Business Administration Project Topics

Impact of Online Marketing on Business Survival; A Case Study of Adron Homes

Impact of Online Marketing on Business Survival; A Case Study of Adron Homes

Impact of Online Marketing on Business Survival; A Case Study of Adron Homes

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

 General Objectives

The importance of Online marketing is growing rapidly in competitive markets, it is crucial for marketers to explore Online marketing impact in details, to gain a better understanding of how Online marketing influence Brand visibility. The main objective of this study was to examine the effect of online marketing on brand awareness, brand Loyalty and brand visibility in the case of ADRON Homes.

Specific Objectives

However, the specific objectives are as follows: To analyze the influence of Online marketing on Business survival of ADRON Homes in Nigeria.

  • To test the effect of visibility on advertisement on business survival in the case of ADRON Homes.
  • To determine the effect of social media marketing on business survival in the case of ADRON Homes.
  • To examine the effect of pay per click on business survival on customer loyalty in ADRON Homes.



 Theoretical Reviews

Online marketing

Online marketing, also called online marketing, is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication. This includes not only email, social media, and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel. Any marketing that uses electronic devices to convey promotional messaging and measure its impact. In practice, online marketing typically refers to marketing campaigns that appear on a computer, phone, tablet, or other device. It can take many forms, including online video, display ads, and social media posts. Online marketing is often compared to “traditional marketing” such as magazine ads, billboards, and direct mail. Oddly, television is usually lumped in with traditional marketing (Keller & Kotler, 2006).

Social media marketing

It is known that 2.3 billion people use social media in the World, making it a valuable online marketing component. Social media allows a company to connect with current and potential customers and develop relationships with them. If they have questions about a products and services, they can connect and ask the provider directly on social media. In addition, social media listening allows a company to uncover key trends and insights into consumers’ thoughts and opinions related to a brand, industry, products, services, and even competitors. The companies can use this information for other strategies Underwood (2001); Garber (2000); Goldberg (1999); Schoormans (1997)

Search engine optimization (SEO)

The foundation for successful online marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) refers to several strategies designed to boost rankings in online search results. When a website ranks at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), more qualified leads will find and contact you when searching for products or services related to your business. In other words, higher search rankings translate into more leads, phone calls, and revenue for your company (Hawkins et al., 2001).

Pay-per-click (PPC)

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a strategy for maintaining a presence in search results while establishing organic rankings with SEO. To boost your rankings quickly, PPC can start driving qualified leads to the companies site the minute the ads go live, and it is an affordable option for a business in most industries. One of the best parts of PPC advertising is that payment is done when people click the ads. With PPC, you can target people based on demographics, location, and even the type of device they use. These targeting options, coupled with the budget- friendliness of PPC, make PPC a valuable component of successful online marketing Aaker, (1991) Pages 51.

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is the first and prerequisite dimension of the entire brand knowledge system in consumers’ minds, reflecting their ability to identify the brand under different conditions: the likelihood that a brand name will come to mind and the ease with which it does so (Keller, 1993). Brand awareness refers to the ability of a potential customer to recognize the brand while categorizing the brand to a specific class (Aaker, 1991). It is believed that brand awareness is one of the main subjects to pay attention to in brand equity.

Consumer awareness of the brand refers to the ability to recall, recognize the brand in various situation and link to the brand name, logo, jingles and so on to certain associations in memory (Aaker, 1991). As mentioned by Keller (1998), brand awareness can be enhanced through repeat exposure to the brand. In order to achieve brand awareness, two tasks are to be accomplished, namely increasing brand name identity and associating it with the product class. Advertising and celebrity endorsement could be some useful tools for raising brand awareness, (Tsai et al., 2007).




  Research Approach

There are specific questions that the researcher wants to address which include predictions about possible impact of Online marketing on ADRON Homes. As objectivity is reflected here, quantitative research approach was employed. It involves collecting and converting data into numerical form so that statistical calculations can be made, and conclusions drawn.

