Human Resource Management Project Topics

Impact of Human Relations on Workers Performance in Nigerian Army School of Finance and Administration Apapa Lagos

Impact of Human Relations on Workers Performance in Nigerian Army School of Finance and Administration Apapa Lagos

Impact of Human Relations on Workers Performance in Nigerian Army School of Finance and Administration Apapa Lagos


Objective Of The Study

  1. To identify existing human relations policies at Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa, Lagos state.
  2. To evaluate the effectiveness of human relations policy inimproving performance of workers.
  3. To find out if the human relations policies have impacted on worker morale and the firm’s overall performance.




Meaning of Human Relations

There is no one adequate definition of term “Human Relations” but different schools of thought, using different forms have more or less carried out the same conclusion.

According to Carevel (1975:2) stated that “human relations is the integration of people into work situations that motivates them to work together productivity, co-operatively and with economic, psychological and social satisfaction”.

Also, Boone and Kurtz (1981:267) defines human relations “as a process, which establishes and maintain cordial work climate, promotes harmony and enthusiasm, display sincere interest in assisting other employee”.

Furthermore, Onah (1981:116) is of the opinion that “Human relations are both an art and science, which can be learnt and if properly applied, should produce fruitful results”.

Going by the thrust of the definitions above we can therefore say that: human relations is all about the cordial relations of people in the place of work and at play. These people include the workers, members of the public and the employee. It is the friend lines and warmth of relations in the organization that ensure the efficiency if workers and thus, thus, the attainment of the objectives and goals of the organization.

Components of Good Human Relations

These are some factors that must be considered before an organization can be said to be practicing using good human relations.

Onah (1981:120) says that “human beings are important assess to any organization and so, deserve to be treated very fairly in order to contribute positively to the achievement of organizational goals”. He believes that for a good human relations practice, employee participation and motivation must be brought into consideration.

Onah further said that the managers ability to recognize what workers want, his ability to use his discretion, experience, intuition and the necessity understanding organization has a social system, that is made up of interdependent systems and the appreciation that execute skill in human relations can be developed, all constitute good human relations.

 How to Practice Human Relations

According to Dibua, (1994:14) the following are the methods of making human relations to work in an organization.

The manager and the supervisor should make each other feel useful, important and wanted.

The sub-ordinates should be constantly informed of the changes in rules, schedules and polices.

The management should believe in people’s ability and allow sub-ordinates, to exercise control over routine affair.

The organization should be structured to enable each management of staff to his own role in the job and in the group in harmony with the norms and dictated by the environment.




Research Design

A research design means the instrument aimed at identifying variable and third relationship of one another, this is used for the purpose of obtaining data.

For this study work, survey research design was adopted, couples of questionnaires were personally distributed to the respondents and the same method adopted to collect the completed copies of the questionnaire distributed.

Population of the Study

The target population of this study comprises 25 employees of Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa, Lagos state. The aggregate number of employees which formed the population of Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa consists of 25 employees. The population to be observed will cover entire employee of Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa, Lagos state.



Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

A total of 25 copies of the questionnaire were issued. Therefore, data contained in 25 copies of the instrument that were correctly completed were adopted.




With respect to the objectives of this study, the following findings were revealed by the researcher.

Data collected revealed that Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa, Lagos state state started introducing its human relations policy at the time the company began its operations, till date. Most employees have had some form of training.

The research also revealed that the purpose of training and development activities at Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa, Lagos state is to achieve both individual and worker performance. However the basic purpose of training as shown from the introduction is to improve the knowledge and skills of employees. It is also to change the attitudes and behavior of the employees for the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the organization as a whole and increase performance.

The rapid changes in technology also require that employees possess the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to handle the new processes and production techniques in order to be ahead of other competing organizations. Thus, there was the need to find out the major purposes for which Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa, Lagos state trains its employees because reasons may differ per organization.


Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa, Lagos state has human relations policies for its employees.. All employees no matter their qualification, age or rank consistently go through training. Training has been effective with its core objective being to improve individual and worker performance as can be seen from the improvement in returns per unit invested in expenditure as well a consistent increase in income and profit. The human relations policy is structured, planned and systematic and has resulted in improvement in skills, efficiency and performance as well as the acquisition of new skills and knowledge. Training has had an effect on the performance of the firm with increased profits and income as well as an increase in income per unit of expenditure invested. Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa, Lagos state however, should consider the possibility of other human relations policies besides

Since it was discovered that not all employees were motivated with the current human relations policies an increasing of available options can help to tackle this. Competition in the organizations in Nigeria continues to increase with the continuous emergence of new players. Thus, it is important for organizations to invest if they intend to stay ahead of their competitors.



  • Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa current in-house human relations policy is effective but the company should also consider enabling employees to further their studies to improve their qualifications.
  • Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapa should also continue with its training with periodic analysis of the program to ascertain its effectiveness, the certainty that the program caters to the specific needs of its employees and that program is in line with developments of the time.
  • Nigerian army school of finance and administration Apapashould increase transparency to let the public know their contribution to the Nigerian system at large


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