Theology Project Topics

Immorality in the Church and Its Effects on Church Growth

Immorality in the Church and Its Effects on Church Growth

Immorality in the Church and Its Effects on Church Growth

Chapter One


The purpose of this research is:

  1. To establish what the Bible says about the Christian youth and godly lifestyles.
  2. To uncover the root cause(s) of immorality and eroding of our Christian values among the Christian youth.
  3. To discover the effects of copying worldly lifestyles.
  4. To proffer solutions and admonish the youth to return to Christian values.




This chapter shall review the related literature on youth lifestyles by various writers. The opinions reflected in this chapter comprises of both Christian and secular authors. It also contains the Bible on youth, youth culture and other issues to the youths.

The actual literature reviewed for this research is the Bible, books, newspapers, journals, professional publications, published and unpublished works, Seminar works, projects etc.

In recent times, the issue of globalization as evident in global mass communication enhanced information around the world. Yet, it has also brought about increased inequality, individual alienation, social and cultural tumult. The phenomenon is also seen to be leading to the replacement of traditional structures such as the family, religion and the community with ones supposedly more relevant to the modern world.[1]

There seems to be almost blind faith in the new modern and technological solutions to problems and a subsequent devaluing of traditional values and structures. No matter how valuable they have proven to be over centuries, people are surprisingly quick to project their indigenous traditions and cultural values as reactionary, static, irrelevant to their lives.[2] However, the word of God is lethal enough to neutralize all influences. What God has said is not only alive and active but also sharper than any double-edged sword. His Word can cut through our spirits and souls and through our joints and marrow, until it discovers the desires and thoughts of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12). The Holy Spirit of God, in the life of the believer is the greatest influence.


“How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to your word.” (Psalms 119:9)  Base on the passage above youths cannot show the way to their fellow youths until they know the way themselves. The Bible, our source of authority, has a lot to say about the youth with an ideal lifestyle (youths who know the way) and youth without ideal lifestyles (youths who know not the way or youth that know the way but they rejected it). There are many examples of youths who dare to make a difference in their generations, defying youthful exuberance and its enticement. But there are youths who became victim of youthful sin. Below are few biblical examples of such youths:



Joseph the son of Jacob was made an overseer in the house of the captain of the guard in Egypt when he was young (Genesis 37:2)

Now the Ishmaelites had taken Joseph to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, one of the king’s officers, who was the captain of the palace guard. The LORD was with Joseph and made him successful. He lived in the house of his Egyptian master, who saw that the LORD was with Joseph and had made him successful in everything he did. Potiphar was pleased with him and made him his personal servant; so he put him in charge of his house and everything he owned. (Genesis.39:1-4).[3]

He demonstrated high sense of responsibility in the discharged of his duty to the admiration of his master. How did Joseph become the man he was? Rev. Thomas Kirk writes, “One thing which will aid us in understanding how Joseph became the man he did, is to know something of his parents and early surroundings.”[4] Joseph lived a godly lifestyle that was so unique because of the influence of the kind of parents he had.




This study is about the problems that are associated with youths and worldly life styles in Yobe State. The method used for the collection of data is categorized into sections, which are primarily on the procedures that have been used in conducting the field work. These are the population description, sample, questionnaires, method of data collection and method of data analysis.


The population the researcher used in this study includes pastors, parents and youths of ECWA, COCIN, Baptist and Anglican Churches Potiskum in Yobe State.

Since it would be practically impossible to survey all the hundred of youths of the above mentioned churches, the researcher deemed it wise to utilize a sample opinion of very experienced and well informed pastors in the field, parents and youths who are very outstanding members.


This work is based entirely on the sample opinion of 80 respondents both pastors, parent and youths are included. Out of this number 20 are pastors, some with responsibilities like Chairmen and Secretaries of their denominations. Other contributors are parents with a very good parenting record who are 25 in number and 35 outstanding respected youths who play key role in every activities of the church.




Having carried out a field research, where raw data were gathered, the researcher now presents the data in an analytical manner. It is also worthy to note that the following categories of respondents were consulted.

  1. Pastors
  2. Parents
  3. Youths

The respondents were carefully selected based on their maturity, roles in the church or in the family and in the society in general. Out of one hundred questionnaires distributed only eighty were filled and returned as stated in chapter three. All responses in the questionnaire relating to all questions were analyzed in terms of questions, responses and percentage for the total number of respondents.



At this point, we have brought all findings made together in the data analysis on the topic under discussion.

The aim of doing so was to enhance the understanding of this research at glance. The findings from the respondent have some implications also. The recommendations could help the readers to understand the role of the parents, community and the church in building godly Christian lifestyles among youth. It will also guide many others who will be interested in making research on the Christian youth lifestyles and how to approach against immoralitys of our youths of today.