Data is collected by various means following a strict procedure and prepared for statistical analysis. A quantitative approach is a means for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables. These variables, in turn, can be measured, typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures (Creswell, 2008). Collecting and analyzing of data using quantitative approach requires an understanding of the relationships among impact of Online marketing on the Brand Awareness and Loyalty growth of a product. The assumptions that generalize to the population from a selected sample. (Trochim, 2006)

Research Design

Research design is a logical and systematic plan prepared for directing research study. It deals with issues as techniques for data collocation, sampling technique as well as time and cost constrain. (Kothari, 2001). According to Bryman and Bell (2007), a research design provides a framework for the collection and analysis of data. A choice of research design reflects decisions about the priority being given to a range of dimensions of the research process.

In this study the researcher used explanatory research design to enable the researcher accomplishes the objectives of the study. The main aim of explanatory research is to identify any causal links between the factors or variables that pertain to the research problem.




In this chapter, analysis of data and research findings have been interpreted in relation to the objectives of the study and with respect to the research questions developed to guide the study. Questionnaire link were sent to 246 respondents selected by convenience sampling of non- probability technique. From these only 240 were properly filled. Thus, the analysis is based on the valid 240 questionnaires response from customers.

The data collected through questionnaire, were analyzed through descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analyze techniques. Demographic characteristics of respondents are summarized by using frequencies and percentages for all variables including age, sex, and educational attainment



This concluding chapter summarizes the objectives of the study, the major findings, and conclusions. It also discusses the managerial and theoretical implications of the study and makes recommendation for further research.

Summary of Major Findings

The purpose of the study was to test the impact of Online marketing on Business survival in the case of ADRON Homes plc. Pay per click, social media and Advertisement visibility were the key factors identified by the study where the data was collected using a question from the consumers of ADRON Homes.

As the study was conducted using the structured questionnaire it helps the researcher to understand and to get insight on factors that are affecting the Brand awareness and loyalty. Based on the analysis of data and discussion of results, the followings are the summary of major findings of the study based on the research questioner.

Finding one

As shown on the ANOVA, R (coefficient of correlation) and adjusted R-square (coefficient of determination) on this thesis were used to test the model’s overall fitness, and it turns out all the factors identified before to determine Pay per click on the study had a statistically significant relationship with the dependent variables (Business survival). That means Pay per click have positive impact on Brand awareness creation. As shown on this thesis at Table 4.5 Coefficients (Brand Awareness)

Finding Two

The R and adjusted R-square results showed that the factors identified which are brand awareness and Online marketing are highly correlated with the dependent variables and more than 77% variation of the Brand awareness and Loyalty of ADRON Homes customers is explained by those identified factors. In other words, Online marketing and Brand awareness have a positive relationship, that 77% increase on the online marketing visibility increase the Brand awareness of ADRON Homes. In that case the paper advises ADRON Homes to increase its Digital activities to increase it’s Products brand awareness.

Finding Three

Concerning the second dependent variable of this paper which is Brand loyalty the strongest positive relationship it has is with Social media with 27.1% while the second variable is Pay per click with 16.1% the third variable is Advertisement visibility this factor also has a positive relationship with the Brand awareness with a magnitude of one unit increase in Advertisement visibility excellence causes about 0.2% increase in Brand loyalty.

Finding four

For the first dependent variable which is Brand awareness the independent variable PPC, social media and Advertisement visibility have impact respectively while PPC affect brand awareness 28.3%- and one-unit increment on Social media have 17.1% impact on Brand awareness while the third one is Advertisement visibility with 0.2% positive relationship with Brand awareness of ADRON Homes customers.


The general purpose of this study was to identify and examine those online marketing factors that affect brand performance of ADRON Homes. And to this end, the study sought to identify the most important factors that are behind the fluctuating brand performance of ADRON Homes.

