Computer Science Project Topics

Impact of Database on Organizational Performance in an Industry

Impact of Database on Organizational Performance in an Industry

Impact of Database on Organizational Performance in an Industry

Chapter One


The major objective of this study is to provide relevant information as regards the impact of Database on organizational performance and also to add to the bank of knowledge where any similar write-up-exists.

The objective could be broken down as follows:

  1. Examine whether Database has any impact on organizational performance.
  2. Determine whether database has any impact on management decision making.



Concept of Database

The system of Database shows that communication is needed to carry out the managerial functions and for linking the organizations with its external environment. Database provides communication link that makes the activities and responsibilities surrounding management or managers possible, Burns, J.M.(1998).The focus in Database coupled with improved processing as led to the reduction in bottlenecks attached to management process. Managers have re-organized for years so that traditional accounting information aimed at the calculation of profit have been of limited value for control. Yet in many companies, this has been virtually the only regular collected and analyzed type of data. Managers need all kinds of non accounting information about the external environment such as social, economic, political, and technical development. In addition, managers need non accounting information on internal operations. The information should be quantitative.

Weihrich and Koontz [2001] defined Database as a functional system of gathering, comparing, analyzing, and dispersing internal and external information to the enterprise in a timely, effective, and efficient manner.

Database can be defined as a support to management to provide the competitive advantage which must support the goals of the organization, Kenneth and Jane Laudon (2003) Dos Santos (1991), Define Database as a planned system of collecting, processing, storing, disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management. It can also be a documented reports of the activities, planned and executed.

Database use formalized procedures to provide management at all levels in all functions with appropriate information based on the data from both internal and external sources to enable them to make timely and effective decision for planning, directing and controlling the activities for which they are responsible.

An effective Database typically employs computer and other sophisticated technology to process information that reflects the day to day operations of the company. Based on the above, Database is an integrated manual computer system that provides information to support the operations of managements and the decisions making functions of a company. Database is also a collection of people, procedures and devices organized to convert data from internal and external sources into information and communicate such information in an appropriate form to management at all levels.

In most organizations, the Database involves at least three systems which are likely to be the following:

[1] Personal system: It traces flow of employees in the firm that is, those entering and leaving the firm, their pay, and even seniority location.

[2] Commercial system: This traces the flow of material, sub-material e.t.c. into and out of the firms.

[3] Financial system: This traces flow of money or fund into, through or out of the firm.

In some organizations, the Database is manual with units submitting reports to upper-level manager on a regular basis. In large organization many of the MIS is computerized

A Database is a set of computer hardware and software, gathered, organized, summarized, and reported information for use by managers, customers and other users. The broad definition of MIS which includes use of information system to provide value to external customers is consistent with essence of management that is, decision making.

Database is a system approach to management that aims to continuously increase value of customers by designing and continuously improving organization process and system. Thus the design and operation of MIS as key system that can provide value to customers should be integrated to Total Quality Management [TQM] in the organization.

Database consists more than just the latest computer hardware and software specification. Recently information technology as become combined with the knowledge of telecommunication, videotext, video conference, cellular conference and PABX [Private Automated Branch Exchange] are just a few examples of the application of the new technology. Still picture phone have already been introduced different parts of the world.

Historically, managerial uses of Database were focused in making internal operations faster, more accurate and more efficient. Today, the more exciting users of in Nigeria Database are those that provide additional values for external customers. Those managers who find ways to bring additional values to their external customers with the firm Database will gain additional market shares.

Objectives of Database

Professor Robert J. Of Carew school of business, Arizona state university (2000). explain the objectives of Databases as the provision of information to all levels management at the most appropriate time at an acceptable level of accuracy and at an economical cost, such information is used in the decision making process for modifying the state of system by taking appropriate action. An essential requirement of MIS is feedback which is the process of communicating a system measured output to control system which generates effective control system, normally a manager in respect of business system. It is these factors which allow the state of a system to be modified.





In this chapter, we would describe how the study was carried out.