This research work has attempted to address every important and challenging problem to the development of godly Christian life styles among youth. Though immorality has been measured in mirror concepts like Acculturation, Cult, Culture, Diffusion, Disrespect, Drug Abuse, Hedonism, Individualism, Indolence, Occult, Pride, Sexual Immorality, Violence etc. the recent finding in this research goes beyond this immorality among Christian youths is a multidimensional problem that includes the physical, social, mental and psychological dimension of youth beings.

The causes of immorality among youth are also multifaceted. Though this cause can be divided and classified according to their extent and scope, the real causes of immorality among youth are deliberate act of choices of the youth who are motivated by worldly values. The Bible has enough for everyone to have a godly comfortable life to live. However, youth after knowing the truth decide to deny the power that is in it and head toward ungodly or worldly lifestyle.

The research has shown to us that God places a high value on youths in the Bible. There are many examples of youth who dare to make a difference in their generations, defying youthful exuberance and its enticement. God uses youth to share his truth. The researcher presented some biblical examples of such youth who demonstrated high sense of responsibility in the discharge of their duty to the admiration of their masters. Youth who were kind and God fearing in the face of a hopeless situation and possible execution for their faith in God. Youth who stayed committed to their God and the godly heritage they never allowed their beauty and position to make lose sight of God. Youth who’s friendship and dating was without romance or pre-marital sex. Youth who stand true to the salvation that the received to the extend that they were willing to follow Christ even to the point of crucifixion unwaveringly. Youth who were able to live godly lifestyles because they were well cultured by their parents, religious leaders and the society. The Bible has everything the youth need past, present and future to live a godly life.

The research also presented some biblical example of youth who lived immorality. Who know not the way or youth who know the way but rejected it. Youth who acted contrary to the teaching of their parents, religious leaders and the society. Although they knew God, many youth in Potiskum have killed, many have lost their respect, many have joined cult group because of job, food, clothing and need of protection. Many youth are living only for the moment. Many youth in Potiskum do not have plan for their future, they are only concerned about what they will hey now. Many work with that kind of mentality therefore they are not trustworthy, or faithfully. Many youth are taking after the Counsel of their ungodly friends. Many youth in Potiskum disrespect their elderly people. These kinds of youth are found every place. Many youths go to Church to hear the preachers but not to obey the Word of God.

The above mentioned area of our research explain in a very clear terms what contributed to the present state of Potiskum youth. In our lives and in our churches as Christian leaders, we must show that God has a special love and regard for the Christian youth with immorality. Our Pastors and Christian workers in Potiskum and it area must be trained to realize that their minds and attitudes toward youth with immorality should be that God as taught and lived by Christ Himself. As pastors and Christian workers, they have to understand that they are faced to a society that has so many youth with worldly lifestyles this kind of youths should be assisted to develop godly norms and vales by appealing to their own ethical awareness through the causes-to-effect critical analysis of the choices they make in life for themselves or on behalf of society.

Christian youth with worldly lifestyles demands a response that is essentially spiritual at its care. Their needs are about truth and Wholistic transformation which can only be as a result of encountering the truth. Therefore, worldly lifestyle by its very nature demands a spiritual response.

We need to respond at a level that goes deeper than out traditional level of engagement. We need to expand our scope by addressing youth culture to clarify the very identity of the ungodly youth lifestyle. Our community organization has to go beyond mobilizing youths with this kind of problems to creating convental communities that are pattern after Yahweh’s covenant strategies to include prayer and fellowship. We cannot rise to the challenge of teaching youth without becoming agents of transformation. We cannot be agents of transformation among youths without fundamental under girding at the spiritual level. The y cannot be godly without addressing the spiritual.

Wholistic development of our youth with immoralitys must include transforming the agent of development. The emerging model of changing them is not only spiritual, but also demands an investment of the person. For example rebuilding relationship and forming covenantal communities demands investing in relationship.


Based on the aforementioned finding the following recommendations and suggestions have been made.