The study had three specific objectives are to identify whether Brand awareness have a significant positive effect on customer awareness of the products of ADRON Homes, to identify Being Digitally active on social media have a significant positive effect on customer loyalty to ADRON Homes and finally to identify if pay per click have a significant positive effect on customer loyalty in ADRON Homes.

Therefore, after gathering data using questionnaire and analyzing it using spreadsheet and SPSS, the study came up with the following results.

After undertaking data collection with the target consumers of ADRON Homes, the researcher came up with the factors that are affecting the Brand performance of ADRON Homes (Business survival) Those factors the target customers believed to have an impact on the Brand performance were the Pay per click, Social media, and Advertisement visibility.

Then the researcher used regression analysis to understand and examine the relationship of those identified factors with business survival of ADRON Homes. And based on the findings from the regression analysis, the researcher concluded that, those factors identified by the customers are indeed the personal factors that inhibit the brand awareness and the brand loyalty of customers towards ADRON Homes.

The relative importance of the factors to the Business survival of ADRON Homes is determined by looking at their respective beta coefficients. With beta coefficient of 0.44, social media has the highest impact on the Brand awareness. That indicates for a one-unit change in social media there will be almost 28.3% change in Brand awareness while social media have 27.1% impact on Brand loyalty.


In this ever-growing competitive Housing industry, a brewery must be at the head of the game on every aspect of the Brand development. And to do that it is advisable for the Housing management teams to utilize different scientific models to predict major contributing factors of Branding techniques so they can focus on the most important ones.

Based on the findings of the study the following recommendations are given.

Major finding#1:

Online marketing has positive impact on Brand awareness creation.

Major recommendation#1:

ADRON Homes needs to improve the pay per click advertisement Quality.

The study provides empirical support that Business survival of ADRON Homes could be significantly influenced by improving the level of visibility on different known web sites by using PPC on the Digital platforms. So, I advise the company to exert its maximum effort on improving the product visibility quality level on PPC.

Major finding#2:

Increase in Advertisement visibility excellence increase in Brand loyalty.

Major recommendation#2:

ADRON Homes needs to improve the Advertisement effectiveness to get new Brand loyal consumers.

As the study reveals that there is a strong empirical support that Business survival on Advertisement effectiveness on the customers.

When the company bring a very good or well experienced Advertisement strategy and execute it very effectively one can have upper hand on the share of trough of the make existing.

Generally speaking as the new low implies that advertising on advertisement medias such as ATL (Above the line which are TV, RADIO and Billboard) and TTL (Through the line such as sponsorships, Sales promotion and other mass media promotions) are forbidden for Alcoholic housing companies it will be a great opportunity for ADRON Homes to focused on Online marketing which is a new and either way to address more target audience in a short period of

time and to develop Brand awareness of the existing brands and keep the customers by creating Brand loyalty.

Major finding#3:

Brand loyalty has the strongest positive relationship with social media with 27.1%

Major recommendation#3:

Improve Social media campaign competitiveness.

Since the study provides empirical support that Brand awareness and Brand visibility of ADRON Homes could be significantly influenced by social media competitiveness on known social media platforms. So, I advise the company to repeatedly check the competitor’s social media campaigns to make the product Visible and noticeable. This action will eventually increase the expense of the corporation but as a leader in the market the company need to keep its Brand awareness to its target consumers.

Major finding#4:

As the study reveals that there is a strong empirical support of Advertisement on the effectiveness of creating Business survival for the target customers.

Major recommendation#3:

Improve the Advertisement effectiveness

When the company bring a very good or well experienced Advertisement strategy and execute it very effectively one can have upper hand on the share of trough of the make existing.

Generally speaking as the new low implies that advertising on advertisement medias such as ATL (Above the line which are TV, RADIO and Billboard) and TTL (Through the line such as sponsorships, Sales promotion and other mass media promotions) are forbidden for Alcoholic housing companies it will be a great opportunity for ADRON Homes to focused on Online marketing which is a new and either way to address more target audience in a short period of time and to develop Brand awareness of the existing brands and keep the customers by creating Brand loyalty.


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