Business Administration Project Topics

Impact of Management Information System on Effective Human Resource Management in an Organization

Impact of Management Information System on Effective Human Resource Management in an Organization

Impact of Management Information System on Effective Human Resource Management in an Organization



The main aim of the study is to examine the impact of management information system on effective human resource management in an organization. Specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To determine the problems associated with Management Information System (MIS).
  2. To determine how Management Information System influences the Human Resources Management.
  3. To identify the benefits of Management Information System (MIS) in the motivation of workers.
  4. To determine the role played by Management Information System (MIS) in the achievement of organizational goals.




Management information system used in organization for its business operation (Manish Kumar, 2011). It provides strong advancement in the field of information technology through which an organization can easily achieved the strategic objectives. It helps in decision support, venture management, resource and people management and data base retrieval application. The use of management information system in business organization support business processes, competitive strategies and business operation which result and impact the performance of the work force of the specific organization. MIS plays the life blood role for an organization as no human can survive without it. Investment in MIS by the organization support it in core competencies, it also help in production process, human resources records, financial records and controlling and monitoring of the various activities which in turn impact the organization growth and development and also provide sound basis for strategic decision making process. Proper implementation of the technology in the organization can help in three dimensions one is Management information system, employee’s act, payroll structure or systems, control and monitoring of the employees and over all organization activities (Sinan Aral, 2010). The overall management can be best managed and controlled and by the appropriate execution of the MIS tools. Each and every departments work with full strength. He further says that the overall activities of the organization largely depends on main three things the proper use of equipped machinery, trained men power and good organization structure which in turn should be supported by best and sound supervision and control system all these bustles can only be best organized and managed when there is more conscious Management information system implemented, not only that but also trained IT specialist employees play an important role in the financial and payroll system of the organization where all the activities carrying on with best possible monitoring system. Large productivity premium totally depends on the management information system of the organization. And also training and employees management is related with great extent to its. Employee’s motivation not enough for the complementarities but it should be explained through talent selection of employees (Erik Bryn Olsson, 2010). He says that all the managers and executives afraid from different hazard analysis. It may be firm low yields, low out put, time prediction errors (Alan D. Jagolinzer, 2006). All these things can only be controlled when trained employees with Technology that is Management information system so they can best exercise times which have effects on financial reporting and also improve the estimates and forecasting decisions. The most important mechanisms to achieve the employees performance in any organization is the technology development (Vinod Kumar, 2006).




Research design

The researcher used descriptive research survey design in building up this project work the choice of this research design was considered appropriate because of its advantages of identifying attributes of a large population from a group of individuals. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought to impact of management information system effective human resource management in an organization.




Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the field survey.  This presentation will be based on the responses from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was on impact of management information system on effective human resource management in an organization. In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of management information system on effective human resource management in an organization 


This study was on impact of management information system on effective human resource management in an organization. Four objectives were raised which included: To determine the problems associated with Management Information System (MIS), to determine how Management Information System influences the Human Resources Management, to identify the benefits of Management Information System (MIS) in the motivation of workers, to determine the role played by Management Information System (MIS) in the achievement of organizational goals. In line with these objectives, two research hypotheses were formulated and two null hypotheses were posited. The total population for the study is 200 staff of ministry of communication and information, Kwara state. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made translators, technology coordinators, human capacity building officers and senior staffs were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies


Conclusively, lack of management skills on MIS process by most business organization in Nigeria does not only affect the effective performance of MIS but also reduce their ability to compete favorably in the market with their large scale industrialist counterpart which has been a major stumbling block for the development and growth of business organizations in Nigeria.


To achieve its corporate goals and objectives, a company needs to serve a larger market for its products. For the realization of this, business organization should pay more attention to the development of a good and formidable management information system. Based on the findings of this study, we recommend that; Because of the great potential of MIS to generate employment for the masses, government should directly get involved in the financing of MIS in most business organization to promote economic growth and development. There should be the introduction and operation of central-data-base management system through which information can be produced and communicated to various users at any point in time within the firm. There should also be flexibility in the nature/pattern and structure of management system in organizations so as to permit informed and easy information flow and accessibility to all information end-users, Seminars and training for the staff in the organizations to improve the strength in the organization. Organizations should also pay more attention to communication through the media agencies. This goes a long way to promoting the company’s control of the market. Business organization in Nigeria should develop, acquire appropriate and suitable computer software and program to meet it ever growing growth and expansion. In the same vein, skilful and experienced IT workers should be employed to manage the IT department of the company. This is because without competent staffs no appropriate impact can be affected in the company. Finally enough time should be allotted for the transmission of information so as to guide against error and there should be effective communication at all levels of the so as to aid management control and create good image. Effective communication is also essential for forecasting mutual understanding and minimizing conflicts between management and employees.


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  • Al Fawzan, Rashid M (2003), modern information system and their impact on the performance of employees, a survey on the General Customs Authority, Saudi Arabia, Master theses, NaifArabe University for Security Sciences, Graduate School, Department of Administrative Sciences, Saudi Arabia.
  •  Kasasbeh, Abdel Karim (2007), the role of information technology in improving corporate performance, A Case Study Jordanian Free Zones Corporation, Arab University for Graduate Studies, Faculty of Management Studies and Sinior Finance, Department of Management, Jordan.
  •  Kroenke, David M. (2011), Using MIS, third edition, New Jersey: prentice hall.
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