Research design

Research design is a detailed outline of how an investigation took place. It entails how data is collected, the data collection tools used and the mode of analyzing data collected (Cooper & Schindler (2006). This study used a descriptive research design. Gill and Johnson (2002) state that a descriptive design looks at particular characteristics of a specific population of subjects, at a particular point in time or at different times for comparative purposes. The choice of a survey design for this study was deemed appropriate as Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) attest that it enables the researcher to determine the nature of prevailing conditions without manipulating the subjects.

Further, the survey method was useful in describing the characteristics of a large population and no other method of observation can provide this general capability. On the other hand, since the time duration to complete the research project was limited, the survey method was a cost effective way to gather information from a large group of people within a short time. The survey design made feasible very large samples and thus making the results statistically significant even when analyzing multiple variables. It allowed for many questions to be asked about a given topic giving considerable flexibility to the analysis. Usually, high reliability is easy to obtain by presenting all subjects with a standardized stimulus; observer subjectivity is greatly eliminated. Cooper and Schindler (2006) assert that the results of a survey can be easily generalized to the entire population..

Research settings

This study was carried out solely in the oil industry, Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) to be specific It was be conducted only in Edo-State (Benin City).

Sources of Data

The data for this study were generated from two main sources; Primary sources and secondary sources. The primary sources include questionnaire, interviews and observation. The secondary sources include journals, bulletins, textbooks and the internet.

Population of the study

A study population is a group of elements or individuals as the case may be, who share similar characteristics. These similar features can include location, gender, age, sex or specific interest. The emphasis on study population is that it constitute of individuals or elements that are homogeneous in description (Udoyen, 2019). The population of the study were all the staff of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in Edo-State (Benin City).



This chapter presents the analysis of data derived through the questionnaire and key informant interview administered on the respondents in the study area. The analysis and interpretation were derived from the findings of the study. The data analysis depicts the simple frequency and percentage of the respondents as well as interpretation of the information gathered. A total of One hundred and twenty (120) questionnaires were administered to respondents of which 100 were returned. The analysis of this study is based on the number returned.




In this study, our focus was to carryout  a critical analysis on the impact of database on organizational performance in an industry. The study specifically was aimed at  Examining whether Database has any impact on organizational performance, Determine whether database has any impact on management decision making.

The study adopted the survey research design and randomly enrolled participants in the study. A total of 120 responses were validated from the enrolled participants where all respondent are active workers in the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in Edo State.

The findings revealed from this investigation proved that there is a significant relationship between Database and organizational performance. The findings also revealed that there is a significant relationship between Information system and management decisions in an organization.

Information system collects data, organizes people, procedures, databases and devices used to provide routine information that will assist managers in making effective and efficient decisions that will improve both individual and organizational performances, plays a vital role in realizing the objectives of an organization. It helps in ensuring that actual organizational performance conforms to the expected performance objective of the organization through the provision of accurate and necessary information needed for effective decision making that will lead to the achievement of organizational objectives. This study therefore concludes that database significantly influences the organizational performance of NNPC Benin city through increased profitability and market share.


Based on the foregoing conclusion, the following, recommendations were hereby made:

  1. Management should ensure that organizational performance is sustained through regular evaluation of her database.
  2. Management should also ensure that other organizational success factors are evaluated to compliment the contributions of the database to the success of the organization.


  • Barry, S. (1998):Introduction to Computer Information System. New York, Rinelart and Winston. Drucker, P. (1977): An Introduction view of Management. New York, Harpers.
  • Heinz Welhrich and Harold Koontz: A global management perspective, 10th Edition. Lusy, T. (1995): Management Information System, 7th Edition, ELBS London.
  • Miller, E. F: An approach to an effective Management Information System: American Management Association, New York.
  • Olawepo, G. T. (1990): An introduction to Data Processing and Management Information System, Ilorin.
  • Oliver, E. C. and Chapman: Data Processing and Information Technology. 8th Edition, ELBS, London.