Marketing Project Topics

Impact of Marketing Communication on Tourism Promotion in Nigeria (A Case Study of Jos Museum)

Impact of Marketing Communication on Tourism Promotion in Nigeria (A Case Study of Jos Museum)

Impact of Marketing Communication on Tourism Promotion in Nigeria (A Case Study of Jos Museum)

Chapter One


The study’s major aim is to examine the impact of marketing communications in tourist destinations. Other specific objectives of the study are

1.  To examine the need for effective marketing communication in Nigeria’s tourism sector.

2.  To highlight the importance of the tourism sector to the economy of Nigeria.

3.  To examine the major challenges to achieving effective marketing communication in tourist destinations in Nigeria.

4.  To examine the impact of marketing communication in tourism promotion in the Jos Museum.

5.  To recommend ways of improving marketing communication in tourism promotion in Nigeria.




In this chapter, an attempt is made to review the contribution already made to the development of tourism in general by authors and experts in the tourism field and on the role of marketing which is the topic of the study.

The concept of tourism was first formulated in the period between the two world wars and since then may definitions have been put down forward.(BURKART and MEDLIK) in the book “ Tourism- past, present and future defined tourism thus;

“Tourism denotes the temporary short term movement of people to destinations outside the place where they live and work, and their activities during the stay at this destination”

Much of this movement is international in character and much of it is leisure activities.

To further look at the nature of this movement, it is worth while to review the definition given by KRAFT and HANILIE which was subsequently adopted by the international Association of scientific experts in tourism (AIEST)

“Tourism is the sum of the phenomena and relationship arising from the travel and stay of non residents in so far as they do not lead to permanent residence and are not connected with any earning activity”

`The concept has been broadened to include various   forms of business and vacation travel, where they do not lead to permanent residence or to employment remunerated from within the destination visited, it has also been difficult to distinguish shortly between vocational and other travel in practice. To this end, BURKART and MEDLIK identified five characteristics of tourism as follows:

  1. Tourism arises from movement of people to and from their stay in various destinations.
  2. There are two elements in all tourism, the journey to the destination and the stay, including activities in the destination.
  3. The journey and stay takes place outside the normal place of residence and work, so that tourism gives rise to activities which are distinct from those of the working residents and working populations of the places through which tourist and stay.
  4. The movement to destination is of temporary short-term character with the intention return within a few days, weeks or months.
  5. Destinations are residence or employment remunerated within the place visited.

The temporary character of tourism distinguishes it from migration which represents long term movement with a view to taking up permanent residence, probably that is why BURKART and MEDLIK said:

“All tourism includes some travel, but is tourism”

In recent years, tourism has become an important factor in world trade and a major element in the balance of payment of many countries, which has grown faster than the trade in goods. For countries regions, towns and villages which attract tourist in large numbers, tourism can be a significant element in their prosperity.




The respondents for this study were grouped according to their occupations and academic qualification to enable comparison of the magnitude of difference in practice to make.

The importance of the effective improvement of the role of marketing in the development of tourism in Nigeria precisely the Jos Museum.

The study samples the opinion of the development of marketing, Receptionist, accounting department and some of their customers of Jos Museum.

Out of population of 70 officers, customers and staff of the marketing section, In a bid to select the staff and customers to be include in the sample, a professional sampling choice was done in order to get an undiluted information on then subject matter. This was a result of special qualities desired of which the respondents were expected to posses.


Based on the title of this project, “The Impact of marketing communication in tourism promotion in Nigeria in Nigeria”, one will wonder whether the researcher will go from one production firm or company to another to carry out this research. It was done in Jos nike lake.


This research work is limited to Jos Museum
Jos due to time and financial constraints of the research. The researcher selected Jos because it is dominated by business and other commercial activities.

The population is made up of consumers and distributors of the company of the company’s’ product. The management of the firm was also interviewed as related to the population under study.




In proceeding chapter, it was pointed out that questionnaire and interviews were used in data collection.

This chapter will be concerned with the major findings of the study through the presentation and analysis of data collected. This would be divided into three (3) sections

  1. The first section will be concerned with the analysis of research data using appropriate mathematical tools mostly percentages. In this analysis particular attention will be given to the critical areas.
  2. The second will treat hypothesis testing using chi-square techniques.
  3. Discussion of the findings
  4. The researcher tries to evaluate the distribution and collection meant to supply data used.



This study delves into the impact of marketing communication in tourism promotion in Nigeria in Nigeria and further examined and described the practice as obtained in Jos Museum. The data recollected through questionnaire and further clarified by the interviews, analyzed and tested, this enabling me to conclude that;

  1. Most of tourist centre are not applying sales promotion in the running of tourist industry, some of the tourist centres do not know that sales promotion contributes to the development of tourism. Thus, it can be rightly conclude that tourist organizations have fully recognized the role of marketing activities such as pricing, advertising, promotions and personnel element of service but have not really adopted marketing concept.
  2. There are the needs to create a separate department to identify customers need and subsequently satisfy them since customers satisfaction buys about profitability. He ultimate objectives of the business.
  3. There result also discovered that tourist organization are sales oriented it is not enough to establish marketing department that will be filled with unqualified personnel’s who know thing about the practice of marketing.

The researcher’s opinion is that, when the department are established, it should be headed by marketing professionals.

The researcher suggested that foreign participation be encouraged while adequate manpower will be trained.

The survey revealed that tourist centre record highest visit during holiday periods which means that tourist as a seasonal business, these holiday period can be exploited by marketers in mapping out marketing strategies.

Government should encourage tourism and finance the industry by providing adequate financial grants and subsides to bicards and organizations, both government and privately owned tourist centre.


So far in this project, efforts have been made by the researcher to make an overview of tourism and development in Jos. The researcher also tried to highlight the origin of tourism, the benefits and the needs of tourism development in Nigeria and the problem inherent.

The researcher has also highlighted the role of  marketing in the development of tourist product and services which are all found tourism industry. It is believed that if sales promotion are introduced by all our tourist organizations, tourism development will be enhanced the more.

Lastly, based on the findings of the research some suggestion have made purely for the achievement and growth of tourism in Jos and Nigeria as a whole.


Tourist resources are finite and should be conserved to rationally manage to generate income. The federal and state government should not only promote tourism, but should finance the industry by providing adequate financial grants and subsides to tourism bicards and organizations, both government and private owned tourist centres.

The tourism Association and companies should have their view represented during decision making and seek their views represented during decision making and seek ways of preserving historical structures.

Accommodation is also one of the services provided by tourist organizations, this acts as incentive to tourist and help to prolong their story, but investigation revealed that majority of the tourist centres do not provide accommodation while the ones which do so charge very high price for them.

Government and other individuals should note that in today’s tourism market, it is not enough to merely develop tourist resort and wait for quest to be attracted to them. It is pertinent that, the attributes of such pleasures choice must be communicated to the potential tourist market targets . this depend the place of promotion in tourism.

I strongly believe that if these suggestions are implemented and other things being equal, that the contribution of marketing activities to the development of tourist will greatly improve for the better.


The researcher caring out this study has been influenced by some factors, certainly the means of collection of necessary data for the study has been vigorous. This study is limited to the extent permitted by time and financial resources.


Based on the above limitations, the researcher hereby suggests that further research should be made on ;

  1. The problem of marketing in the development of tourist industry in Nigeria.
  2. The technical aspect of packages modification and its effect on product development.


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