  1. The transformation of the mind of and heart of the youths with worldly lifestyles is foundational for any lasting change in the practical area of the Christian value that is godly.
  2. True changes must depend on the establishment and affirmation of all peolple’s (worldly or Godly people) dignity and self-worth especially as society is changing. People need self-esteem to be fully relevant.
  3. Transformation must always be appropriate to the youth culture that is to be transformed. No culture is pure and holy, but we know that all culture have intristic values that redeemed and used the basis for social, economical, political and religious transformation.
  4. The core of human development is spiritual without charge in youths lifestyles, youth will remained self-centred creatures.
  5. Promote vital biblical principles that will create a solid foundation upon which to build youth community unprecedented freedom and opportunity.
  6. The need for the church to become involved in holistic youth ministry to help save our youth and build the church tomorrow.
  7. The pastors in Potiskum must first understand that immorality among youth is more than what we can think or imagine. It is no longer seen as condition or circumstances it is the way of life.
  8. Parents must study to know the way youth look at the world, church and the entire human kind.
  9. Youth must be taught on how to reject the pressure from the politician that mostly make of them to achieve their own evil aims.
  10. Focus should be made on the re-orientation our Christian values and generating employment.
  11. Youth most be taught biblical way of dressing the kind of language they can use, the kind of music they can give priority for.
  12. Youth must get rid of corruption, exam malpractices, fraud, theft, drunkenness, embezzlement of public fund, laziness, corruption and the get rich mentality.
  13. The church must focus on economic empowerment among youths. By making it easier for youths to be empowered, training them with the skill of business.
  14. When pastors gives instruction for youth to do something they should follow up to see that they have followed instructions as expected of them.
  15. Churches must preach about youths and immoral living . the church has not paid adequate attention to effect of immoral living on the lives of its youth.
  16. Strengthening the teaching on Christian tenent of faith among youth. Potiskum future depends on producing youth who are well prepared to take their place in tomorrow’s
  17. Provide better schools and colleges where youth will be taught character treat of Jesus.
  18. Provide better trained teachers and trainers who will mentor and discipline youth through what they teach and through their life.
  19. Provide courses that build vocational and entrepreneurial skill.
  20. Improving training and expose to information and communication technology at all levels. Provide them with biblical way avoiding anything that may likely take away their attention.
  21. Offering farmers improved irrigation, machinery and crop varieties will help agricultural productivity and tackle immorality. An idle mid is a devil workshop. Since 80% of Potiskum people are farmer.
  22. Protecting the vulnerable youth with immorality by giving special attention on them. The church must increase their budget on that.
  23. Organizations and youth ministries must organize workshop on understanding adolescents critical issued: Divorce and Separation, Alcohol, Illicit Drugs, Tobacco, Eating Disorder, Teenage Sexuality, Violence, Acculturation, Cult, Cultural Shift, Youth Culture, Diffusion, Disrespect, Hedonism, Individualism, Indolence etc.
  24. In other to enhance a great inculcation of the Christian values among youth in the church, there is need for enough facilitators, motivators, counselors, mentors and resource providers. This people should serve the youth under the direct supervision of Christian Education Coordinator and the Pastor.
  25. There should be adequate teaching and preaching on the realities of sin and its consequences on the youths future especially when it is biblically and community wise. Youths should be made to understand the rules and the ethics of every community more especially if they are stepping into that community for the first time.
  26. Youths should be told the danger of going after latest fashion they see in the world around them to avoid been mislead by worldly lifestyle (i.e. hairstyles, clothings and youthful language etc).
  27. Youth must be taught on how they can live above peer pressure and societal influences to do what is right.
  28. Youths must be oriented on how they can keep themselves pure by sheer determination in obedience to their culture and in God.


  • Abdul – Kalmatulla Jon and J. Francis B. James, Strange Fire in the Church (Jos, Plateau State: Light House Rescue Mission International, 2012).
  • Arthur E. Cundall & Leon Morris, Judges & Ruth (Inter-Varsity Press, Leicester England     Downers Grove, Illinois USA, 1968).
  • Aylward Shorter, Toward a Theology of Inculturation (Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1994).
  • Bruce, F. F., The International Bible Commentary with the New International Version (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1979).
  • Coleman G. Luck, Daniel, (Moody Press, Chicago, 1958).
  • Craig S. Keener, The Bible Background Commentary, New Testament, (Downers Grove, Illinois USA: Inter-Varsity Press, 1993), 379.
  • David and Pat Alexander, The Lion Handbook to the Bible (Sandy Lane West, Oxford, England, 1973).
  • Derek Williams (ed.), New Concise Bible Dictionary (Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 1989).
  • Ernest Haenchen, The Acts of The Apostles, A Commentary (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1971).
  • Esther Fuchs. “Status and Role of Female Heroines in the Biblical Narrative” Pages 77 – 84 in Women in the Hebrew Bible (ed. Alice Bach; New York and London: Routledge, 1999).
  • Frank Charles Thompson, Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, (Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co. Inc, 1988).
  • Harley Atkinson, Teaching Youth with Confidence, (Wheaton, Illinois: Evangelical Training Association, 2001).
  • Kayode E. Adesogan. Christian Conduct (Ibadan, Nigeria: HEBN Publishers Plc, 2010).
  • Kenneth Barker, The NIV Study Bible (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing                    House, 1995).

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