management system in the insurance industry since it has been computerized.
  2. To expose those areas in which management of computerized firms has failed to take advantage.
  3. To examine some presumptions that have existed around the computer that have displaced some people from their jobs.




According to Nwannenna in 1986 “A computer is an electronics device that accepts data as input process it into information which it then displays as an output”. But stressing this definition the American Hentabe Dictionary further states that a computers is an electronic devices that performs high speed, mathematical or logical calculation, processes and print information derived from called data in accordance with a pre-determined programme. Nwannenna went on to say that “the computer has a large edge than all other humanly inverted made of data procession for instance, it operate at a much more rapid rate with fewer errors, it can read data within seconds and type out information at the rate of hundreds of lives per minutes, it stores millions of character or number for instance retrieval on demand, prints out whole paragraphs of text matter; sorts cheques and up data accounts; writes letters that have curves and graphs… the list is inexhaustible. This therefore explains why modern societies are becoming increasingly dependent on computer owing to its complex peculiarities. It is not only a machine such as computer that can timely and effectively satisfy the demand for voluminous information procession beyond the capabilities of manual techniques”.

Besides not only that the computer mores with speed, capacity and accuracy in providing adequate information which is an invaluable tool for organizational management”. (Modul: 1995) Scalan (1979) it is particular, adapted to sorting data, merging lists, searching files and facilitating companions by re-arranging data and compiling information. Moreover, it is good at rapid and retrieval but less good at unexpected or qualitative work or where genuine judgment is required” (Lucy: 1987). Adding to this, when a computer is installed in a management information system still collects, processing and stores, data. It incorporates and as control over the accuracy of data and generates reports and other information system. However, computerizing a management information system often changes the character of the activities as data may be collect of the special devices and fewer paper management records may be employed. “In some instances, every source document are disposed with many if not all the processing steps are formed automatically. The output are neater in more varied form and often more numerous.




Is methods adopted by the researcher in writing the project including sources of data collection, population of the study, sampling methods used, instruments used, validity and reliability of the instrument.


The data were collected using both oral interview and questionnaires. The sampled population were approached personally by the researcher in their various work place and structured questionnaire administered to them as well as personal interview questions. The need for interview arose because some respondents are unable to provide all the data needed on the questionnaire. Personal observation of events in the bank and among entrepreneurs was considered to be vital to their research too.


The population of the study was from insurance companies namely:

Universal insurance Co.              100

Industrial and general insurance. 100

Niger insurance.                         60




There is improvement in computerized management system in the insurance industry since it was computerize.



The researcher conclude as follows:

  1. That computer has made tremendous impact on the management of information system.
  2. That it has positively influenced products, services, cost of data processing of and dissemination of information.
  3. That organizations cannot afford to ignore the usefulness of computerized system of information management.


  1. Authorized level of access to data should be worked out and protected.
  2. Physical controls should be established for overall security of data centre to prevent physical damage of software and hardware or injury to personnel arising from fire or other harzard and to prevent theft.
  3. Managers in the insurance industry should be trained to be hybrid, that is skilled in the both information technology and business.


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